Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


LATIN GRAMMAR 17. sacer (sacred). 18. sacerdos (priest). 19. dux (leader). 20. spes (hope). 21. 19nitus (burning). 22. praesumere (to presume). 23. deposltio (burial). b) Observe the relation between these Latin and English words. Latin timere sonus vinum pes locus porta VIr oculus English timidity resonant vintage pedestal location portal virile occulist Latin munlre sanguis lex ignis lumen vinum altus munus English 79 munitions sanguIne legislature ignition illumination vineyard altitude munificent c) Observe the relation of tJlese verbs adjuvare (to help) adunare (to unite) aestimare (to esteem) aggregare (to add to) amare (to love) cogitare (to think) condere (to found) connumerare (to number amongst) discutere (to disperse) donare (to give) dormlre (to sleep) to these nounl adjutorium (help) unitas (unity) aestimator (one who esteems) grex (flock) amator (lover) cogitatio (thought) conditor (founder, creator) numerus (number) discussio (dispersal) donum (gift) dornlitio (sleep)

LESSON XII UNIT ONE Sanctificetur nomen tuum. Hallowed b~ Thy name. Vocabulary quaerere (quaesivi, quaesitus), to s~ek, to ask scire, to know apparere, to app~ar vlvere (vixi, victus), to liv~ accendere (accendi, accensus), to kindle factor, factaris, m., maker arnor, amaris, m., lov~ vox, vocis, f., voic~ initium, -ii, n., beginning multus, -a, -urn, many mirus, -a, -urn, wonderful unigenitus, -a, -urn, only bcgotten tertius, -a, -urn, third defUnctus, -a, -urn, dead vespertlnus, -a, -urn, ev~ning (adj.) totus, -a, -urn (gen. totIus), all, the whole si (conj.), if tam (adv.), so (modifies adj. or adv.) Dum (conj.), whether quis (pron.), who quid (pron.), what; (adv.) why? ubi (adv. and conj.), wher~ quat (conj.), how many ClUl1 (conj.), when, sincc, although 80


UNIT ONE<br />

Sanctificetur nomen tuum. Hallowed b~ Thy name.<br />

Vocabulary<br />

quaerere (quaesivi, quaesitus), to s~ek, to ask<br />

scire, to know<br />

apparere, to app~ar<br />

vlvere (vixi, victus), to liv~<br />

accendere (accendi, accensus), to kindle<br />

factor, factaris, m., maker<br />

arnor, amaris, m., lov~<br />

vox, vocis, f., voic~<br />

initium, -ii, n., beginning<br />

multus, -a, -urn, many<br />

mirus, -a, -urn, wonderful<br />

unigenitus, -a, -urn, only bcgotten<br />

tertius, -a, -urn, third<br />

defUnctus, -a, -urn, dead<br />

vespertlnus, -a, -urn, ev~ning (adj.)<br />

totus, -a, -urn (gen. totIus), all, the whole<br />

si (conj.), if<br />

tam (adv.), so (modifies adj. or adv.)<br />

Dum (conj.), whether<br />

quis (pron.), who<br />

quid (pron.), what; (adv.) why?<br />

ubi (adv. and conj.), wher~<br />

quat (conj.), how many<br />

ClUl1 (conj.), when, sincc, although<br />


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