Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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WORD SroDY<br />

L Indivisio: oneness; the state of being a unit that cannot be diTided.<br />

2. Transcendentalis: relating to a reality beyond the senses, and<br />

underlying the objects of experience.<br />

3. Forma substantialis: that internal constitution which makes an<br />

existing thing to be \vhat it is.<br />

+ Forma accidentalis: not of the essence or substance of a thing.<br />


I. Reflexive pronouns. These are the same as the object pronouns<br />

except in the third person, where the following forms are used: sui<br />

(gen.), of himself, herself, itself, themselves; sibi (dat.), to himself,<br />

etc.; se (acc. and abL) , himself, etc., and by or with himself~ etc.<br />

Sc amant. They love themselves. They love each other.<br />

Mihi loquor.l talk to myself.<br />

a) The preposition cum is added to these forms as an enclitic: mecum,<br />

tecum, secum, nobiscum, vobiscum. Primum matti, deinde patti<br />

servit, et tunc secum concludit. First he serves the mother, next the<br />

father, and then he concludes with himself.<br />

b) Of the possessive pronouns, mens, tuus, suus, etc., suus is used<br />

only as a reflexive referring to the subject. When his, her, its, their<br />

refer to someone other than the subject, then ejus or corum is used<br />

instead of suus.<br />

Patrern suum vocant. They call th~ir (own) father.<br />

Matrern. ejus vidit heri. He saw his (not his own, someone else's)<br />

mother yesterday.<br />

c) The reciprocals, one another or each oth~, are expressed by the<br />

rdkxive pronoun or by inter se or alter ••• alterum.<br />

Opposita juxta se posita magis elucescunt. Opposites placed next to<br />

each other stand out more clearly.<br />

Inter se fovebant. They cherished elUj" other.<br />

Altera alteram expectabit. They will wait for each other.

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