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Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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temperamentum, ft., temperament<br />

temperies, I., temperature, climate<br />

temporalis, temporal<br />

tempus, n., time; season, ad -, at the<br />

time, on time, for awhile; puncto<br />

temporis, in an instant; quanto tempore,<br />

as long as; successu temporis,<br />

in the course of time<br />

tendere, tetendi, tentus or tensus, to<br />

tend, to strive, to bend one's course<br />

tenebrae, I. pl.} darkness<br />

tenere (2), tenni, tentus, to hold, to<br />

have, to possess, to keep<br />

tentatio, I.} temptation<br />

tenuis, slight<br />

ter, three times<br />

terminare, to limit<br />

terminus, m.} term<br />

terra, f.} earth, ground, land<br />

terrenus, earthly<br />

territorium, n.} territory<br />

tertio, third, thirdly<br />

tertius, third<br />

testamentum, no, testament, covenant<br />

testari (dep. I), to testify<br />

testimonium, nO} witness<br />

testis, mo, witness<br />

tatus, m.} text<br />

theologia, I.} theology<br />

theologicus, theological<br />

theologus, m., theologian<br />

theophania, I.} manifestation of God<br />

in human form<br />

theoretice, theoretically<br />

thronus, mO} throne<br />

timere (2), timui, to fear, to be afraid<br />

timor, mo, fear, terror<br />

titulus, m., title<br />

tollere, sustuli, sublatus, to take away,<br />

to lift up<br />

totidem, just so many<br />

totus, whole, all; ex toto, wholly<br />

tractarc, to treat<br />

tradere, -didi, -ditus, to deliver up,<br />

to betray<br />

trahere, traxi, tractus, to attract,<br />

to draw, to bring<br />

transcendentalis, transcendental<br />

transcendere, -scendi, -scensm, to<br />

transcend<br />

transferre, -tuli, -latus, to transport,<br />

to convey<br />

transiens, transient<br />

transigere, -egi, -actus, to pass, to<br />

spend (time)<br />

transire (eo), to pass through, to go<br />

over or across to<br />

transmutare, to transform, to change<br />

transmutatio, lo} change<br />

transsubstantiatio, I.}<br />

transubstantia.­<br />

tion<br />

tremendus, tremendous, awful<br />

tremere, -ui, to tremble<br />

tremor, m.} fear, trembling<br />

tres, tria, three<br />

tribuere, -ui, -utns, to grant, to give<br />

tridentinus, of Trent<br />

trigesimus, thirtieth<br />

triginta, thirty<br />

Trinitas, I.} Trinity<br />

triplex, threefold, triple<br />

tristis, sad, sorrowful<br />

triticeus, wheaten<br />

triumphus, mO} triumph<br />

tropus, mO} figure of speech<br />

tuba, I.} trumpet<br />

tum . • • tum, both . • • and<br />

tumulus, m.} grave<br />

tunc, then; ex -, from of old<br />

turba, I.} multitude, crowd<br />

tunna, I.} squadron, troop<br />

turris, I.} tower<br />

tutamenturn, n.} safety, safeguard<br />

tutor, m., guardian<br />

tutus, safe<br />

tyrannicus, tyrannical

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