Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


LESSON XXIX Vocabulary abstinere (2), -tinui, -tentus, to abstain, to refrain adstare, to be present, to attend agnoscere, -novi, -notus, to acknowledge annulus, m., ring apprime, especially commendatitius, of recommendation or introduction confessarius, m., confessor conscius, conscious, aware conservus, m., fellow servant cur, why domina, f., mistress econtra, on the other hand elicere, -Bcui, -licitus, to elicit, to call forth excipcre, -cepi, -ceptus, to except existimare, to think, to deem expiare, to expiate, to do penance for festus, f~stal; dies --, holy day impertire, impertiri, to grant, to bestow indutus, clothed integer, tlirtuous, wholly right interim, in the meantime jejunium, D., fasting Iitare, to ofJer a sacrifice; Sacrum--,to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass littera, f., letter (of alphabet); plur., epistle mediate, indirectly mulier, f., woman

SECOND LATIN notabilis, important, notewortllY penuria, f., want, lack perducere, -duxi, -ductus, to bring, to conduct pileolus, m., skull cap pluries, frequently pontificale, n., pontifical (book of rites performed by a bishop) probitas, f., honesty, integrity quantumvis, however (much) revereri (dep. 2), -veritus, to respect, to revere rubrica, f., rubric signare, to sign talus, m., ankle ter, three times vestis, f., vestment, attire Idioms I. se habere, to be, to be in respect to 2. ex longinquo, from a distance 3. et cetera, and so forth 4. de cetero, as for the rest s. gratias agere, to give thanks 6. agitur, to be in question, to be at stake 7. dies festos agere, to spend holy days 8. quartum annum agit, he is four years old 9. se agere, to behave I. Some prepositions. GRAM~{AR a) Ob, towards, on account of, takes the accusative, and may be either literal or figurative in usage. ob Romam, towards Rome ob rem, for gain ob earn causam, for that reason quam ob rem, wherefore


notabilis, important, notewortllY<br />

penuria, f., want, lack<br />

perducere, -duxi, -ductus, to bring, to conduct<br />

pileolus, m., skull cap<br />

pluries, frequently<br />

pontificale, n., pontifical (book of rites performed by a bishop)<br />

probitas, f., honesty, integrity<br />

quantumvis, however (much)<br />

revereri (dep. 2), -veritus, to respect, to revere<br />

rubrica, f., rubric<br />

signare, to sign<br />

talus, m., ankle<br />

ter, three times<br />

vestis, f., vestment, attire<br />

Idioms<br />

I. se habere, to be, to be in respect to<br />

2. ex longinquo, from a distance<br />

3. et cetera, and so forth<br />

4. de cetero, as for the rest<br />

s. gratias agere, to give thanks<br />

6. agitur, to be in question, to be at stake<br />

7. dies festos agere, to spend holy days<br />

8. quartum annum agit, he is four years old<br />

9. se agere, to behave<br />

I. Some prepositions.<br />

GRAM~{AR<br />

a) Ob, towards, on account of, takes the accusative, and may be<br />

either literal or figurative in usage.<br />

ob Romam, towards Rome<br />

ob rem, for gain<br />

ob earn causam, for that reason<br />

quam ob rem, wherefore

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