Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


SECOND LATIN u ubi, where ubicumque (ubicunque), wherever, whenever ubique, everywhere ulcisci (dep. 3), ultus, to avenge ullus,any ulterior, further, later ultimus, last, ultimate, final; ad ultimum, to the last degree, utterly ultio, /., revenge, vengeance ultra, beyond; - fidem, incredible; - modum, immoderate umbra, t., shadow unctio, f.} anointing unde, wherefore, whence, thence, whereupon ungere, unxi, unctus, to anoint unicus, single unigenitus, only-begotten unio, /., union unire (4), to unite unitas, /., unity unitus, united, joined unus, one; in unum, together; nullus -, no one; una cum, together with; - solusque, the sale and only unusquisque, each and every one; ­ vestrum, each one of you universus, all, entire urgens, urgent urgere (2), ursi, to impel, to be urgent usque, as far as; all the way; - ad, even until, up to, as far as usurpare, to use usus, m., use; in usu, at the moment of usage, in the act of using; ex usu, expedient ut (uti), that, as, after, when; ­ quum, as when;- fit, as is commonly the case uter, which of two, both, either uterlibet, whichever of the two uterque, both, either of two, either one uterus, m., womb utilitas, f., benefit utique, indeed, doubtless utpote, as being, inasmuch as utrum, whether uxor, f., wife v valde, greatly, exceedingly; - quam, immensely valide, validly validitas, /., validity validus, valid valor, m., value, validity vanitas, f., vanity, vain or etTIpty thing vanus, vain, false varius, various, diverse ve (-ve), or; plus minusve, more or less vegetabilis, vegetable vehemens, strong, violent vehementer, strongly vehementius, earnestly vel, or; - ••. -, either ... or; seu . • • -, whether . . . or yelle, volui, to wish, to will, to choose, to mean vendue, to sell venditio, f., selling venerabilis, venerabIe venerari (dep. I), to venerate venia, f., pardon venialis, venial venialiter, venially venire, veni, ventus, to come venturus, coming, future verax, true verberare, to beat

SECOND LATIN verbum, n., word; ad -, literally, word for word vere, really, truly vereri (dep. 2), veritus, to fear veritas, t., truth vero, truly, but, whereas; minime -, by no means; nisi -, unless indeed versare, to turn, to treat, to deliberate versiculus, m., verse vertibilis, convertible, liable to be turned back verum, truly, indeed; - etiam, but also verus, true vespertinus, evening vester, your vestigium, n., footstep vestis, f., clothing, attire, vestment vetare, vetui, vetitus, to forbid vetlls, old vetustissimus, very ancien t v.g. (abbrev. for verbi gratia), for example via, f., way, road viator, m., wayfarer vicarius, m., vicar vicis, f., punishment, time, instance; in or ad vicem, instead of; pro hac vice, for this once vicissim, on the contrary, on the other hand, in turn victoria, f., victory vicms, m., a living videre (2), vidi, visus, to see videri (dep. 2), to seem vigere (2), to live, to flourish vigilare, to watch vincere, vici, victus, to overcome, to conquer Yindicare, to vindicate, to deliver vinum, n., wine vir, m., man, husband virginitas, f., virginity virgo, f., virgin, maiden virtuosus, virtuous, of virtue virtus, f., virtue, host, excellence, power, might, strength viscera, n. pl., bowels, innermost parts visibilis, visible vis, f., violence, force visitare, to visi t visitatio, f., visit, visitation visivus, visual vita, t., life vitiosus, vicious vitium, n., vice vituIus, m. J calf vivens, living vivi.ficare~ to quicken, to bring to life, to give life to vivere, vixi, victus, to live vivus, liv ing vix, scarcely, Vv·ith dii11culty vocabulum, n., name vocalis, voca1 vocare, to call vocatio, t., vocation volitio, f., volition, will volitus, wished, wanted, willed voluntas, t., \\.'ill votum, n., vow, prayer vox, f., voice, petition v. Test. (abbrev.), Old Testarnent vulgo, C01l1nlonly, generally vultus, m., face, countenance z zizania, n. pl., cockle


u<br />

ubi, where<br />

ubicumque (ubicunque), wherever,<br />

whenever<br />

ubique, everywhere<br />

ulcisci (dep. 3), ultus, to avenge<br />

ullus,any<br />

ulterior, further, later<br />

ultimus, last, ultimate, final; ad ultimum,<br />

to the last degree, utterly<br />

ultio, /., revenge, vengeance<br />

ultra, beyond; - fidem, incredible;<br />

- modum, immoderate<br />

umbra, t., shadow<br />

unctio, f.} anointing<br />

unde, wherefore, whence, thence,<br />

whereupon<br />

ungere, unxi, unctus, to anoint<br />

unicus, single<br />

unigenitus, only-begotten<br />

unio, /., union<br />

unire (4), to unite<br />

unitas, /., unity<br />

unitus, united, joined<br />

unus, one; in unum, together; nullus<br />

-, no one; una cum, together<br />

with; - solusque, the sale and only<br />

unusquisque, each and every one; ­<br />

vestrum, each one of you<br />

universus, all, entire<br />

urgens, urgent<br />

urgere (2), ursi, to impel, to be urgent<br />

usque, as far as; all the way; - ad,<br />

even until, up to, as far as<br />

usurpare, to use<br />

usus, m., use; in usu, at the moment<br />

of usage, in the act of using; ex usu,<br />

expedient<br />

ut (uti), that, as, after, when; ­<br />

quum, as when;- fit, as is commonly<br />

the case<br />

uter, which of two, both, either<br />

uterlibet, whichever of the two<br />

uterque, both, either of two, either<br />

one<br />

uterus, m., womb<br />

utilitas, f., benefit<br />

utique, indeed, doubtless<br />

utpote, as being, inasmuch as<br />

utrum, whether<br />

uxor, f., wife<br />

v<br />

valde, greatly, exceedingly; - quam,<br />

immensely<br />

valide, validly<br />

validitas, /., validity<br />

validus, valid<br />

valor, m., value, validity<br />

vanitas, f., vanity, vain or etTIpty thing<br />

vanus, vain, false<br />

varius, various, diverse<br />

ve (-ve), or; plus minusve, more or<br />

less<br />

vegetabilis, vegetable<br />

vehemens, strong, violent<br />

vehementer, strongly<br />

vehementius, earnestly<br />

vel, or; -<br />

••. -, either ... or;<br />

seu . • • -, whether . . . or<br />

yelle, volui, to wish, to will, to choose,<br />

to mean<br />

vendue, to sell<br />

venditio, f., selling<br />

venerabilis, venerabIe<br />

venerari (dep. I), to venerate<br />

venia, f., pardon<br />

venialis, venial<br />

venialiter, venially<br />

venire, veni, ventus, to come<br />

venturus, coming, future<br />

verax, true<br />

verberare, to beat

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