Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


LESSON I Vocabulary abrogare, to revoke} to abrogate} to annul aptus, fit} suited to} correct congruus, proper} suitable corporeus, bodily} corporeal dicitur, it is called} it is said to be distincte, clearly} plainly} distinctly exhibere (2), to show} to exhibit exprimere, -pressi, -pressus, to show l to express} to represent hujusmodi, of this kind mere, merely mosaicus, Mosaic} pertaining to Moses nota, f., mark} feature perfectio, f., perfection} correctness privativus, deprived of} lacking probare, to prove} to test} to examine prout, according as pugnare, to fight roborare, to strengthen solere (2), to be accustomed subjeetum, n., subject} proposition vivens, living WORD Snmy I. Realis, realiter, realitas refer to the existence of something existing independent of the action of the created mind. Thus a dot is an ens reale, realiter existens. But a point is not an ens reale. 2. Substantia is an ens reale that is suited to exist by itself (e.g., an

:2 SECOND LATIN apple). Substantia is contrasted with accidens. An accidens (plur., accidentia) inheres in a substantia (e.g., redness, roundness). 3. Carentia, privatio. Carentia, the generic term, means the absence of some quality. Privatio (adj., privativus) is an absence of a quality from a being that is aptum to have that quality. Thus a man's blindness is a privatio. 4. Subjectum, objectum. Subjectum is that in \vhich something exists. Thus the intellect is the subjectum of ideas; a man is the subjectum of health. Objectum is that toward which sOll1et.hing is directed. Thus color is the objectum of the power of sight. GRAMMAR The passive voice is used for the most part as in English. a) The agent, if expressed, is placed in the ablative case preceded by the preposition a or abe Evangelia a discipulis scribebantur.. T h~ Gospels were toritten by disciples. b) Many verbs may be used in the passive with impersonal force. is said to be} it is called. Agendwn est. The matter to be treated is. EXERCISES Translate into English: I. Substantia non deletur. 2. Evangelium a sacerdote praedicatur. 3. M undus non amatur ab inimicis suis. 4. Ideae distinctae in duas partes dividuntuL 5. Animae immortalitas ex ejus spiritualitare prob3tur. 6. Dei existentia ex existentia mundi probatur. 7. Corpus exercitio congruo roboratur. 8. Lex mosaica a Christo abrogata est. 9. \1eritas in actu exercito cognoscitur. 10. Multas dies pugnatur. 11. Cogitationes impiae repelli possunt. 12. Portae civitatis apertae sunt. 13. Gratiae actae erant. 14. Principium pacis factum erit. 15. Domus a virgine rnundatur. 16. Panes pauperibus dabuntur. 17. Deprecationes a filiis oblatae sunt. 18. Virgo in cCleEs coronatur. 19. Filia a matre sua docebitur. 20. Discipuli Domini verbis conturbabantur. 21. Agnus a servo abductus est. 22. Vultus suus


apple). Substantia is contrasted with accidens. An accidens (plur.,<br />

accidentia) inheres in a substantia (e.g., redness, roundness).<br />

3. Carentia, privatio. Carentia, the generic term, means the absence<br />

of some quality. Privatio (adj., privativus) is an absence of a quality<br />

from a being that is aptum to have that quality. Thus a man's blindness<br />

is a privatio.<br />

4. Subjectum, objectum. Subjectum is that in \vhich something exists.<br />

Thus the intellect is the subjectum of ideas; a man is the subjectum<br />

of health. Objectum is that toward which sOll1et.hing is directed. Thus<br />

color is the objectum of the power of sight.<br />


The passive voice is used for the most part as in English.<br />

a) The agent, if expressed, is placed in the ablative case preceded<br />

by the preposition a or abe Evangelia a discipulis scribebantur.. T h~<br />

Gospels were toritten by disciples.<br />

b) Many verbs may be used in the passive with impersonal force.<br /> is said to be} it is called.<br />

Agendwn est. The matter to be treated is.<br />


Translate into English: I. Substantia non deletur. 2. Evangelium<br />

a sacerdote praedicatur. 3. M undus non amatur ab inimicis suis.<br />

4. Ideae distinctae in duas partes dividuntuL 5. Animae immortalitas<br />

ex ejus spiritualitare prob3tur. 6. Dei existentia ex existentia mundi<br />

probatur. 7. Corpus exercitio congruo roboratur. 8. Lex mosaica a<br />

Christo abrogata est. 9. \1eritas in actu exercito cognoscitur. 10. Multas<br />

dies pugnatur. 11. Cogitationes impiae repelli possunt. 12. Portae<br />

civitatis apertae sunt. 13. Gratiae actae erant. 14. Principium pacis<br />

factum erit. 15. Domus a virgine rnundatur. 16. Panes pauperibus<br />

dabuntur. 17. Deprecationes a filiis oblatae sunt. 18. Virgo in cCleEs<br />

coronatur. 19. Filia a matre sua docebitur. 20. Discipuli Domini verbis<br />

conturbabantur. 21. Agnus a servo abductus est. 22. Vultus suus

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