Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


SECOND LATIN fovere (2), fovi, fotus, to cherish fragilitas, f., frailty frangere, fregi, fractus, to break frater, rn., brother fraus, t., fraud, deceit frequenter, frequently frigidus, cold frons, f., forehead fructuose, fruitfully, beneficially fructus, m., fruit, profit, benefit fundamentalis, fundamental fundamentaliter, basically, essentially fundamentum, n., foundation furiosus, tn., madman fuse, at length, in much detail fusius,tnore extensively, at greater length futurus, future G Gallia, I., France Gallus, m., Frenchman gaudere (semidep. 2), gavisus, to enjoy gaudium, n., joy gehenna, f., hell generalis, general generare, to beget, to create generatitn, generally, in general generatio, f., generation, reproduction genimen, n., fruit genitrix, fo, mother genitus, begotten gens, t., nation, gentile, heathen genuflexio, fo} genuflection genus, 11., class, species, kind; in genere, in general, generally speaking gerere, gessi, gestus, to bear, to reign Germanus, m., German gestus, done; res gestae, deeds gloria, t.} glory glorifieare, to glorify gloriosus, glorious gradatim, gradually gradus, n1., degree Graecus, Greek grammatice, grammatically gratia, fo, grace, thankfulness; gratias, thanks; gratis, free; gratiarum actio, thanksgiving; gratias ague, to give thanks gratus, gracious, thankful gravare, to burden, to oppress graviter, seriously, gravely grex, m., flock gubernatio, /., government gustus, m., taste H habere (2), to have; se -, to be; se male --, to be sick; rohur -, to take effect; se habet, is regarded habitaculum, no, dwelling, house, habitation habitatio, t., dwelling habituaIiter, habitually, regularly habitudo, t., habitual association, close relationship habitus, mo, habit hactenus, hitherto; de hac re -, so much for that haedus, mo, kid haereditas, fo, heredity haeres, m., heir haeresis, f.~ heresy haereticus, heretic, heretical haesitatio, fo, hesitation haurire (4), hausi, haustus, to draw, to take hebdomada, t.} week hebraicus, Hebrew heri, yesterday hie, this, here; hoc est, that is; ad hoc, besides; ah hac parte, on this side; hune in modum, in this way; contra haec, in answer to this; haec

SECOND LATIN contra, this in reply; ad hune modum, in this way hinc, hence Hispanus, Spaniard historia, f., history hodie, today, this day holocaustum, n., holocaust, burnt of. fering homo, m., man, husband honestas, f., honesty honestus, decent, proper honor, m., honor honorare, to honor honorifiee, honorably, with honor horologium, n., clock horrendus, dreadful hortari (dep. I), to exhort hostia, fo, host, sacrifice, victim, offering hueusque, hitherto hujusmodi, of this kind humanitas, fo, humanity, kindness humanus, hun1an humeetare, to moisten humiditas, f., moisture humidus, wet humiliatus, humbled humllis, humble humilitas, f., humility, abjection hymnus, m., hymn hypostaticus, hypostatic, essential, substantial hyssopus, mo, hyssop I 0 ibidem, in the same place id, this; eo ipso, because of this very thing; eo • • • quo, the . . the; ad - quod, besides that; - ipsum, that very thing idem, same identicus, identical identificare, to identify, be identical with identitas, f., identity ideo, therefore idololatra, m., idolater ioe. (abbrevo for id est), that is igitur, therefore, accordingly ignis, mo,. fire ignitus, burning ignorantia, f., ignorance ignorare, to be ignorant, not to know ignotus, unknown ille, that, the former; ex ilia, since then illeeebra, f., allurement illegitimus, illegitimate illibatus, unblen1ished illie, there illicitus, illicit illimitatus, unlimited illud, that; - quidem ••• sed autern, to be sure . 0 0 but still illunlinare, to illuminate, to enlighten!, to make or cause to shine illustrare, to illumine illustratio, f., illumination imaginarius, imaginary imitari (dep. I), to imitate immaeulatus, spotless, undefiled, immaculate immaterialis, immaterial inunediate, immediately immediatus, immediate, direct immemorabilis, immemorial immergere, -mersi, -,mersus, to 11nnnerse, to nnerge immersio, f., immersion imminere (2), to be imminent, to threaten imminuere, -minui, -minutus, to lessen, to dinlinish immolare, to immolate, to sacrifice immortalitas, f., immortality immunis, free, immune


contra, this in reply; ad hune modum,<br />

in this way<br />

hinc, hence<br />

Hispanus, Spaniard<br />

historia, f., history<br />

hodie, today, this day<br />

holocaustum, n., holocaust, burnt of.<br />

fering<br />

homo, m., man, husband<br />

honestas, f., honesty<br />

honestus, decent, proper<br />

honor, m., honor<br />

honorare, to honor<br />

honorifiee, honorably, with honor<br />

horologium, n., clock<br />

horrendus, dreadful<br />

hortari (dep. I), to exhort<br />

hostia, fo, host, sacrifice, victim, offering<br />

hueusque, hitherto<br />

hujusmodi, of this kind<br />

humanitas, fo, humanity, kindness<br />

humanus, hun1an<br />

humeetare, to moisten<br />

humiditas, f., moisture<br />

humidus, wet<br />

humiliatus, humbled<br />

humllis, humble<br />

humilitas, f., humility, abjection<br />

hymnus, m., hymn<br />

hypostaticus, hypostatic, essential, substantial<br />

hyssopus, mo, hyssop<br />

I<br />

0<br />

ibidem, in the same place<br />

id, this; eo ipso, because of this very<br />

thing; eo • • • quo, the . . the;<br />

ad - quod, besides that; - ipsum,<br />

that very thing<br />

idem, same<br />

identicus, identical<br />

identificare, to identify, be identical<br />

with<br />

identitas, f., identity<br />

ideo, therefore<br />

idololatra, m., idolater<br />

ioe. (abbrevo for id est), that is<br />

igitur, therefore, accordingly<br />

ignis, mo,. fire<br />

ignitus, burning<br />

ignorantia, f., ignorance<br />

ignorare, to be ignorant, not to know<br />

ignotus, unknown<br />

ille, that, the former; ex ilia, since<br />

then<br />

illeeebra, f., allurement<br />

illegitimus, illegitimate<br />

illibatus, unblen1ished<br />

illie, there<br />

illicitus, illicit<br />

illimitatus, unlimited<br />

illud, that; - quidem ••• sed autern,<br />

to be sure . 0 0 but still<br />

illunlinare, to illuminate, to enlighten!,<br />

to make or cause to shine<br />

illustrare, to illumine<br />

illustratio, f., illumination<br />

imaginarius, imaginary<br />

imitari (dep. I), to imitate<br />

immaeulatus, spotless, undefiled, immaculate<br />

immaterialis, immaterial<br />

inunediate, immediately<br />

immediatus, immediate, direct<br />

immemorabilis, immemorial<br />

immergere, -mersi, -,mersus, to 11nnnerse,<br />

to nnerge<br />

immersio, f., immersion<br />

imminere (2), to be imminent, to<br />

threaten<br />

imminuere, -minui, -minutus, to<br />

lessen, to dinlinish<br />

immolare, to immolate, to sacrifice<br />

immortalitas, f., immortality<br />

immunis, free, immune

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