Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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chrisma, no, chrism, consecrated oil<br />

christianus, Christian<br />

Christus, mo, Christ<br />

cibus, lno, food<br />

cinis, tn., ashes, embers<br />

circa, about, in respect to<br />

circiter, about<br />

circulus, mo, circle<br />

circumdare, -dedi, -datus, to encompass,<br />

to surround<br />

circumferre, -tuli, -latus, to bear or<br />

carry around<br />

circumgestare, to carry around<br />

circumincessio, fo, coexistence<br />

circumstantia, fo, circumstance<br />

circwnstare, -steti, to be present, to<br />

stand around<br />

cithara, f., harp<br />

citius, sooner, earlier, before<br />

civilis, civil<br />

clam, secret!y<br />

clamare, to cry out, to proclaim<br />

clamor, mo, cry, shout<br />

clandestinus, clandestine<br />

clarificare, to glorify<br />

claritas, f., light, clarity<br />

classicus, classic<br />

claudere, clausi, clausus, to close<br />

cIavis, f., key<br />

clemens, merciful<br />

clementer, mercifully, graciously<br />

clementia, f., clemency, mercy<br />

clericus, mo, clerk, cleric, clergyman<br />

coactio, f., compulsion<br />

coadunare, to unite<br />

coaequalis, coequal<br />

coarctare, to confine<br />

coelibatus, mo, celibacy<br />

coena, fo, supper<br />

coenare, to sup, to dine<br />

coextendere, -tendi, -tc:nsus or -tentus,<br />

to have the same extension<br />

cogere, coegi, coactus, to lead, to<br />

bring, to assemble, to compel<br />

cogitare, to think<br />

cogitatio, fo, thought<br />

cognatio, f., relationship<br />

cognitio, f., knowledge, idea<br />

cognoscere, -novi, -nitus, to know<br />

cognoscitivus, cognizant, aware<br />

cohabitare, to live together<br />

cohabitatio, f., cohabitation<br />

cohortari (dep. I), to encourage, to<br />

exhort<br />

colere, colm, cultus, to worship<br />

collatio, f., gathering, conferring<br />

collatus, m., conferring, compared<br />

colligere, -legi, -lectus, to assemble. to<br />

collect<br />

color, tn., color<br />

coloratus, colored<br />

columba, fo, dove<br />

columna, fo, pillar<br />

comedere, -edi, -esus, to eat<br />

comestio, f., eating<br />

comitari (dep. I), to attend, to accompany<br />

comitatus, m., company<br />

commemorare, to conlmemorate<br />

commemoratio, f., commemoration<br />

commendare, to comrnend<br />

commendatitius, of recommendation<br />

or introduction<br />

commentum, no, falsehood<br />

committere, -nlisi, -missus, to bring together,<br />

to unite<br />

commixtio, fo, mingling<br />

commode, conveniently<br />

commoditas, f., convenience<br />

commonere (2), -monui, -monitus, to<br />

warn, to admonish<br />

commorari (dep. I), to stay, to tarry<br />

commotio, f., stirring, movement, agitation<br />

communicare, to communicate, to receive<br />

in communion<br />

communio, f., COillmunion<br />

communis, common

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