Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


SECOND LATIN scindere, scicli, scissus, to split, to rend scire, scivi or scii, scitus, to know, to know how; quod sciam, so far as I know scopus, m., aim, object scotista, m., Scotist (follower of the doctrine of Duns Scotus) scribere, scripsi, scriptus, to write scriptum, n., writing scriptura, f., Scripture secta, f., sect secumferre, -tuli, -latus, to bear with oneself, to take along secundo, second, secondly secundum, according to securtlS, secure, steadfast, quiet secus, otherwise sed, but, yet; - et, as also; illud quidem . . . - autem, to be sure ... but still sedere (2), sedi, sessus, to sit sedes, f., place, seat, throne, habitation, see sedu]o, carefully, diligently seipsum, hilTIself; sibiipsi, to himself semel, once semen, n., seed, descendant semita, f., path semper, ever, always sempiternus, eternal, everlasting sensibilis, perceptible, apprehensible sensitivus, perceptive sensus, m., sense, feeling sententia, f., sentence, opinion sentire (4), sensi, sensus, to feel, to perceive, to experience, to think separare, to separate separatio, f., separation separatus, separate sepelire (4), -ivi or -ii, sepultus, to bury septem, seven septenarius, m.} septenary, seven septiformis, sevenfold septimus, seventh sepulcrum, n., sepulcher sequens, following sequentia, f.} continuation sequestrare, to separate sequi (dep. 3), secutus, to follow serenus, serene serio, seriously serius, later, after senno, m.} word, discourse sero, late serra, f., saw sems, late; sera nocte, late at night servare, to observe servire (4), to serve, to be obedient, to be in bondage servitus, f., servitude, service, bondage, subjection servus, m.} servant, slave seu, or; - ••• vel, whether or sexus, m.} sex si, if sibimetipsi, to itself, himself, or herself sic, so, thus siccus, dry sicut (sicuti), as, even as signaculum, n.} little seal signare, to sign, to mark, to stamp signifer, m.} standard bearer significare, to mean, to signify signum, n., sign, miracle, token similis, like, similar similiter, similarly similitudo, f., resemblance, likeness simplex, simple simpIicitas, f.} simplicity simonia, f.} simony simoniace, simoniacally simoniacus, simoniacal simul, together sin, but if, if however sincerus, sincere, genuine

SECOND LATIN sine, without singulare, singly, separately) one by one singularis, unique, remarkable, excellent singularitas, f., oneness singuli (rarely in singular), separate J individual sinus, tnO} bosom, breast siquidem, inasmuch as sistere, stiti, status, to stand sobrie, soberly socialis, socia1 sociare, to share in societas, /., society, fellowship socius, together, allied socordia, /., sloth sol, nl., sun solere (semidepo 2), solitus, to be accustomed sollemnis, solemn sollemnitas, f., solemnity sollemniter, solen1nly solunlmodo, only solus, only, alone; non solum, not only; unus - que, the sole and only solvere, solvi, solutus, to fulfill, to loose, to destroy, to undo, to break sornnus, m., sleep sonare, to sound, to indicate sonus, Tn., sound sortire (4), to select spargere, sparsi, sparsus, to fling, to scatter, to spread specialis, special specialiter, specially species, f., kind, species, class specificus, specific, relating to a species spectare, to look, to envision speculativus, speculative sperare, to hope, to trust spes, fo) hope spirans, m., that which breathes spirare, to breathe, to exhale spiratio, f., spiration, breath spirativus, breathing spiritualis, spiritual spiritus, m., spirit, breath spondere (2), spopondi, sponsus, to pledge, to sponsor spons, /0' free will; sponte sua, of one's own accord sponsus, m., betrothed stabilis, stable, durable stadium, no, racecourse, race stare, steti, status, to stand statim, iInmediately statuere, -ui, ..utus, to station, to place, to set, to appoint, to determine, to decide, to ordain status, In., state statutum, n., statute, law stirpims, utterly, by the roots strepitus, mo, noise stricte, severely strictus, strict, severe, close stumosus, zealous, eager, assiduous stultus, foolish stupere (2), -ui, to be amazed, to be struck, to be astounded suadere (2), suasi, suasus, to reCOlTIm. mend, to persuade suavis, sweet, gentle suavitas, /., svveetness, gentleness sub, under; ~ conditione, conditionally subdere, -didi, -ditus, to place under, to subject subdiaconus, mo, subdeacon subditus, m. j s!.lbject subesse, ...fui, to be under, to underlie subjectio, /0' subjection subjectivus, subordinate subjectum, n., subject, proposition subjicere (io), -jeci, -jectus, to subject subjungere, ..junxi, -junctus, to add sublevare, to support, to assist sublimis, sublime, on high


sine, without<br />

singulare, singly, separately) one by<br />

one<br />

singularis, unique, remarkable, excellent<br />

singularitas, f., oneness<br />

singuli (rarely in singular), separate J<br />

individual<br />

sinus, tnO} bosom, breast<br />

siquidem, inasmuch as<br />

sistere, stiti, status, to stand<br />

sobrie, soberly<br />

socialis, socia1<br />

sociare, to share in<br />

societas, /., society, fellowship<br />

socius, together, allied<br />

socordia, /., sloth<br />

sol, nl., sun<br />

solere (semidepo 2), solitus, to be accustomed<br />

sollemnis, solemn<br />

sollemnitas, f., solemnity<br />

sollemniter, solen1nly<br />

solunlmodo, only<br />

solus, only, alone; non solum, not<br />

only; unus - que, the sole and only<br />

solvere, solvi, solutus, to fulfill, to<br />

loose, to destroy, to undo, to break<br />

sornnus, m., sleep<br />

sonare, to sound, to indicate<br />

sonus, Tn., sound<br />

sortire (4), to select<br />

spargere, sparsi, sparsus, to fling, to<br />

scatter, to spread<br />

specialis, special<br />

specialiter, specially<br />

species, f., kind, species, class<br />

specificus, specific, relating to a species<br />

spectare, to look, to envision<br />

speculativus, speculative<br />

sperare, to hope, to trust<br />

spes, fo) hope<br />

spirans, m., that which breathes<br />

spirare, to breathe, to exhale<br />

spiratio, f., spiration, breath<br />

spirativus, breathing<br />

spiritualis, spiritual<br />

spiritus, m., spirit, breath<br />

spondere (2), spopondi, sponsus, to<br />

pledge, to sponsor<br />

spons, /0' free will; sponte sua, of one's<br />

own accord<br />

sponsus, m., betrothed<br />

stabilis, stable, durable<br />

stadium, no, racecourse, race<br />

stare, steti, status, to stand<br />

statim, iInmediately<br />

statuere, -ui, ..utus, to station, to place,<br />

to set, to appoint, to determine, to<br />

decide, to ordain<br />

status, In., state<br />

statutum, n., statute, law<br />

stirpims, utterly, by the roots<br />

strepitus, mo, noise<br />

stricte, severely<br />

strictus, strict, severe, close<br />

stumosus, zealous, eager, assiduous<br />

stultus, foolish<br />

stupere (2), -ui, to be amazed, to be<br />

struck, to be astounded<br />

suadere (2), suasi, suasus, to reCOlTIm.<br />

mend, to persuade<br />

suavis, sweet, gentle<br />

suavitas, /., svveetness, gentleness<br />

sub, under; ~ conditione, conditionally<br />

subdere, -didi, -ditus, to place under,<br />

to subject<br />

subdiaconus, mo, subdeacon<br />

subditus, m. j s!.lbject<br />

subesse, ...fui, to be under, to underlie<br />

subjectio, /0' subjection<br />

subjectivus, subordinate<br />

subjectum, n., subject, proposition<br />

subjicere (io), -jeci, -jectus, to subject<br />

subjungere, ..junxi, -junctus, to add<br />

sublevare, to support, to assist<br />

sublimis, sublime, on high

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