Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


LATIN GRAMMAR Vivariensis, ~, of Vivarais vivax, -ads, long-lived, vigorous vlvere, vixi, victus, to live vividus, -a, -urn, living, healthy vivificans, -antis, life-giving vivificare, to bring to life, quicken vivicatio, -onis, f., a new life vivificltrix, -ids, f., q uickener, vivifier vivus, -a, -urn, living, alive vix, adv., scarcely, with difficulty \Tladimiria, -ae, f., WloJzimierz vobiscum, wi th you vobismetipsis, dat. pl.; S~~ tumetipse vocabulum, -i, n., name vocare, to ca 11 vocltio, -onis, f., calling, vocation, a sunlmons vocifenitio, -onis, f., loud shouting, jubilation volare, to fly Volaterrae, -arum, f. pl., Volterra volatile, -is, n., fowl, winged fowl volatus, -us, m., flight volens, -entis, willi ng Volhinia, -ae, f., Wolyn voJitare, to fly about vola (velIe), I wish or will volucris, -is, f., bird, fo\vl vohimen, -inis, n., volume, book voluntirie, adv., voluntarily, of one's own will voluntarium, -ii, n., free-will offering voluntarius, -a, -urn, voluntary voluntas, -atis, f. will voluptas, -atis, /., pleasure, delight Volusianus, -a, -urn, Volusian volutare (ari), to roll about, wallow v61vere, volvi, volutus, to meditate vomer, -eris, m., plowshare vorago, -inis, f., breach vorare, to eat, devour vosmetlpsos, acc.; se~ tumetipse VOUVllS, -3, -urn, votive votum, -i, n., vow; prayer, desire vovere, vovi, votus, to vow, promise solemnly vox, vocis, f., voice; sound; voce magna, with a loud voice Vratislaviensis, -e, of Wratislaw vulgare, LO pubIish vulgaris, -e, plain, common, coarse vulgo, adv., commonly vulgus, -i, n. people, multitude vulnerare, to wound vulnus, -eris, n., wound vulpes, -is, f., fox vultus, -us, m., countenance, face vulva, -ae, f., won1b w Wandali, -orum, m. pl., Vandals Willelmus, -i, m., William Willibrordus, -i, m., \Villibrord Winfridus, -i, m., Winfred Wiremuthensis, -e, of Wearmouth Wolphardus, -i, m., Wolphard Xamphana, -ac, f., Champagne Xaverius, -ii, m., Xavier xenodochium, -ii, n., hospital Xystus, -i, m., Sixtus x Y Ypsllon, Greek letter y z zabulus, -i, m., devil zain, the seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet, corresponding to English z Zatecium, -ii, n., Zatec

LATIN GRAMMAR Zebedaeus, -i, m., Zebedee zehire, to be jealous, envy ze1£ri, dep., to be zealous for zehitor, -oris, m., zealot, enthusiast zelus, -i, m., zeal Ziphaei, -orum, m. pl., Ziphites zizania, -arum, n. pl., cockle zona, -ae, t., girdle


Zebedaeus, -i, m., Zebedee<br />

zehire, to be jealous, envy<br />

ze1£ri, dep., to be zealous for<br />

zehitor, -oris, m., zealot, enthusiast<br />

zelus, -i, m., zeal<br />

Ziphaei, -orum, m. pl., Ziphites<br />

zizania, -arum, n. pl., cockle<br />

zona, -ae, t., girdle

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