Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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commuruter, commonly<br />

comparare, to prepare, to furnish, to<br />

obtain, to compare<br />

compati (dep. 3, io), -passus, to suffer<br />

competenter, fi tly<br />

competere, -ivi, -itus, to be capable of,<br />

to fi t, to belong to<br />

complecti (dep. 3), -plexus, to embrace<br />

complere, -plevi, -pletus, to complete,<br />

to fulfill<br />

completus, complete<br />

complures, several<br />

componere, -posni, -positus, to compose<br />

compos, sane, sound<br />

compositio, f.} composition<br />

comprehendere, -hendi, -hensus, to<br />

comprehend, to obtain, to apprehend,<br />

to take<br />

comprehensio, f.} comprehensiveness<br />

comprobare, to prove, to establish<br />

conlputare, to nunlber<br />

conari (dep. I), to try<br />

concedere, -cessi, -cessus, to grant<br />

concelebrare, to celebrate together<br />

conceptus, m.} concept<br />

concilium, n., council<br />

concionator, m.} preacher<br />

concipere, -cepi, -ceptus, to conceive<br />

concomitantia, f., concomitance<br />

concupiscentia, f.} concupiscence<br />

concurrere, -curri, -cursus, to concur,<br />

to agree<br />

condemnatio, f., condelnnation<br />

condemnatorius, condemnatory<br />

condere, -didi, .ditus, to create, to<br />

found<br />

conditio, f.} condition, nature; sub<br />

conditione, conditionally<br />

conditionatus, conditional<br />

conditor, m.} founder, creator<br />

condonare, to condone, to pardon<br />

conducere, -duxi, -ductus, to lead<br />

conferre, ·tuli, collatus, to accompany,<br />

to grant, to confer, to ponder,<br />

to gain<br />

confessarius, m.} confessor<br />

confessio, f., confession, praise<br />

confessor, m.} confessor<br />

confestim, immediately<br />

conficere, -feci, -fectus, to confer, to<br />

make<br />

confirmare, to confirm, to strengthen,<br />

to ratify<br />

confirmatio, f.} confirmation<br />

confiteri (dep. 2), -fessus, to confess,<br />

to praise, to give thanks or glory<br />

conformare, to conform<br />

conformis, conformable, in conformance<br />

with<br />

conformitas, f.} conformity<br />

confortare, to strengthen<br />

confugere (io), -fugi, to flee<br />

confundere, -fudi, -fusus, to confound<br />

conglorificare, to glorify<br />

congregare, to gather, to gather together<br />

congregatio, f.} company, congregation<br />

congruere, -grui, to fi t, to confonn to<br />

congruus, proper, suitable<br />

conjugalis, conjugal, Inarried<br />

conjunctio, f.} union, whole, conjunction<br />

conjunctus, connected, united with;<br />

(as noun), kinsman, relative<br />

conjungere, -junxi, -junctus, to join, to<br />

have affinity with<br />

conjux, m. and f.} husband, wife,<br />

spouse<br />

commixtio, f., mingling<br />

complexio, f.} combination<br />

concludere, -clusi, -clusus, to conclude<br />

connaturaliter, in a natural way<br />

connexio, f.} connection, relation<br />

connubium, n.} marriage<br />

connumerare, to nunlber amongst

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