Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


SECOND LATIN 135 GRAMMAR I. Enclitics. -ce, -ne, -ci, -nam, -pte, -pse, -que, -ve, added to the end of a word, give the word special force or significance. a) -ce is frequently attached to the demonstrative pronouns and to some adverbs for emphasis. istace, these; hisce, by these; hujusce, of this; iIlaece, those; nuncce, now, at this time; sicce, thus, so; hincce, hence; hucce, hither; illicce, there; hicce, here b) -ne may be added to any word, usually the first of a sentence, to indicate a question. Dubitasne? Do you doubt? Nonne sic est? IJ it not thus? Utrumne? Whether? Anne? Or? Quantane? How much? Quone pacto? In what way? Necne, or not. c) -ci frequently precedes -ne for more emphasis: hiccine, siccine, nunccine. Haeccine vera sunt? Are these things true? Siccine semper erat? lVas it alt-uays thus? Nunccine loquitur? Is he now speaking? d) -nam is frequently attached to pronouns for emphasis. Quisnam? }Vho, pray? Cujusnam modi? Of what sort, indeed? Quanam? Where, indeed? Quianam? Why? e) -pte is sometimes appended to pronouns. It has the force of self, own. suopte, by himself; mepte, n1e myself nostrapte culpa, by our own fault suumpte amicum, his otvn friend f) -pse is similarly employed.

SECOND LATIN eapse, even this; eopse, by this itself reapse, in fact g) ..que or ..cumque added to a relative pronoun or pronominal adverb gives an indefinite or universal sense. quisque, each, every quandoque, whenever, sometimes uterque, each, both ubique, wherever quodcumque, whatever undique, everywhere denique, at length qualiscumque, of whatever sort Note...que enclitic may also mean and. Aqua ignique, with fire and water. h) -ve enclitic means or, giving a choice between alternatives. plus minusve, more or less sive, if either, whether 2. Prefixes for emphasis. Such are: a) per: permagnus, very large; perpauci, very few; peramanter, very lovingly; percupidus, very desirous; permultus, very much. b) prae: praelongus, very long; praeclarus, eminent, outstanding; praecalidus, very warm; praecelsus, tier,} high; praecalvus, very bald; praecipue, chiefly; praedives, very rich; praegravis, very burdensome; praevalidus, very strong. c) re: revera, in reality; reipse, the very d) ec (ecce): ecce, behold; ecquando, ever, at any time; ecquis, whether any, if any person or thing; eccilla, that; eccos, them Ecquid disces? Won't you learn a little? Ecquis venit? Won't anyone come? Eccos spectatis? Won't you look at them? EXERCISES I. Nobis revelat nihil sponte sua nec verbo nec scripto. 2. Nepotes certiores reddere debemus, quia avus haec fecit tantum per see 3. Quan­


135<br />


I. Enclitics. -ce, -ne, -ci, -nam, -pte, -pse, -que, -ve, added to the end<br />

of a word, give the word special force or significance.<br />

a) -ce is frequently attached to the demonstrative pronouns and to<br />

some adverbs for emphasis.<br />

istace, these; hisce, by these; hujusce, of this; iIlaece, those; nuncce,<br />

now, at this time; sicce, thus, so; hincce, hence; hucce, hither; illicce,<br />

there; hicce, here<br />

b) -ne may be added to any word, usually the first of a sentence, to<br />

indicate a question.<br />

Dubitasne? Do you doubt? Nonne sic est? IJ it not thus? Utrumne?<br />

Whether? Anne? Or? Quantane? How much? Quone pacto? In<br />

what way? Necne, or not.<br />

c) -ci frequently precedes -ne for more emphasis: hiccine, siccine,<br />

nunccine.<br />

Haeccine vera sunt? Are these things true?<br />

Siccine semper erat? lVas it alt-uays thus?<br />

Nunccine loquitur? Is he now speaking?<br />

d) -nam is frequently attached to pronouns for emphasis.<br />

Quisnam? }Vho, pray?<br />

Cujusnam modi? Of what sort, indeed?<br />

Quanam? Where, indeed?<br />

Quianam? Why?<br />

e) -pte is sometimes appended to pronouns. It has the force of self,<br />

own.<br />

suopte, by himself; mepte, n1e myself<br />

nostrapte culpa, by our own fault<br />

suumpte amicum, his otvn friend<br />

f) -pse is similarly employed.

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