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Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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pontifex,<br />

m., pontiff, bishop, high<br />

priest<br />

pontifitalc, n., pontifical (book of rites<br />

performed by a bishop)<br />

pontificalis, pontifical<br />

populus, m., people<br />

porro~ next<br />

porta, f., gate<br />

portabilis, portable<br />

poscere, poposci, to ask<br />

posse, potui, to be able<br />

possessio, f., possession<br />

possibilitas, f., possibility, ability<br />

possidere (2), -sedi, -·sessus, to possess<br />

post, after, after\vards, later; multis<br />

- annis, after ITlany years<br />

posterior, the latter<br />

posterum: in -, in the future<br />

postmodum, afterv/ards<br />

postquarn, after, as soon as<br />

postremus, last; ad postren1Uffi, lastly<br />

postulare, to den1and, to require<br />

potare, to drink<br />

potentia, f., po\ver, potentiality<br />

potestas, f.] po\ver, authority<br />

potissimum, chiefly, above all<br />

potius, ra ther<br />

practicus, practical<br />

praeberc (2), -bui, -bitus, to sho\v. to<br />

exhibit<br />

praecedere, -cessi, -cessus, to go before,<br />

to precede, to prepare<br />

praecelsus, sublime<br />

praeceptum~ n., precept, command<br />

pracciperc (io), -cepi, -ceptus, to instruct,<br />

to teach, to comlnand<br />

praecipuc, especially<br />

praecipulls, special, extraordinary<br />

praecisio, f., preciseness<br />

praecisive, precisely<br />

praeclarus, excellent, outstanding<br />

praedestinare, to predestine<br />

praedestinatio, f., predestination<br />

praedicarc, to preach<br />


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praedicatio, f., sermon, preaching<br />

praedictus, aforementioned<br />

praeditus, possessed of, provided with<br />

praefatus, afore3aid<br />

praefectus, m., prefect<br />

praeferre, -tuli, -latus, to prefer<br />

praegnans, pregnant<br />

praeire(eo), to go before<br />

praejudicium, n., objection<br />

praemittcre, -misi, -lnissus, to set<br />

forth as a prenlise<br />

praemiurn, n., gift, reward<br />

praenoscere, -novi, -notus, to kno\"<br />

beforehand<br />

praeparare, to prepare<br />

praeparatio, j., preparation<br />

praescindere, -scicli, -scissus, to prescind<br />

praescriptus, prescribed, cOlnmanded<br />

praesens, present<br />

praesentarc, to ?-psent<br />

praesentia, f... presence<br />

praesertiIrt, partielllar1y<br />

praeservare, to preserve<br />

praesidere (2), -sedj, ..sessus, to preside<br />

praestantissirnus, Illost excellent<br />

praestare, -stiti, -stitus, to acconlplish,<br />

to surpass, to give, to grant, to bestow,<br />

to keep hold<br />

praesto, present<br />

praesumere, -sumpsi, -sumptus, to presume<br />

praesupponere, ..posui, -positus, to presuppose<br />

practer, beyond, besides, in addition to<br />

praeterea, besides, moreover<br />

praeteritus, past<br />

praetermittere, ..misi, -missus, to neglect,<br />

to onlit<br />

praeterquam, beyond, besides<br />

praetextus, m., pretext<br />

praevenire, -veni, -ventus, to prevent,<br />

to anticipate, to predispose, to guide»<br />

to direct

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