Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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254 SECOND' LATIN<br />

mirus, wondrous, wonderful<br />

miscere (2), -cui, mixtus, to mix<br />

miser, wretched<br />

misere, wretchedly<br />

miseratio, fo, mercy<br />

misereri (dep. 2), misertus, to have<br />

mercy on<br />

miseria, f., wretchedness<br />

misericordia, fo, mercy<br />

misericors, merciful<br />

missa, f., Mass<br />

missio, f., act of sending, emission<br />

mitra, f., miter<br />

mittere, misi, missus, to send, to cast,<br />

to put, to lay<br />

mixtus, mingled, mixed<br />

modicissimus, a very little<br />

modicus, a little<br />

modo, provided that; non -, not only<br />

modus, m., manner; hunc in modum,<br />

in this way; ultra modum, in1moderate;<br />

ad hunc modum, in this way;<br />

quem ad modum, how, as<br />

molestus, irksome<br />

momentum, n., elelTIent, essential<br />

point<br />

monere (2), to warn, to teach, to ad­<br />

VIse<br />

nlonitum, no, precept<br />

mollS, m., hill, ITIOunt, mountain;<br />

summus -, the top of the hill<br />

monstrum, no, monstrosity<br />

mora, fo, delay<br />

moralitas, f., morality<br />

llloraliter, morally<br />

mori (dep. 3, io), mortuus, to die<br />

mars, f., death<br />

mortalis, mortal<br />

mortalitas, f., mortal life<br />

mortaliter, mortally<br />

mos, m., custom; supra morem, more<br />

than usual<br />

mosaicus, Mosaic, pertaining to Moses<br />

motio, f., motion<br />

motivum, n.} motive<br />

motor, m., mover, motor in1pulse<br />

motus, mo, movernent, Inotion<br />

movere (2), movi, matus, to move<br />

mox, after\vards, at a later period,<br />

presently<br />

mulier, f., woman<br />

multifariam, in many places<br />

multiplex, manifold<br />

multiplicare, to multiply<br />

multiplicatio, f., multiplication<br />

multipliciter, in many ~lays<br />

multitudo, f., multitude<br />

multus, much; nlulta nocte, late at<br />

night; multis post annis, after rnany<br />

years; multis de causis, for many<br />

reasons<br />

mundanus, mundane, of the world<br />

mundare, to cleanse<br />

mundus, m.} world<br />

munire (4), to defend, to strengthen,<br />

to preserve<br />

munus, no, gift, offering, bounty, office<br />

mums, m., wall<br />

mutare, to change<br />

mutua, mutually<br />

mysterium, n.} mystery<br />

N<br />

nam, for<br />

nasci (dep. 3), natus, to be born, to<br />

spring up<br />

nativitas, f., nativity, birth<br />

natura, f., nature<br />

naturalis, natural<br />

naturaliter, naturally<br />

ne, not, lest; • quidem, not<br />

even<br />

nec, neither; , neither<br />

. . . nor; - non, and also, nor less<br />

necne, or not<br />

necessario, necessarily<br />

necessitas, f.} necessity, need

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