Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


LATIN GRAMMAR 59 docere docui doctus evadere evasi evasus respondere respondi responsus convertere converti conversus descendere descendi descensus discernere discrevi discretus surgere (to arise) surrexi surrectus B. Give the perfect and the past participle a) of these verbs which are like ponere: disponere; imponere b) of these verbs which are like mittere: admIttere; commlttere; emittere; permittere; dimlttere; promlttere c) of these verbs which are like dicere: addlcere; benedlcere d) of these verbs which are like ducere: deducere; educere; inducere; perducere; adducere t') of these verbs which are like incedere: concedere; intercedere; praecedere; procedere; recedere (to go back) ; secedere (to withdraw ) f) of these verbs which are like venIre: advenIre; invenIre; pervenIre ; praevenlre; provenlre; subvenlre g) of these verbs which are like convertere, descendere, and dare respectively : revertere (to go back), avertere; ascendere; circumdare h) of these verbs which are like snrgere: resurgere; consurgere (to rise up) c. Change the word in parentheses to the right case. The forms given are all nominative. I. inter (ei). 2. coram (Deus). 3. secundum (Scripturae). 4. cum

60 LATIN GRAMMAR (agnus). 5. trans (muri). 6. pro (vas). 7. ad (dexter). 8. in (ecclesiae). 9. ab (puer). 10. ex (civitas). II. contra (inimlcus). 12. sine (spes). 13. cum (laus). 14. per (intercessio). 15. de (caela). 16. pro (pax). 17. post (is). 18. cum (ego). 19. de (Deus). 20. e (domus). 21. intra (muri). 22. a (flammae). 23. propter (veritas). 24. circum (mons). 25. ante (omnia saecula). 26. prae (miseria). 27. ob (opera). 28. sine (ei). 29. inter (nos). 30. contra (tu). D. Vocabulary building. a) Derivations. Find in sections A, B, and C of Unit One the words that have the same derivation as the following: I. turha (multitude, crowd). 2. sedes (seat). 3. salus (salvation). 4. cogitart (to thInk). 5. indulgere (to forgive, to grant). 6. adjuvare (to aid). 7. deprecari (to beseech). 8. benedictus (blessed). 9. devotus (devoted). 10. absolvere (to absolve). II. elevare (to lift up). 12. habitare (to dwell). 13. resurgere (to rise again). 14. ascendere (to ascend). IS. salvare (to save). 16. salvus (safe). 17. intercedere (to intercede). 18. redimere (to redeem). 19. supplicare (to beseech). 20. redemptor (redeemer). 21. protegere (to protect). 22. perturbatio (disturbance) . b) Observe the relation between these Latin and English words. Latin English Latin English voluntas volunteer mundus mundane excelsus excellent adjutorium adj utant mens mentality plebs plebeian opus operatic verbum verbal sedere sedentary ostendere ostentation dexter dexterity solus solitary c) Note these verbs with their compounds. addlcere, to speak against, to assent to, to doom dicere (to speak) to, to adj udge { benedfcere, to speak well, to bless


(agnus). 5. trans (muri). 6. pro (vas). 7. ad (dexter). 8. in (ecclesiae).<br />

9. ab (puer). 10. ex (civitas). II. contra (inimlcus). 12. sine (spes).<br />

13. cum (laus). 14. per (intercessio). 15. de (caela). 16. pro (pax).<br />

17. post (is). 18. cum (ego). 19. de (Deus). 20. e (domus). 21. intra<br />

(muri). 22. a (flammae). 23. propter (veritas). 24. circum (mons).<br />

25. ante (omnia saecula). 26. prae (miseria). 27. ob (opera). 28. sine<br />

(ei). 29. inter (nos). 30. contra (tu).<br />

D. Vocabulary building.<br />

a) Derivations. Find in sections A, B, and C of Unit One the<br />

words that have the same derivation as the following:<br />

I. turha (multitude, crowd). 2. sedes (seat). 3. salus (salvation). 4.<br />

cogitart (to thInk). 5. indulgere (to f<strong>org</strong>ive, to grant). 6. adjuvare (to<br />

aid). 7. deprecari (to beseech). 8. benedictus (blessed). 9. devotus<br />

(devoted). 10. absolvere (to absolve). II. elevare (to lift up). 12.<br />

habitare (to dwell). 13. resurgere (to rise again). 14. ascendere (to<br />

ascend). IS. salvare (to save). 16. salvus (safe). 17. intercedere (to<br />

intercede). 18. redimere (to redeem). 19. supplicare (to beseech). 20.<br />

redemptor (redeemer). 21. protegere (to protect). 22. perturbatio<br />

(disturbance) .<br />

b) Observe the relation between these <strong>Latin</strong> and English words.<br />

<strong>Latin</strong> English <strong>Latin</strong> English<br />

voluntas volunteer mundus mundane<br />

excelsus excellent adjutorium adj utant<br />

mens mentality plebs plebeian<br />

opus operatic verbum verbal<br />

sedere sedentary ostendere ostentation<br />

dexter dexterity solus solitary<br />

c) Note these verbs with their compounds.<br />

addlcere, to speak against, to assent to, to doom<br />

dicere (to speak) to, to adj udge<br />

{ benedfcere, to speak well, to bless

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