Defined Vocabulary List for WJEC Level 2 Latin Unit 9524 ...

Defined Vocabulary List for WJEC Level 2 Latin Unit 9524 ...

Defined Vocabulary List for WJEC Level 2 Latin Unit 9524 ...

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<strong>Defined</strong> <strong>Vocabulary</strong> <strong>List</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>WJEC</strong> <strong>Level</strong> 2 <strong>Latin</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>9524</strong> – Additional <strong>Latin</strong> LanguageStages 35-40ager agri, m. field, landarma armorum, n.pl. arms, weaponsaut … aut indecl. either … orcado cadere, cecidi, casus fallcarmen carminis, n. song, poemcausa causae, f. cause, reason, caseconsul consulis, m. consulcopiae copiarum, f.pl. troops, <strong>for</strong>cesexercitus exercitus, m. armyignis ignis, m. firenusquam indecl. nowhererego regere, rexi, rectus ruletempestas tempestatis, f. stormutrum ... an indecl. whether ... orNot in CLC Checklistsacer acris, acre keen, eager, fiercecollis collis, m. hilldeicio deicere, deieci, deiectus throw downimpetus impetus, m. attackingenium ingenii, n. character, abilityinicio inicere, inieci, iniectus throw innumero numerare, numeravi, numeratus countpericulosus periculosa, periculosum dangeroussenatus senatus, m. senatesermo sermonis, m. speech, conversationutilis utile useful4

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