Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


LATIN GRAMMAR v vacans, -antis, empty, vacant vacare, to desist, leave off vacca, -ae, f., cow; - foeta, milch cow vacilhire, to doubt vacuitas, -atis, f., vanity vacuus, -a, -urn, empty, void; in vacuum, in vain vadere, to go vae! interj., woe! vafer, -fra, -frum, crafty, sly vagina, -ae, f., scabbard, sheath vagire, to whimper, cry vagus, -a, -urn, wandering, harborless vagus, -i, m., wanderer, vagrant, tramp vah! (int~j. of contempt), ohl ah! bah! valde, adv., greatly, exceedingly valenter, adv., strongly; with a strong VOICe Valentia, -ae, f., Valencia Valentinus, -a, -urn, of Valencia Valentinus, -i, m., Valentine valere, to be well or strong; have strength; be able ~ be worthy Valerianus, -i, m., Valerian Valesii, -orum, m. pl., Valois Valesius, -a, -urn, of Valois; Felix-, icis, -ii, m., Felix de Valois valetudinarium, -ii, n., hospital valetudo, -inis, f., health, strength valide, adv., strongly, powerfully validus, -a, -urn, mighty vallare, to enclose, make a hedge about; fortify; besiege vallis (-es), -is, f., valley, vale Vallisoleturn, -i, n., Valladolid vallum, -i, n., trench valvae, -arum, f. pl., doors Vandall, -orum, m. pl., Vandals Vandalus, -i, m., the Vistula River vane, adv., vainly, in vain vaniloquium, -ii, n., vain babbling vaniloquus, -i, m., vain talker vanitas, -atis, f., vanity, vain thing vanus, -a, -urn, vain; vana, n. pl., vain things vapor, -oris, m., vapor vapor3re, to perfume vapuhire, to cry out; be beaten Varai1us, -i, m., Varallo varie, adv., variously, in various ways varietas, -atis, f., variety, changing thing varius, -a, -urn, various, varied, divers vas, vasis (pl., vasa, -orum), n., vessel; vasa psalmi, harps vasculum, -i, n., small vessel Vastanensis, -e, of Vadstena vastare, to spoil, lay waste vastator, -oris, m., destroyer vastitas, -atis, f., waste, desolation vastus, -a, -urn, vast Yates, -is, m., prophet, seer Vaticanus, -i, nl., Vatican vaticiruire, to prophesy vaticmium, -ii, n., prophecy, revelation vau, the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, corresponding to English w -ve, enclitic, or vecordia, -ae, f., foolishness, folly vectatio, -onis, f., carrying vectigal, -alis, n., revenue, custom; rent vectis, -is, m., bar, bolt, stave vector, -oris, m., sailor, passenger vegetare, to stir up, quicken, nourish vegecitio, -onis, f., new life vegetus, -a, -urn, strong, vigorous vehemens, -entis, mighty, violent vehementer, adv., greatly, exceedingly vehiculum, -i, n., conveyance; chariot Veitlirium, -ii, n., Voltaggio vel, con;., or velamen, -inis, n., veil, cloak velamentum, -i, n., veil; shelter

LATIN GRAMMAR velare, to cover; blindfold Velaunus, -a, -urn, of Velay Veldkirchium, -ii, nO J Feldkirch Veliternus, -a, -urn, Velletri velIe (volo), volui, to desire, wish, will; like, be pleased, delight in; choose; mean vellere, velli or vulsi, vulsus, to pluck vellus, -eris, nO J fleece vel6citer, advo J swiftly, speedily velox, -ocis, swift velum, i, n OJ veil; sail velut, advo J like, as vena, -ae, tOJ vein venalis, -e, for sa Ie venans, -antis, n1., fowler, hunter venatio, -onis, tOJ hunting; venison venator, -oris, mo, hunter venatus, -us, mo, hunting vendere, -didi, -ditus, to sell venditio, -onis, tOJ selling veneficium, -ii, no, witchcraft veneficus, -i, n1. J sorcerer, wizard venenatus, -a, -urn, poisonous, venomous, envenomed venenosus, -a, -urn, venomous venenurn, -i, no, poison venenibilis, -e, venerable venerandus, -a, -urn, venerable venerare (-ari), to hold in honor, venerate, worship veneratio, -onis, I., honor Venetia, -ae, 10' Vannes Venetiae, -arum, I. ploJ Venice Venetus, -a, -urn, Venetian venia, -ae, 10, pardon veniabilis, -e, pardonable venire, veni, ventus, to come venire, -ivi (-ii), -itus, to be sold venter, -tris, mO J womb; belly; bowels ventilare, to toss, scatter; winnow ventitare, to corne often venturus, -a, -urn, to come, coming ventus, -i, mO) wind venumdare, -dedi, -datus, to sell Venus, -eris, tOJ Venus venustas, -atis, tOJ beauty vepres, -is, mO J briar, briar bush ver, -is, nO J spring veraciter, advo J truly, truthfully verax, -ads, true, truthful; (as a noun) a true speaker Veranus, -a, -urn, of Verus, Veranian verber, -eris, n OJ blow, lash, stripe; lashing, scourging verberare, to beat verberatio, -onis, tOJ chastisement verbosus, -a, -urn, verbose, wordy verbum, -i, n OJ word VercelIae, -arum, to ploJ Vercelli Vercellensis, -e, of Vercelli Verdunurn, -i, nO J Verdun vere, advo, in truth, truly, indeed verecundia, -ae, IOJ shame; modesty vereri, dep. 2, to fear; reverence vergere, versi, to bend veritas, -atis, tOJ truth, fidelity vermicutitus, -a, -urn, inlaid vermiculus, -i, mO J crimson vermis, -is, m OJ worm vernaculus, -i, m OJ domestic, servant born in one's house, homeborn slave vernans, -antis, springlike vernus, -a, -urn, of the springtime, spring vero, advo, but, in truth Veronensis, -e, of Verona verrere, versus sum, semidep. 3" to sweep versare, to turn, change versatilis, -e, revolving versatus, -a, -urn, versed verslculus, -i, mO J little verse versus, -us, m. J verse versutia, -ae, to) craftiness, subtlety vertere, verti, versus, to turn; use; construe as; put to flight; vertente


v<br />

vacans, -antis, empty, vacant<br />

vacare, to desist, leave off<br />

vacca, -ae, f., cow; - foeta, milch cow<br />

vacilhire, to doubt<br />

vacuitas, -atis, f., vanity<br />

vacuus, -a, -urn, empty, void; in<br />

vacuum, in vain<br />

vadere, to go<br />

vae! interj., woe!<br />

vafer, -fra, -frum, crafty, sly<br />

vagina, -ae, f., scabbard, sheath<br />

vagire, to whimper, cry<br />

vagus, -a, -urn, wandering, harborless<br />

vagus, -i, m., wanderer, vagrant, tramp<br />

vah! (int~j. of contempt), ohl ah!<br />

bah!<br />

valde, adv., greatly, exceedingly<br />

valenter, adv., strongly; with a strong<br />

VOICe<br />

Valentia, -ae, f., Valencia<br />

Valentinus, -a, -urn, of Valencia<br />

Valentinus, -i, m., Valentine<br />

valere, to be well or strong; have<br />

strength; be able ~ be worthy<br />

Valerianus, -i, m., Valerian<br />

Valesii, -orum, m. pl., Valois<br />

Valesius, -a, -urn, of Valois; Felix-,<br />

icis, -ii, m., Felix de Valois<br />

valetudinarium, -ii, n., hospital<br />

valetudo, -inis, f., health, strength<br />

valide, adv., strongly, powerfully<br />

validus, -a, -urn, mighty<br />

vallare, to enclose, make a hedge<br />

about; fortify; besiege<br />

vallis (-es), -is, f., valley, vale<br />

Vallisoleturn, -i, n., Valladolid<br />

vallum, -i, n., trench<br />

valvae, -arum, f. pl., doors<br />

Vandall, -orum, m. pl., Vandals<br />

Vandalus, -i, m., the Vistula River<br />

vane, adv., vainly, in vain<br />

vaniloquium, -ii, n., vain babbling<br />

vaniloquus, -i, m., vain talker<br />

vanitas, -atis, f., vanity, vain thing<br />

vanus, -a, -urn, vain; vana, n. pl., vain<br />

things<br />

vapor, -oris, m., vapor<br />

vapor3re, to perfume<br />

vapuhire, to cry out; be beaten<br />

Varai1us, -i, m., Varallo<br />

varie, adv., variously, in various ways<br />

varietas, -atis, f., variety, changing<br />

thing<br />

varius, -a, -urn, various, varied, divers<br />

vas, vasis (pl., vasa, -orum), n.,<br />

vessel; vasa psalmi, harps<br />

vasculum, -i, n., small vessel<br />

Vastanensis, -e, of Vadstena<br />

vastare, to spoil, lay waste<br />

vastator, -oris, m., destroyer<br />

vastitas, -atis, f., waste, desolation<br />

vastus, -a, -urn, vast<br />

Yates, -is, m., prophet, seer<br />

Vaticanus, -i, nl., Vatican<br />

vaticiruire, to prophesy<br />

vaticmium, -ii, n., prophecy, revelation<br />

vau, the sixth letter of the Hebrew<br />

alphabet, corresponding to English<br />

w<br />

-ve, enclitic, or<br />

vecordia, -ae, f., foolishness, folly<br />

vectatio, -onis, f., carrying<br />

vectigal, -alis, n., revenue, custom;<br />

rent<br />

vectis, -is, m., bar, bolt, stave<br />

vector, -oris, m., sailor, passenger<br />

vegetare, to stir up, quicken, nourish<br />

vegecitio, -onis, f., new life<br />

vegetus, -a, -urn, strong, vigorous<br />

vehemens, -entis, mighty, violent<br />

vehementer, adv., greatly, exceedingly<br />

vehiculum, -i, n., conveyance; chariot<br />

Veitlirium, -ii, n., Voltaggio<br />

vel, con;., or<br />

velamen, -inis, n., veil, cloak<br />

velamentum, -i, n., veil; shelter

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