Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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Vocabulary<br />

actus, m., act<br />

communiter, commonly<br />

conserere, -semi, -sertus, to connea<br />

definire, to define<br />

facultas, f., faculty<br />

hine, hence<br />

intellectus, m., intellect<br />

necessario, necessarily<br />

non modo, not only<br />

notio, f., notion<br />

notitia, f., knowledge, acquaintance<br />

res, f., thing<br />

scll. (abbrev. for scilicet), that is to say, namely<br />

sensibilis, perceptible, apprehensible, sensible<br />

seu, or<br />

significare, to meanI to signify<br />

simplex, simple<br />

sonare, to sound, to indicate<br />

terminus, m., term<br />

tractare, to treat<br />

ullus, -a, -urn, any<br />

verum etiam, but also<br />

WORD Snmy<br />

I. Essentia: that by which a thing is what it is; the intrinsic nature<br />

of a thing. Thus the essentia of man consists in his being a rational<br />

animal; the essentia of a triangle consists in its being a three-sided<br />

plane figure. Further details do not belong to the essentia.

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