Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


diligere, -lexi, -lectus, to love diluddus, lucid, sane dimanare, to emanate, to Bovv from dimittere, -misi, -missus, to forgive, to distniss, to put or send avvay, to dissolve, to leave, to let down dioecesis, t., diocese directe, directly directus, direct; in mrecto, in the direct way dirigere, -rexi, -rectus, to direct dirimere, -emi, -en1ptus, to dissolve discedere, -cessi, -cessus, to depart, to swerve from, to leave discere, didici, to learn discernere, -c.revi, -eretus, to distinguish, to discern discipulus, m., disciple discretio, t., separation, discretion discrimen, n., hazard, risk discriminare, to distinguish diseussio, f., dispersal discutere, -cussi, -cussus, to disperse diserte, distinctly, clearly, expressly disertus, fluent, clear dispar, unlike, different dispensare, to dispense disponere, -posui, -positus, to dispose, to order dispositio, f., disposition, providence disputare, to dispute, to argue dissentire (4), -sensi, -sensus, to disagree, to dissent, to refuse to give assent disserere, -serui, -sertus, to discourse dissolvere, -solvi, -solutus, to dissolve distantia, f., distance distincte, clearly, plainly, distinctly distinctio, f., distinction distinguere, -stinxi, -stinetus, to distinguish diu, long, for a long time; quam -, as long as; jam -, for a long time diversificare, to be different, to vary SECOND LATIN 243 diversitas, t., difference, diversity diversus, different dividere, -visi, -visus, to divide divinitas, t., divinity divinitus, divinely divinus, divine divisibilis, divisible, separate divisio, f., division divitiae, f. pl., riches divus, m., saint docere, (2), docui, doctus, to teach docunlentum, n.) document dolere (2), dolui, dolitus, to suffer dolosus, deceitful don1ina, f., nlistress dominare, to dominate dominatio, f., dominion dominus, nz., Lord, lord, master dOlnne (vocative), rn., sir domus, i.) house donare, to give, to grant, to forgive donum, n.} gift, present dormire, to sleep dormitio, f., sleep, repose drachma, t., drachma (small Greek coin) dubie, doubtfully dubitare, to doubt dubius, doubtful ducere, duxi, ductus, to lead, to bring, to dispose, to reckon, to consider ductus, m., leadership dudum, not long since, just now; jam -, long, a long tin1e dum, while dummodo, as long as, provided that dumtaxat, only duo, two duodecim, twelve duplex, double dupliciter, doubly, in a double sense durante, during

SECOND LATIN E e, frolTI, out of ecce, behold ecclesia, f., church ecclesiasticus, ecclesiastical, pertaining to the church eeontra, on the other hand edere, -didi, -ditus, to bring forth, to deliver ediscere, -didici, to learn edoeere (2) , -docui, -doctus, to instruct educatio, t., training educere, -duxi, -ductus, to take away, to bring forth effective, efficaciously effectus, m., effect efficax, efficacious effieere (io), -feci, -feetus, to make, to bring about efHuere, -fluxi, to flow out or away efformare, to form, to shape effulgere (2), -fulsi, -fulsus, to shine upon effundere, -fudi, ..£USus, to shed, to pour out e.g. (abbrev. for exempli gratia), for example ego, I egredi (dep. 3), ..gressus, to come out, to go out, to go forth egressio, t., egress, departure egressus, tn., depa.rture ejicere (io), -jeei, ..jeetus, to cast out, to bring forth ejusmodi, of this sort; et ejusmodi, and the like electio, f., election, choice electus:, m., elect eleemosyna, f., alms elementaris, elementary elemelltum, n., element elevare, to elevate, to lift up elevatio, f., elevation, lifting elicere, ..Hcui, ..licitus, to elicit, to call forth eligere, ..legi, ..lectus, to elect, to choose eloquentia, f ... eloquence, oratory elucere (2), ..luxi, to shine forth, to be apparent elueeseere, to shine forth, to stand out clearly emanatio, f., emanation emere, emi, emptus, to buy emittere, ..misi, -missus, to send out, to put forth emollire (4), to soften, to render mild emphaticus, emphatic emptio, t., buying enarrare, to tell, to relate, to show forth energia, t., energy enim, for enormis, enormous ens, n., being entitativus, entitative, of the nature of an entity or real thing episcopus, m., bishop epistola, f., epistle erga, towards ergo, therefore, then erigere, -rexi, -rectus, to raise up, to erect eripere, ..ripui, ..reptus, to rescue, to deliver from errare, to err erroneus, erroneous error, m., error eruditus, infonned, instructed eruere, -rui, -rutus, to deliver esse, fui, to be; est ei in animo, he has in mind, he intends essendi, essendo, of, in being (gerund of esse used in Vulgar Latin) essentia, f., essence essentialis, essential

diligere, -lexi, -lectus, to love<br />

diluddus, lucid, sane<br />

dimanare, to emanate, to Bovv from<br />

dimittere, -misi, -missus, to f<strong>org</strong>ive, to<br />

distniss, to put or send avvay, to dissolve,<br />

to leave, to let down<br />

dioecesis, t., diocese<br />

directe, directly<br />

directus, direct; in mrecto, in the direct<br />

way<br />

dirigere, -rexi, -rectus, to direct<br />

dirimere, -emi, -en1ptus, to dissolve<br />

discedere, -cessi, -cessus, to depart, to<br />

swerve from, to leave<br />

discere, didici, to learn<br />

discernere, -c.revi, -eretus, to distinguish,<br />

to discern<br />

discipulus, m., disciple<br />

discretio, t., separation, discretion<br />

discrimen, n., hazard, risk<br />

discriminare, to distinguish<br />

diseussio, f., dispersal<br />

discutere, -cussi, -cussus, to disperse<br />

diserte, distinctly, clearly, expressly<br />

disertus, fluent, clear<br />

dispar, unlike, different<br />

dispensare, to dispense<br />

disponere, -posui, -positus, to dispose,<br />

to order<br />

dispositio, f., disposition, providence<br />

disputare, to dispute, to argue<br />

dissentire (4), -sensi, -sensus, to disagree,<br />

to dissent, to refuse to give<br />

assent<br />

disserere, -serui, -sertus, to discourse<br />

dissolvere, -solvi, -solutus, to dissolve<br />

distantia, f., distance<br />

distincte, clearly, plainly, distinctly<br />

distinctio, f., distinction<br />

distinguere, -stinxi, -stinetus, to distinguish<br />

diu, long, for a long time; quam -,<br />

as long as; jam -, for a long time<br />

diversificare, to be different, to vary<br />


243<br />

diversitas, t., difference, diversity<br />

diversus, different<br />

dividere, -visi, -visus, to divide<br />

divinitas, t., divinity<br />

divinitus, divinely<br />

divinus, divine<br />

divisibilis, divisible, separate<br />

divisio, f., division<br />

divitiae, f. pl., riches<br />

divus, m., saint<br />

docere, (2), docui, doctus, to teach<br />

docunlentum, n.) document<br />

dolere (2), dolui, dolitus, to suffer<br />

dolosus, deceitful<br />

don1ina, f., nlistress<br />

dominare, to dominate<br />

dominatio, f., dominion<br />

dominus, nz., Lord, lord, master<br />

dOlnne (vocative), rn., sir<br />

domus, i.) house<br />

donare, to give, to grant, to f<strong>org</strong>ive<br />

donum, n.} gift, present<br />

dormire, to sleep<br />

dormitio, f., sleep, repose<br />

drachma, t., drachma (small Greek<br />

coin)<br />

dubie, doubtfully<br />

dubitare, to doubt<br />

dubius, doubtful<br />

ducere, duxi, ductus, to lead, to bring,<br />

to dispose, to reckon, to consider<br />

ductus, m., leadership<br />

dudum, not long since, just now; jam<br />

-, long, a long tin1e<br />

dum, while<br />

dummodo, as long as, provided that<br />

dumtaxat, only<br />

duo, two<br />

duodecim, twelve<br />

duplex, double<br />

dupliciter, doubly, in a double sense<br />

durante, during

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