Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


LATIN GRAMMAR c) Observe these verbs with their compounds. 45 stare (to stand) circumstare, to stand around, to be present, to surround praestare, to stand before, to excel, to accomplish, to bestow exstare, to stand out or forth disponere, to put in different places, to order, to , dispose ponere (to put) . , . { Imponere, to put upon, to Impose exponere, to put out, to expose esse (to be) adesse, to be at or near, to be present abesse, to be awa y from, to be absent { prodesse,l to be for, to benefit, to avail 1 The d is omitted in all forms where it would be immediately followed by a consonant.

LESSON VIII UNIT ONE Gloria Patri et FHio et Spiritui Sancto. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. Vocabulary dies, diei, m. and f., day; in novlssimo die, on the last day fides, fidei, f., faith facies, faciei, £., fac~ missa, -ae, £., Jt.;1ass,. missa est, the Mass is finish~d panis, panis, m., bread disclpulus, -i, m., pupil, disciple tectum, -i, n., roof flOX, noctis (-ium), £., night mums, -i, m., wall somnus, -i, m., Jleep gratia, -ae, f., grace, tI2anl(fuln~ss agere, to act, to put in motion; gratias agere, to give thanks dormire, to sleep scribere, to writ~ docere, to teach peccare, to sin novus, -a, -urn, new aequus, -a, -urn, right dignus, -a, -urn, meet, worthy potens (m., f., n.), gen., potentis, pown-Iul ecce (lnterjecL), behold sic (adv.), so, thus hodie (adv.), today, this day


c) Observe these verbs with their compounds.<br />

45<br />

stare (to stand)<br />

circumstare, to stand around, to be present, to surround<br />

praestare, to stand before, to excel, to accomplish,<br />

to bestow<br />

exstare, to stand out or forth<br />

disponere, to put in different places, to order, to<br />

, dispose<br />

ponere (to put) . , .<br />

{ Imponere, to put upon, to Impose<br />

exponere, to put out, to expose<br />

esse (to be)<br />

adesse, to be at or near, to be present<br />

abesse, to be awa y from, to be absent<br />

{ prodesse,l to be for, to benefit, to avail<br />

1 The d is omitted in all forms where it would be immediately followed by a consonant.

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