BOTANICA LITHUANICA 2003, Suppl. 5: 25–46 - Botanikos institutas

BOTANICA LITHUANICA 2003, Suppl. 5: 25–46 - Botanikos institutas

BOTANICA LITHUANICA 2003, Suppl. 5: 25–46 - Botanikos institutas


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40EkMEpVPlM Pl V Ep Ek3 pav. Vieðvilës rezervate aptiktø retø samanø pasiskirstymas ávairiose augimvietëse. Sutrumpinimai:Ek – epiksilai, Ep – epifitai, M – miðkai, Pl – pelkës, V – vandens telkiniaiir jø pakrantësFig. 3. Distribution of rare bryophyte species recorded in Vieðvilë Strict Nature Reserve invarious habitats. Abbreviations: Ek – epixyles, Ep – epiphytes, M – forests, Pl –mires, V – water bodiesRetø rûðiø kiekis (%) tarp visø samanø rûðiøPercentage of rare species1614121086420Pl M V Ep EkBiotopai ir substrataiBiotopes and substrates4 pav. Vieðvilës rezervato retø samanø rûðiø kiekis (%) tarp visø samanø rûðiø. Sutrumpinimai:Ek – epiksilai, Ep – epifitai, M – miðkai, Pl – pelkës, V – vandens telkiniaiir jø pakrantësFig. 4. Percentage (%) of rare species in various habitats in Vieðvilë Strict Nature Reserve.Abbreviations: Ek – epixyles, Ep – epiphytes, M – forests, Pl – mires, V – waterbodies

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