Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


SECOND LATIN submittere, -misi, -missus, to submit subobscure, somewhat obscurely substantia, f., substance, nature substantialis, substantial subvenire, -veni, -ventus, to come up, to relieve, to assist succedere, -cessi, -cessus, to succeed successus, m., advance, succession, course; successu temporis, in the course of time succurrere, -curri, -cursus, to aid sufficere (io), -feci, -fectus, to suffice sufficienter, sufl1.ciently suggerere:,. -gessi, -gestus, to suggest, to bring to mind sumere, sumpsi, sumptus, to receive, to take, to obtain summe, in the highest degree summus, highest; summo opere, in the highest degree; - mons, the top of the hill; ad summum, on the whole, in general, at the most super, on, upon, above, over, towards; satis superque, enough and more than enough superare, to overcome, to surmount superesse, -fui, to ren1ain, to be left over superfluus, superfluous superseminare, to sow, to oversow supernaturalis, supernatural supernaturaliter, supernaturally superstitio, f., superstition superus, supreme suppeditare, to furnish, to supply suppetere, -petivi, -petitus, to be sufficient snpplere (2), -plevi, -pletus, to supply supplex, suppliant, low supplicare, to beseech humbly supplicatio, f., supplication, prayer suppliciter, suppliantly, humbly supra) over, above, upon; - morem, more than usual; - quod, besides supremus, ultimate, highest sursum, upward, above susceptio, f., reception suscipere (io), -cepi, -ceptus, to receive, to uphold, to support, to undertake suspendere, -pendi, -pensus, to sus.­ pend sustinere (2), -tinui, -tentus, to sustain, to support, to wait upon, to reI y, to undergo, to abide, to endure, to wait for suus, his, her, its, their (when referring to the subject) symbolum, n., symbol, creed synodus, f., synod synonymus, synonymous systema, n., system T tabernaculum, n., tabernacle tacitus, tacit, assumed tactus, m., touch talis, such; qua tale, as such, of any sort talus, m., ankle tam, so, to such a degree; - ••• quam, both ... and; as well as tamdiu . . . quamdiu, till such tin1e as, until tamen, yet, nevertheless tamquam (tanquam), like, as, as if, just as, as it were tandem, at length, finally tangere, tetigi, !actus, to touch tantUm, only tantumdem, as much, just as much tantummodo, only tantus, so much, so great, such; tanto • • • quanto, so much • • • as tartarus, m., hell tectum, n., roof temerarius, rash temeritas, I., boldness

SECOND LATIN temperamentum, ft., temperament temperies, I., temperature, climate temporalis, temporal tempus, n., time; season, ad -, at the time, on time, for awhile; puncto temporis, in an instant; quanto tempore, as long as; successu temporis, in the course of time tendere, tetendi, tentus or tensus, to tend, to strive, to bend one's course tenebrae, I. pl.} darkness tenere (2), tenni, tentus, to hold, to have, to possess, to keep tentatio, I.} temptation tenuis, slight ter, three times terminare, to limit terminus, m.} term terra, f.} earth, ground, land terrenus, earthly territorium, n.} territory tertio, third, thirdly tertius, third testamentum, no, testament, covenant testari (dep. I), to testify testimonium, nO} witness testis, mo, witness tatus, m.} text theologia, I.} theology theologicus, theological theologus, m., theologian theophania, I.} manifestation of God in human form theoretice, theoretically thronus, mO} throne timere (2), timui, to fear, to be afraid timor, mo, fear, terror titulus, m., title tollere, sustuli, sublatus, to take away, to lift up totidem, just so many totus, whole, all; ex toto, wholly tractarc, to treat tradere, -didi, -ditus, to deliver up, to betray trahere, traxi, tractus, to attract, to draw, to bring transcendentalis, transcendental transcendere, -scendi, -scensm, to transcend transferre, -tuli, -latus, to transport, to convey transiens, transient transigere, -egi, -actus, to pass, to spend (time) transire (eo), to pass through, to go over or across to transmutare, to transform, to change transmutatio, lo} change transsubstantiatio, I.} transubstantia.­ tion tremendus, tremendous, awful tremere, -ui, to tremble tremor, m.} fear, trembling tres, tria, three tribuere, -ui, -utns, to grant, to give tridentinus, of Trent trigesimus, thirtieth triginta, thirty Trinitas, I.} Trinity triplex, threefold, triple tristis, sad, sorrowful triticeus, wheaten triumphus, mO} triumph tropus, mO} figure of speech tuba, I.} trumpet tum . • • tum, both . • • and tumulus, m.} grave tunc, then; ex -, from of old turba, I.} multitude, crowd tunna, I.} squadron, troop turris, I.} tower tutamenturn, n.} safety, safeguard tutor, m., guardian tutus, safe tyrannicus, tyrannical


submittere, -misi, -missus, to submit<br />

subobscure, somewhat obscurely<br />

substantia, f., substance, nature<br />

substantialis, substantial<br />

subvenire, -veni, -ventus, to come up,<br />

to relieve, to assist<br />

succedere, -cessi, -cessus, to succeed<br />

successus, m., advance, succession,<br />

course; successu temporis, in the<br />

course of time<br />

succurrere, -curri, -cursus, to aid<br />

sufficere (io), -feci, -fectus, to suffice<br />

sufficienter, sufl1.ciently<br />

suggerere:,. -gessi, -gestus, to suggest,<br />

to bring to mind<br />

sumere, sumpsi, sumptus, to receive,<br />

to take, to obtain<br />

summe, in the highest degree<br />

summus, highest; summo opere, in<br />

the highest degree; - mons, the<br />

top of the hill; ad summum, on the<br />

whole, in general, at the most<br />

super, on, upon, above, over, towards;<br />

satis superque, enough and more<br />

than enough<br />

superare, to overcome, to surmount<br />

superesse, -fui, to ren1ain, to be left<br />

over<br />

superfluus, superfluous<br />

superseminare, to sow, to oversow<br />

supernaturalis, supernatural<br />

supernaturaliter, supernaturally<br />

superstitio, f., superstition<br />

superus, supreme<br />

suppeditare, to furnish, to supply<br />

suppetere, -petivi, -petitus, to be sufficient<br />

snpplere (2), -plevi, -pletus, to supply<br />

supplex, suppliant, low<br />

supplicare, to beseech humbly<br />

supplicatio, f., supplication, prayer<br />

suppliciter, suppliantly, humbly<br />

supra) over, above, upon; - morem,<br />

more than usual; - quod, besides<br />

supremus, ultimate, highest<br />

sursum, upward, above<br />

susceptio, f., reception<br />

suscipere (io), -cepi, -ceptus, to receive,<br />

to uphold, to support, to undertake<br />

suspendere, -pendi, -pensus, to sus.­<br />

pend<br />

sustinere (2), -tinui, -tentus, to sustain,<br />

to support, to wait upon, to<br />

reI y, to undergo, to abide, to endure,<br />

to wait for<br />

suus, his, her, its, their (when referring<br />

to the subject)<br />

symbolum, n., symbol, creed<br />

synodus, f., synod<br />

synonymus, synonymous<br />

systema, n., system<br />

T<br />

tabernaculum, n., tabernacle<br />

tacitus, tacit, assumed<br />

tactus, m., touch<br />

talis, such; qua tale, as such, of any<br />

sort<br />

talus, m., ankle<br />

tam, so, to such a degree; - •••<br />

quam, both ... and; as well as<br />

tamdiu . . . quamdiu, till such tin1e<br />

as, until<br />

tamen, yet, nevertheless<br />

tamquam (tanquam), like, as, as if,<br />

just as, as it were<br />

tandem, at length, finally<br />

tangere, tetigi, !actus, to touch<br />

tantUm, only<br />

tantumdem, as much, just as much<br />

tantummodo, only<br />

tantus, so much, so great, such; tanto<br />

• • • quanto, so much • • • as<br />

tartarus, m., hell<br />

tectum, n., roof<br />

temerarius, rash<br />

temeritas, I., boldness

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