Nature areas in Kristinehamn

Nature areas in Kristinehamn

Nature areas in Kristinehamn

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<strong>Nature</strong> <strong>areas</strong> close to Krist<strong>in</strong>ehamnA9 skogen. Once the tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g grounds of the A9 regiment, this13large woodland area south of Jutviken and Björkvallen has manysmall gravel roads, paths and ru<strong>in</strong>s of old homesteads. There are vantagepo<strong>in</strong>ts on the waterfront with great views over Lake Vänern that can bereached by foot, bicycle and car.1Kummelön. The island of Kummelön is probably the most popularnature reserve <strong>in</strong> the whole county. It has impressive l<strong>in</strong>den andoak trees, an abundant spr<strong>in</strong>g flora with masses of white wood anemonesand blue hepatica, and a rich bird life. A good stop for bird enthusiasts isthe cab<strong>in</strong> at the vantage po<strong>in</strong>t: it has great views over the Ölmeviken bay,which is one of the best bird sites <strong>in</strong> the county. There are many geese andducks <strong>in</strong> this area <strong>in</strong> the spr<strong>in</strong>g when the ice on Lake Vänern melts. Severalspecies of warblers and woodpeckers arrive <strong>in</strong> May, and a European seaeagle or two may even turn up! Sometimes the authorities place bait <strong>in</strong>the bay <strong>in</strong> the w<strong>in</strong>tertime to attract eagles from Lake Vänern.Islands <strong>in</strong> Lake VänernVänern’s archipelago is unique and has a varied flora. Some of the islandsand shores are barren and rocky <strong>in</strong> nature, whilst others are green andlush with many k<strong>in</strong>ds of plants and trees. The fauna is characterized bybirds, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the common tern, seagulls, oystercatchers, osprey and Europeansea eagles. The southbound road out of Krist<strong>in</strong>ehamn provides youwith several opportunities to experience Lake Vänern from the land. Oryou can take a ferry out to one of the islands <strong>in</strong> the archipelago. Fish<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>the lake is free if you use handheld fish<strong>in</strong>g equipment.234Saxholmen. Ru<strong>in</strong>s of a medieval fort surrounded by greenvegetation.Långön. Lovely flat rocks to bathe from; footpaths <strong>in</strong> unspoiledcountryside.Alvön. Wooded island with extensive flats rocks to bathe from,and several footpaths.5Vålön - Kalvön - Sibberön. Three islands connected byfootbridges. A good idea is to take the ferry to Vålön and follow themarked path (4 km long) to Kalvön and Sibberön.14Hults hamn. A headland with views over Lake Vänern and one ofits shallow bays. It is a good place for observ<strong>in</strong>g seabirds, skua, gullsand waders, especially <strong>in</strong> the spr<strong>in</strong>g. Many of the birds land close to Hult’sharbour, where they rest before cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>g their journey northwards.Large flocks of black-throated divers, grebes, scoters, velvet scoters andeiders can be seen here.15Baggerud. A beautiful stretch of shorel<strong>in</strong>e on Lake Vänern, witha bath<strong>in</strong>g area and camp site. It has a sheltered sandy beach, largesand dunes and rocky beaches. There is an ancient oak tree close to thegrove of junipers south west of Baggerud. As a place for birdwatch<strong>in</strong>g, thisis best <strong>in</strong> the spr<strong>in</strong>g, when the many seabirds, skua, gulls and waders passoverhead, on their way to more northern latitudes. Great views over LakeVänern. Launch<strong>in</strong>g ramp for troll<strong>in</strong>g boats.16Dyrön. (Hike: 5.4 km). A relatively new nature reserve at thesouthernmost po<strong>in</strong>t of the municipality, with a fantastic view overLake Vänern. With its 200 hectares of land and the same amount of water,Dyrön has dramatic shorel<strong>in</strong>es, a rich birdlife and small-scale farms thatcan be traced back to the 16th century. You can see osprey and blackthroateddivers here, and maybe even a European sea eagle or two if theyhappen to be visit<strong>in</strong>g. Some more unusual species can also be observedhere, such as Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers, long-tailed tits, marsh tits andhawf<strong>in</strong>ches.17Nötön-Åråsviken. (Hike: 3x5.5 km) The Nötön/Åråsviken naturereserve lies <strong>in</strong> the most south easternly part of Värmland. Levelcountryside crossed by many w<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g ridges, the reserve is a mosaic ofdifferent k<strong>in</strong>ds of landscape. The area’s term<strong>in</strong>al mora<strong>in</strong>es are amongstthe best <strong>in</strong> Sweden. They were formed around 10,000 years ago, at theend of the last Ice Age, when the sheet of ice retreated northwards. The<strong>in</strong>sect fauna here is particularly rich: the Nötö reserve is regarded asbe<strong>in</strong>g the prime location for rare <strong>in</strong>sects <strong>in</strong> the county of Värmland. Manyk<strong>in</strong>ds of butterfly can be found here, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the majestic and colourfulswallowtail. The bittern, coot, pochard, tufted duck, crane, grebe, brownharrier, osprey and great reed warbler are all species of birds that can beobserved <strong>in</strong> the wetland <strong>areas</strong>.18Kilsvikens <strong>in</strong>re. (Hike: 1-2 km) The reserve <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>ner area ofthe Kilsviken bay is well-known for its rich birdlife, and is rated asa rest<strong>in</strong>g area of <strong>in</strong>ternational importance for wetland birds. The birdlifeis best studied from the observation towers, from which you can see allk<strong>in</strong>ds of birds rang<strong>in</strong>g from large flocks of ducks, geese and waders toEuropean sea eagles. Large parts of the reserve are closed to the public <strong>in</strong>the period 1st March -15th September, but the footpaths and observationtowers may be used at all times.3Långön4Alvön1Kummelön2SaxholmenSibberönÖlme5VålönHacklehemsbergetVarnumvikens <strong>in</strong>reA9-skogen136Krist<strong>in</strong>ehamn7NiklasdammHultetsfritidsområde11Stora Vilången8SättraBjörneborg109Visman / Vismensl<strong>in</strong>gorna(Hikes: 1.5 and 0.5 km)These two trails follow the Visman streamat Björneborg. One walk is along the prepared jogg<strong>in</strong>g track onthe western side; the other is along a w<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g woodland path thattakes you through the key biotope area on the eastern side andback via the bicycle way. There is also a path that runs parallel tothe shorel<strong>in</strong>e of the Vismen lake.The key biotope (habitat) at Visman is a lush deciduous wood. It24has a diverse flora that requires rich soil, such as wild honeysuckle,hazel, bitter-vetch, willow herbs and dog violet.The crowns of the trees create a high roof over this green, lush25biotope on the shorel<strong>in</strong>e of the Vismen lake; <strong>areas</strong> of herbalvegetation and bushes form airy “rooms” <strong>in</strong> the woods. Wood avens, wildraspberry and lady’s mantle are common plants that can be found here.Karisäng-spåren(Hike: 2.5 km) Karisäng is a popular recreational area with anetwork of jogg<strong>in</strong>g tracks.26Karisäng. Lush fir woodland, with some unspoiled, natural <strong>areas</strong>.Several small streams make their way across the mossy ground.1914Hults hamn12BlomsterhultmossenKey to the symbolsBird siteTree floraViewBjörneborgKrist<strong>in</strong>ehamns’s Guest HarbourBath<strong>in</strong>g areaTravel CentreÄlvbron. Älvbron, on the Varnan stream, was orig<strong>in</strong>ally a small6foundry that made rod iron. The vegetation around Älvbron’s oldiron hammer is now lush; you enter an outdoor “room” of aspen, alder,birches, bird cherry and dogwood! Stop at the stones and the surg<strong>in</strong>gwaterfall and get a feel of bygone times!Niklasdamm. There was once a rod iron works on the Varnan7watercourse at Niklasdamm. Today, ly<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the vegetation, only ru<strong>in</strong>srema<strong>in</strong> of a work place that once produced many tons of iron. The oldEnglish park, north of the pond, is well worth a visit.Stora Vilången. A nature reserve. Thick p<strong>in</strong>es trees, several8hundreds of years old, can be found on the islands and headlandsof Lake Vänern. Old gnarly p<strong>in</strong>es <strong>in</strong> various stages of decompositionsupport many rare species of flora and fauna. The island of Rutön hasthe oldest and most natural woodland; be<strong>in</strong>g close to the town, thisnatural woodland is a little gem <strong>in</strong> countryside that is otherwise used foragriculture. It also has rema<strong>in</strong>s of Stone Age dwell<strong>in</strong>gs. The old trail <strong>in</strong> thereserve passes through a mosaic of marshes, dry land, cultivated woodsand natural woods. The reserve is suitable for recreation, e.g. fish<strong>in</strong>g andlong distance ice skat<strong>in</strong>g, and has several bonfire and barbeques <strong>areas</strong>.9Gocko. A stretch of shorel<strong>in</strong>e along Lake Vismen where you canenjoy the morn<strong>in</strong>g sun.10Vismen. A woodland lake where you can enjoy the birdlife and gofish<strong>in</strong>g. The road along the western shorel<strong>in</strong>e has great views overthe lake. There is a ramp by the car park where boats can be launched<strong>in</strong>to the water. (Fish<strong>in</strong>g permit is required.)Värmlands Säby. (Hike: 5.5 km) Here you can walk <strong>in</strong> an old landscapeof graz<strong>in</strong>g land with mighty oak trees. This area, which was a part of thearchipelago at one time, has many <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g remnants from both theIce Age and the Iron Age. It also has a rich bird life, and is the habitat ofmany species of <strong>in</strong>sects and lichens. The Värmlands Säby reserve has avaried landscape composed of broad-leaved deciduous woods, meadows,deciduous wetland woods, dry meadows and shore meadows. The veryrich bird life <strong>in</strong> the reserve <strong>in</strong>cludes the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker,hawf<strong>in</strong>ch and spotted nutcracker. The broad-leaved deciduous woods arethe home of many endangered species of <strong>in</strong>sects. Close to the reserve isthe enormous Säbyeken oak tree, which has a circumference of approx. 8metres!Visnumsåsen. In the valley of the Visman stream, just south20of Road 26, there are small gravel ridges that are a part of theVisnumsåsen boulder ridge. Several of them conta<strong>in</strong> Iron Age burialgrounds, a couple of which are accessible from the road. The Pasqueflower (Anemone pulsatilla), which is protected, blooms <strong>in</strong> April-May <strong>in</strong>the dry meadows of Sommersta, the southernmost ridge.Konsteruds domänreservat. This is the site of two old doma<strong>in</strong>21reserves. They both have old fir and p<strong>in</strong>e trees <strong>in</strong> vary<strong>in</strong>g degreesof decomposition, which is beneficial to many rare species of flora andfauna. Mosses, lichens, mushrooms, <strong>in</strong>sects and a large variety of birds allthrive here. Many old trees have lots of hang<strong>in</strong>g lichens grow<strong>in</strong>g on them.Although the bad storm <strong>in</strong> the w<strong>in</strong>ter of 2004 resulted <strong>in</strong> many treesbe<strong>in</strong>g blown down, they provide a welcome habitat for many <strong>in</strong>sects andbirds. Please take extra care <strong>in</strong> these parts of the reserve.Medhamn15Baggerud17Nötön-Åråsviken2018Kilsvikens <strong>in</strong>reNybble19Värmlands säbyBäckhammar2123Konsterud242526Trolley bike stationPark<strong>in</strong>gW<strong>in</strong>dbreak/cab<strong>in</strong> for shelterToiletBarbeque areaTableCaféCafé/FoodBird observation towerInformationCont<strong>in</strong>uation of The Iron TrailSmall/uneven/hilly pathFootpath/bikewayRoad with beautiful sceneryTrolley bike track<strong>Nature</strong> area11Karabykullarna. A group of small hills that are around 145m above sea level. The bedrock under the hills is composed ofKrist<strong>in</strong>ehamn granite, with parallel <strong>in</strong>trusions of hyperite that run <strong>in</strong> anorth-south direction. Hyperite is more resistant to erosion than granitewhich, over time, resulted <strong>in</strong> this l<strong>in</strong>e of hills be<strong>in</strong>g created. The hills are an<strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g illustration of the geology of Krist<strong>in</strong>ehamn.Blomsterhultsmossen. Just south of Björneborg, this f<strong>in</strong>e wetland12area has a peat bog surrounded by a woodland structure that isunusual <strong>in</strong> southwest Värmland. The area used to be a doma<strong>in</strong> reservedat<strong>in</strong>g back to 1937 and was the site of Stone Age dwell<strong>in</strong>gs. It is thehabitat of several k<strong>in</strong>ds of fauna, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g some rare species of liverwort,which can only survive <strong>in</strong> larger <strong>areas</strong> of undisturbed natural countryside.22Skagern. (Hike: 2.5 km trail around the Skagern lake). The scenicSkagern lake has lovely clear water for bath<strong>in</strong>g and lush bays. A partof the comb<strong>in</strong>ed hik<strong>in</strong>g and rid<strong>in</strong>g trail (“Skagern runt”) that goes aroundthe lake follows the old pilgrim route to Nidaros <strong>in</strong> Trondheim, Norway.Konsterud. Rent a trolley bike at Konsterud and then pedal23either north towards Degerfors or south towards Gullspång. Beobservant on the way: there’s a good chance of see<strong>in</strong>g wildlife such as elk,deer, beaver, grouse and nest<strong>in</strong>g cranes. And, if you’re very lucky, maybeeven a wolf or lynx! There’s a place to rest at Mosstorp and, close by, ashort footpath that leads to the Däveln lake where you can bathe and fish(fish<strong>in</strong>g permit is necessary). You also pass very close to the Stormossenpeat bog at Mickelsrud, one of the most valuable bogs <strong>in</strong> Sweden.Dyrön16Remember the Right of Public Access!www.naturvardsverket.se22© LantmäterietPhotographs: Lars-Peter Jansson and Johanna BengtsonCover photograph: the County Council’s photograph bankText: Johanna Bengtson, Camilla Eriksson & Stefan JohanssonMore <strong>in</strong>formation of the nature reserves can be found on thewebsite of the County Adm<strong>in</strong>istration Board: www.lansstyrelsen.sekrist<strong>in</strong>ehamn.se

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