Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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intensus, intense<br />

intentio, t., intention<br />

inter, among, between<br />

intercedere, -cessi, -cessus, to intercede<br />

intercessio, f., intercession<br />

interdictus, interdicted<br />

interesse, -fui, to take part in, to be<br />

present<br />

interim, in the rneanwhile<br />

interitus, In., destruction, annihilation<br />

internus, internal<br />

interpres, In., expounder, translator<br />

interpretatio, f., interpreta-tion<br />

intervallum, n., interval<br />

intolerabilis, intolerable<br />

intra, among, within<br />

intrare, to enter<br />

intrinsece, intrinsically, inwardly<br />

introire, to go in<br />

intueri (dep. 2), -tuitus, to behold, to<br />

have in vie\\'<br />

intuitivus, intuitive<br />

intuitus, In., vic\v, attention<br />

inultus, unpunished, unavenged<br />

invalescere, -valui, to become strong<br />

invalidus, invalid<br />

invasor, m., invader, usurper<br />

invehere, -vexi, -vectus, to bring into,<br />

to introduce<br />

invenire, -veni, -ventus, to effect, to<br />

bring about, to find, to come upon<br />

investigare, to investigate<br />

inveteratus, inveterate, of long standing<br />

invicem: ad -, reciprocally, among<br />

thernselyes<br />

invisibilis, invisible<br />

invitus, unwilling<br />

invocare, to call upon, to invoke<br />

involuntarius, involuntary<br />

ipse, self; eo ipso, because of this very<br />

thing; id ipsum, that very thing;<br />

quod ipsum, \vhich of itself alone<br />

ira, f., wrath, anger<br />

ire, ivi or ii, itus, to go; - obviam. to<br />

go to meet<br />

irrationalis, irrational, unreasonable<br />

irrescindibilis, irrevocable<br />

irreverentia, f., irreverence<br />

irritus, void, null<br />

is, that, he; eo quod, to the extent that<br />

isque, and that, too; and that, indeed<br />

iste, th is, that, the latter<br />

ita, so, even<br />

item, likewise, also<br />

iterare, to repeat<br />

iterum, again<br />

J<br />

jacere (2), to lie down<br />

jacere, jeci, jactus, to throw<br />

jactura, t., loss, harnI<br />

jam, now, already; - non, no longer;<br />

- diu, for a long time; - dudum,<br />

for a long time; - jalnque, now at<br />

this very mornent<br />

jamvero, indeed<br />

janua, f., entrance, door, gate<br />

jejunium, n., fasting<br />

jejunus, fasting<br />

jubere (2), jussi, jussus, to command,<br />

to ask, to pray<br />

Judaeus, m., Jew<br />

judex, n1., judge<br />

judicialis, judicial<br />

judicium, n., judgment<br />

judicare, to judge<br />

jugiter, always<br />

jugum, n., yoke<br />

jumentum, n., beast (of burden)<br />

jungere, junxi, junctus, to join, to<br />

bind, to unite<br />

jurare, to swear<br />

jurisdictio, f., jurisdiction<br />

jus, n., law<br />

jusjurandum, n., oath

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