Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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propitiare, to be merciful, to be favorable<br />

propitius, propitious, merciful, gra­<br />

CIOUS<br />

proponere, -posui, -positus, to propose,<br />

to expose, to display, to set forth<br />

proportio, f., proportion<br />

proportionatus, related<br />

proprie, properJy<br />

proprius, one's o\vn, proper<br />

proprietas, f., property, peculiarity,<br />

distinction<br />

propter, for, because of, by reason of<br />

propterea, on that account<br />

protectio, f., protection<br />

protoparens, m., first parent<br />

prout, according as<br />

provenire, -veni, -ventus, to come for,<br />

to be granted, to result<br />

proverbium, n." proverb<br />

providere (2), -vidi, -visus, to provide<br />

provincia, f., province<br />

provisio, t., provision<br />

provisus, m., provision, precaution<br />

prudens, prudent, wise<br />

pnldenter, prudently<br />

prudentia, f.) prudence<br />

psalmus, m., psalnl<br />

publice, publicly<br />

pudor, m., propriety, modesty<br />

puer, m., boy, child, servant<br />

pugna, f., struggle<br />

pugnare, to fight, to struggle<br />

pulchritudo, f., beauty, excellence<br />

punctum, n., point, moment; puncta<br />

temporis, in an instant<br />

purure (4), -ivi, -itus, to punish<br />

pupilla, f., pupil (of the eye)<br />

purgare, to purify<br />

purgatorium, n., purgatory<br />

purus, pure, clear<br />

putare, to consider, to suppose, to<br />

imagine<br />

Q<br />

quacumque, whatsoever<br />

quadratus, square<br />

quaerere, -sivi or -sii, -situs, to seek, to<br />

require<br />

quaesere, -sivi or -sil, -situs, to beseech<br />

quaestio, f., question<br />

qualis, what kind<br />

qualitas, f., quality<br />

quam, than; - diu, as long as; ­<br />

maxime, as much as possible;<br />

mirum -, marvelously; pridie -,<br />

the day before; - plurimi, as many<br />

as possible; sane -, enormously;<br />

tam • • .-, both... and, as<br />

well as; valde -, immensely<br />

quamdiu, as long as; tamdiu • • • -,<br />

till such time as, until<br />

quamprimum, as soon as possible<br />

quamquam (quanquam), although<br />

quamvis, although<br />

quando, when<br />

quandoque, at one time or another<br />

quantitas, f., quantity<br />

quanto • • . tanto, the . . . the; ­<br />

opere, how greatly, how much<br />

quantum, how nluch; - ad, so far as<br />

concerns; immane -, monstrously;<br />

mirum -, tremendously<br />

quantumcumque, however rrluch<br />

quantumvis, however (much)<br />

quantus, what, how great, how<br />

much<br />

quapropter, wherefore, on which account<br />

quare, why, wherefore<br />

quartus, fourth; quartum annum agit,<br />

he is four years old<br />

quasi, as if, like, as it were, about, in<br />

a certain sense or degree, quasi<br />

quatenus, insofar as<br />

-que (enclitic), and

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