Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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III<br />

norma, f., rule, precept<br />

ostentum, n., prodigy<br />

parvulus, m.7child<br />

peragere, -egi, -actus, to accomplish<br />

permanere (2), -mansi, -mansus, to remain 7 to stand<br />

postulare, to demand7to require<br />

praeditus, possessed of7 provided with<br />

praevidere (2), -vidi, -visus, to foresee<br />

prolabi (dep. 3) -lapsus, to lapse7to fall away<br />

quamvis, although<br />

quire (eo), to be able<br />

rursus, agatn<br />

status,nn.,state<br />

trahere, traxi, tractus, to drag, to draw7to bring<br />

tutor, m., guardian<br />

usurpare, to use<br />

viator, m., wayfarer<br />

I. in dies, daily<br />

Idioms<br />

2. qua tale, of any sort<br />

3. in genere, in general7generally speaking<br />

4. sub conditione, conditionally<br />

s. contra haec, in answer to this<br />

6. haec contra, this in reply<br />

7. contra autem, but on the other hand<br />

8. nullo pacto, in no way<br />


I. Antequam, priusquam, before.<br />

a) These conjunctions are followed by the perfect indicative to<br />

state a fact in past time.

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