Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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Dic, mi fili. Speak, my son.<br />

Exsurgite, Romani. Arise, Romans.<br />

Miserere nobis, Domine. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord.<br />

b) The third person of the imperative is formal and declamatory..<br />

Terram amanto. They shall love the earth.<br />

1~his form of the imperative is often replaced by the hortatory subjunctive.<br />

Terram ament. Let them love the earth.<br />

c) The future imperative is used \vhere there is a definite reference<br />

to the future, or where the command implies permanency.<br />

Cras adstato. Tomorrow thou shalt be present.<br />

Estote semper fideles. Be ye ever faith ful.<br />

d) Scire, meminisse, and habere usually take the future imperative<br />

instead of the present.<br />

Scito jugum non leve esse. K'now that the yoke is not light.<br />

Occasionis hujus mementote, amici mei. Remember this occasion, my<br />

friends.<br />

Id habeto utpote motivum bonum. Regard this as a good motive.<br />

e) Quin with the present indicative n1ay replace the imperative.<br />

Quin bravium accipis. Here, take the prize (why not take the prize).<br />

Quin eos agnoscitis. Acknowledge them.<br />

f) The simple imperative may also be replaced by such introductory<br />

words as cura ut, take care that; fac (fac ut), do that; velim, 1 should<br />

like, followed by the subjunctive.<br />

Cura ut id discas bene. T ake care to learn it well.<br />

Facite ut humiles sitis. Try to be hZ!1nble.<br />

Velim citius venias. Please come earlier.

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