Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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sapor, m., Javor, flavor<br />

spirare, to breathe, to exhale<br />

subdere, -didi, -ditus, to place under, to Jubj~ct<br />

tangere, tetigi, tactus, to touch<br />

transmutatio, £., change, alteration<br />

ut qUUffi, as uJhen<br />

vendere, to sell<br />

virtuosus, virtuous, of virtue<br />


I. Transmutatio: change from one nature, forln, or substance into<br />

another; transformation; conversion of one thing into another.<br />

2. Intrinsece: in its nature; ,vithin the thing itself; essential.<br />

3. Extrinsece: not contained in or belonging to a body; externally;<br />

unessentially; pertaining to \vhat is outside of the thing itself.<br />

4. Motus localis: activity localized in the brain centers corresponding<br />

to the several senses of sight, hearing, touch, etc.<br />

5.. Rhetorica: the art of expressive speech or discourse, especially<br />

the art of literary composition.<br />

GRA~IMAR<br />

I. Dum and quoad, until, take the present or imperfect subj unctive<br />

in clauses irnplying intention or expectancy.<br />

Expectamus, dum veniat. We are waiting until he comes.<br />

Exercitus exercebatur, quoad fortis esset. The army was trained until<br />

it was Jtrong.<br />

2. Donee and quoad, until, require the perfect indicative to express<br />

an actual fact in the past. Expeetavit, donee respondi. He waited until<br />

I answered.<br />

3. Dum, donee, and quoad, as long as, take the indicative. Legebant,<br />

quoad poterant. They read as long as they could.<br />

4. Dum, meaning while, frequently takes the present indicative to<br />

denote action in the past. Dum eis gratias agit, alia praemia ad eum

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