historiarum libri ix. - Notes du mont Royal

historiarum libri ix. - Notes du mont Royal

historiarum libri ix. - Notes du mont Royal


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332 A D N O T A T I O N E - STMJTOL ir oraVr», ait, i; rl vv» niwi: fieut Earip. Phoen. vs.438. *AXX' II; ri rc/wi nvvoi cWxvri; xxxir. Paene ultimaMiltiadis, [lin. 3i.] «» $2 rcj» x*oartv$orrvr nj» «-VMISOVX»*«Xjr, satis adparet quid sibi velint: una tamen adiecta litera,una ablata, clariora evaderent: rii» JJ (nempeyn*-M»») roiv xxomviorrur rjr o-v/uSoXijv rtv ikt). Sed elegantercorrigit Keiilbiui, >f» «1 r«v KTimJgW niv rvuHeXrir !%%••ertitque 5i* vero iis adhaereseas qui student conftictum mpedire.rr!( avrov yvuMx; <strong>ix</strong>oVfvo; dicitur Thrasybulus ThneydidiVlll.81. De Callimachq polemarcho Polemon p. 16.rwv aXXatviroXMMCp%«i»<strong>ix</strong>xXtoretc. Adde lib. III. 12. WESS.3a. TIIV o-vitdoxiiv) Hocflagitat res ipsa, optimeab^rck.oblatum. Necessitatem mutationis agnoscunt viridocti,deadhaerente eAf/solliciti. Scite Reistius, $r i\ rwv ourenr. nVrvutSoXrir txf- si vero iis adkaereseas, qui student eonflietsaminpedire. 'Exfttotl ri»e; notum admo<strong>du</strong>m: permutaturque inCod. Ask. c. 116. ifxo» loco tTjeo». Airesehius ir ii T*>» a'»*cr.Viif o-VM-BoXrJr <strong>ix</strong>y, adscito i yra>nx. Tritum sane Nostro >kiu* yruux xlfitt II. 43. III. 45. IV. 127. plena dictione, quamdefectam illis vocibus non recordor. Esto, in illo Msstorumsilentio, sua cuique optio. Mihi <strong>du</strong>dam placuit, »» S) r«ruv xxonrtviirtwt wi» o-v/u&Xii» ?Xa, ut roi perierit ob sequensT«V. WESS. — Vide Kar.Lcc*. 5.CAP. CXI. 4* ro'v tnXtyucfxsv <strong>ix</strong>«'» *f»«*f r»

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