Opera omnia; - Wilbourhall.org

Opera omnia; - Wilbourhall.org Opera omnia; - Wilbourhall.org

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.92Ot fJuiv, ' \ ToXiVi imXiVffZV''.,,--^-^, ^sioio.^' -^ , '/,^^ \ m(wsv, avccKTStriv '/'. ^,555 ".^» rjffccv (^,, ,', 'quidem sursura-acti navigabant in urbem, sicut jusseratTelemachus, dilectus filius Ulyssis divini.Hunc autem celeriter progredientem pedes ferebant, donec venit in cortem;555 Ubi ei erant sues valde multae, apud quas subulcusBonus ut-erat, dormiebat, domims bene cupiens.556 iir'i»vii\ F. A. L.Ver. 554. troSss ^sgev,] Virgil. Ver. 556, ly/«v£»,] Al. ',.guo te Moeri pedes?Eclog. IX. 1.

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