Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


LESSON XXVI Vocabulary acquisitus, acquired arbitrium, no, judgment} will cardinalis, cardinal, principal} chief collatus, mo, conferring comitatus, mo, company commoditas, fo, convenience commonere (2), -monui, -monitus, to warn, to admonish comprobare, to prove} to establish concionator, mo, preacher conscientia, f., conscience} consciousness, au'areness cumulativus, accruing destruere, -struxi, -structus, to destroy divinitus, divinely effective, efficaciously evanescere, -vanui, to t!anish, to disappear excellere, -celui, -celsus, to excel exceptio, £., exception gaudere (semidep. 2), gavisus, to rejoice, to enjoy ignotus, unknown impudicus, shameless inscribere, -scripsi, -scriptus, to inscribe liberum arbitrium, free will major, greater memoratus, mentioned meritorie, meritoriously nepos, m. and fo, grandchild} nephew, descendant non-usus, mo, disuse 133

134 SECOND LATIN oratorium, n., oratory, chapel paroecialis, parochial Pascha, D., Easter paulatim, gradually penitus, wholly pervigilium, n., tJigil praecipue, especially praejudicium, n., objection pravus, evil principatus, m., public office pugna, £., struggle pugnare, to struggle, to fight punctum, n., point, moment reprobare, to reject revocare, to call back, to revoke, to reduce sacellum, n., chapel, sanctuary sane, soundly scotista, rn., Scotist (follovvcr of the doctrine of Duns Scotus) scriptum, n., uJriting sedulo, carefully, diligently subjectivus, subordinate", subjectit/e succedere, -cessi, -cessus, to succeed supremus, highest transferre, -tuli, -I~tus, to convey, to transport Idionls I. puneto temporis, in an instant 2. sponte sua, of one's Of-un free will 3. nee ••• nec, neither . . . nor 4. certiorem reddere, to in jorrn 5. per se, in and of itself 6. pro hac vice, for tlzis once 7. supra Inorem, n10re than usual 8. supra quod, besides


Vocabulary<br />

acquisitus, acquired<br />

arbitrium, no, judgment} will<br />

cardinalis, cardinal, principal} chief<br />

collatus, mo, conferring<br />

comitatus, mo, company<br />

commoditas, fo, convenience<br />

commonere (2), -monui, -monitus, to warn, to admonish<br />

comprobare, to prove} to establish<br />

concionator, mo, preacher<br />

conscientia, f., conscience} consciousness, au'areness<br />

cumulativus, accruing<br />

destruere, -struxi, -structus, to destroy<br />

divinitus, divinely<br />

effective, efficaciously<br />

evanescere, -vanui, to t!anish, to disappear<br />

excellere, -celui, -celsus, to excel<br />

exceptio, £., exception<br />

gaudere (semidep. 2), gavisus, to rejoice, to enjoy<br />

ignotus, unknown<br />

impudicus, shameless<br />

inscribere, -scripsi, -scriptus, to inscribe<br />

liberum arbitrium, free will<br />

major, greater<br />

memoratus, mentioned<br />

meritorie, meritoriously<br />

nepos, m. and fo, grandchild} nephew, descendant<br />

non-usus, mo, disuse<br />


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