historiarum libri ix. - Notes du mont Royal

historiarum libri ix. - Notes du mont Royal

historiarum libri ix. - Notes du mont Royal


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ADNOTATIONESVALCK. — Ex Var. Lect. in cap. 81,4., collata eaaacriptura.quam h. 1. exhibent <strong>libri</strong>, abunde intelligirtr"Stufiwtnxi nou.ZjWfiimt, nomen huiusviri scripsisse He*rodotuin. Caeterutn in Var. Leet. c. 83 , 4. pro c 122. rt--pone c. i5i extr. et ibid. pag. 115. lin. 1. pro Ald. Vbti.-oportebat Arch, Vtnd. S.CAP. CXX.II. 3. inifvx* - - - it<strong>ix</strong>»**** ti kKO'XT«* ) Nostrum suo morescripsissesuspicor tieifvx*-—ir(x»vt*v etc. Semel alibi tUxtvrott posuerant llbrarii locosimillimo, IV. 43. htifvx* - - rnt U rw NiiXa* tUx**~«•«> if rot 'AtiBitt xeXsrot: ubi nunc legiturex Codkibw?%-wa». tuiovx* satis commendabunt usus Herodoii, .et adThom. M. in A*ufu4i adnotatio Hemsterhutii, sic miaafcquoque tractantis, atque isthac arte inimitabili, utseaperLeidenaem Criticum agnoscas. VALCK. — inif«i«operarum error editionem Gronov. invaserat; tuifvx* «-cite reposuit PVett. ut habent superiores editi scriptifM<strong>libri</strong> omnes. In tt(x»vvctt hie nihil variant <strong>libri</strong>: et pntxtvrm, quod lib. IV. c. 43, 10. a Gronov. ex Med. reee*ptum tenuerat Wett. et post eum alii, equidem probitex codicibus consulto $

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