Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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118 SECOND LATIN<br />

infusio, £., pouring<br />

insanire, to be insane<br />

invaleseere, -valui, to become strong<br />

jejunus, fasting<br />

languere (2), langui, to faint, to be feeble<br />

lethargus, m., lethargy, coma<br />

liber, free<br />

maneus, defective} imperfect} infirm, maimed<br />

minuere, minui, minutus, to lessen, to diminish<br />

momentum, n., element} essential point, motion<br />

nitidus, clean<br />

nutrimentum, n., food<br />

obnubilare, to becloud} to dim<br />

perscribere, -seripsi, -seriptus, to write down<br />

phrensis, f., delirium<br />

plene, fully<br />

praeter, beyond} bej"ides<br />

praetermittere, -misi, -missus, to neglect} to omit<br />

progenies, fe, lineage, family<br />

proponere, -posni, -positus, to propose, to expose} to display<br />

quamprimum, as soon as possible<br />

quivis, any ulhatever<br />

quominus (introduces clauses after verbs of hindering), so as not, from<br />

repetere, -petivi, -petitus, to repeat<br />

reprimere, -pressi, -pressus, to check, to repress<br />

respuere, to reject<br />

sanus, in good health<br />

semita, f., path<br />

sin, but if, if however<br />

statim, immediately<br />

subito, suddenly<br />

suflleere, -feci, -feetus, to suffice<br />

supplere (2), -plevi, -pletus, to supply<br />

temperies, f., temperature, climate

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