Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


318 LATIN GRAMMAR ternperare, to be temperate; learn to avoid; mingle; govern temperatura, -ae, f., tempering temperies, -ei, /., tempering; refreshn1ent ternpestas, -atis, I., storm ternplurn, -i, n., temple, church ternponilis, -e, temporal, earthly temporaliter, adv., temporally; in time temponlneus, -a, -urn, early, timely terr.lpus, -oris, n., tin1e; season; quanto tempore, as long as ~ ad tenlpus, for awhile; quatuor tenlporuIu, of Ember week temulentus, -a, -urn, drunk tenax, -acis, niggardIy; firm, stead fast tendere, tetendi, tentus or tensus, to stretch, extend; direct one's course; conform one's life tendicula, -ae, /., snare tenebrae, -amID, I. pl., darkness tenebricosus, -a, -urn, dark tcnebrosus, -a, -urn, dark tener, -a, -urn, tender tenere, -ui, tentus, to hold, have, possess, keep tcncritudo, -inis, f., tenderness tenor, -oris, m., course tentamenturn, -i, 11., trial tentare, to tempt; prove tentatio, -onis, /., tenlptation tentator, -oris, n1., tempter tentorium, -ii, n., tent; hanging, drapery tenuare, to lessen, diminish tenuis, -c, small, little, weak tepefactus, -a, -urn, warm Tepejacensis, -e, of Tepeyac tepescere, -ui, to become tepid or lukewarm ter, adv., thrice tercenties, adv., three hundred times terebinthus, -i, t., terebinth or turpentine tree; Terebinth terere, trivi, tritus, to rub away; s0100th; bruise, amict Teresia, -ae, f., Theresa tergere, tersi, tersus, to wipe tergurn, -i, n., back terminus, -i, m., end; border, boundary; quarter terni, -ae, -a, three, three apiece terra, -ae, f., earth, ground, land; dust terraemotus, -us, m., earthquake tern~nus, -a, -urn, earthly; terrena, n. pl., earthly things terrere, to frighten, affright, terrify terrester, -tris, -tre, eJ rthly; on earth terreus, -a, -urn, earthly terribilis, -c, terrible, fearful terriblliter, adv.} fearfully terrigena, -at, c. .. earthborn terror, -oris, m., terror tertia, -ae, /., terce tertio, adv., a third time tertius, -a, -urn, third tertiusdecimus, -a, -a, -urn, -urn, thirteenth. tessera, -ae, f., token, distinguishing mark testa, -ae, f., clay; potsherd testaceus, -a, -urn, of brick or tile testamentum, -i, n., testament, cov~ nant testari, dep., to testify, bear witness testator, -oris, tn., one that makes a will, testator testificare, to witness testificari, dep., to testify; charge testificatio, -onis, f., \vi tness, testimony testimonium, -ii, n., witness, evidence testis, -is, m., a witness testula, .ae, t., potsherd teter, -tra, -trum, foul, filthy, hideoui teth, the ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, corresponding to English t tetrarcha, -ae, In., tetrarch texens, -entis, nJ., weaver

LATIN GRAMMAR texere, -ui, textus, to weave textrinus, -a, -unI, \veaving textus, -us, m., context Thaboriti, -orum, m. pl., Thaborites thalamus, -i, m.} bedroom, bridal chamber Tharsaeas, -ae, m., Tharseas Tharsis, ~rartessus thaun1aturgus, -i, m.} wonderworker Theatinus, -a, -urn, of Chieti theatrum, -i, n., theater; show Thebaei, -0rum, m. pl., Thebans Thebais, -idis, f., Thebes theca, -ae, f., case, covering, sheath Thecuitis, -is, of Thecua thema, -atis, n., theme Theob£ldus, -i, m., Theobald Theodoricus, -i, m., Theodoric Theodorus, -i, Theodore theologia, -ae, f., theology theologicus, -a, -urn, theological theologus, -i, m., theologian Theopascrntae, -arum, m. pl., Theopaschites Theresia, -ae, f., Theresa thesaurizare, to heap as a treasure, lay up treasure thesaurus, -i, m.} treasure; treasury, storehouse Thesbites, -is, m., Thesbite Thessalonicenses, -iurn, m. pl.} Thessalonians Theutonicus, -a, -urn, German Thienaeus, -a, -urn, of Tiene thorax, -acis, m., breast plate Thracia, -ae, f., Thrace Thracius, -a, -urn, Thracian thronus, -i, m., throne thorus (torus), -i, m.} bed, marriage couch thuribulurn, -i, n., censer thus, thuris, n., frankincense thyinus, -a, -urn, of the thyine tree tiara, -ae, f., cap, tiara Tiberinus, -a, -urn, of the Tiber Tiberis, -is, m., the Tiber River tibia, -ae, f., shinbone; leg; pipe, flute tibicen, -inis, m., piper, minstrel Tibilitanus, -a, -urn, of Tibilis Tiburtinus, -a, -urn, Tiburtine; of Tivoli Ticinum, -i, n., Ticino; Pavia tignum, -i, n., beam tigris, -is, m., tiger timere, to fear, be afraid timidus, -a, -urn, fearful timor, -oris, m., fear, terror timoratus, -a, -urn, devout l~imotheus, -i, m.} Timotheus, Timothy tinctura, -ae, f., dye, dyeing tinea, -ae, f., moth tingere, tinxi, tinctus, to dye tinnire, to tinkle Tirconailia, -ae, f., Tirconail tirocinium, -ii, n., noviceship, novitiate; apprenticeship titio, -onis, m., firebrand titubare, to stagger; waver titularis, -e, titular titulus, -i, m., title; inscription; pledge Tolentinum, -i, n., Tolentino tolerabilis, -e, bearable, light tolerare, to bear Tolecinus, -a, -urn, of Toledo tolJere, slistuli, sublatus, to lift up; take away; hold in suspense Tolosa, -ae, f., Toulouse Tolosanus, -a, -urn, of Toulouse Tolosates, -iurn, m. pl., people of Toulouse tomus, -i, m., volume tonare, -ui, to resound; thunder tondens, -entis, m., shearer tondere, totondi, tonsus, to shear torutruurn, -i, n., thunder tonsma, -ae, f., tonsure topazion (topazus), -i, n.} topaz


ternperare, to be temperate; learn to<br />

avoid; mingle; govern<br />

temperatura, -ae, f., tempering<br />

temperies, -ei, /., tempering; refreshn1ent<br />

ternpestas, -atis, I., storm<br />

ternplurn, -i, n., temple, church<br />

ternponilis, -e, temporal, earthly<br />

temporaliter, adv., temporally; in time<br />

temponlneus, -a, -urn, early, timely<br />

terr.lpus, -oris, n., tin1e; season; quanto<br />

tempore, as long as ~ ad tenlpus, for<br />

awhile; quatuor tenlporuIu, of Ember<br />

week<br />

temulentus, -a, -urn, drunk<br />

tenax, -acis, niggardIy; firm, stead fast<br />

tendere, tetendi, tentus or tensus, to<br />

stretch, extend; direct one's course;<br />

conform one's life<br />

tendicula, -ae, /., snare<br />

tenebrae, -amID, I. pl., darkness<br />

tenebricosus, -a, -urn, dark<br />

tcnebrosus, -a, -urn, dark<br />

tener, -a, -urn, tender<br />

tenere, -ui, tentus, to hold, have, possess,<br />

keep<br />

tcncritudo, -inis, f., tenderness<br />

tenor, -oris, m., course<br />

tentamenturn, -i, 11., trial<br />

tentare, to tempt; prove<br />

tentatio, -onis, /., tenlptation<br />

tentator, -oris, n1., tempter<br />

tentorium, -ii, n., tent; hanging, drapery<br />

tenuare, to lessen, diminish<br />

tenuis, -c, small, little, weak<br />

tepefactus, -a, -urn, warm<br />

Tepejacensis, -e, of Tepeyac<br />

tepescere, -ui, to become tepid or lukewarm<br />

ter, adv., thrice<br />

tercenties, adv., three hundred times<br />

terebinthus, -i, t., terebinth or turpentine<br />

tree; Terebinth<br />

terere, trivi, tritus, to rub away;<br />

s0100th; bruise, amict<br />

Teresia, -ae, f., Theresa<br />

tergere, tersi, tersus, to wipe<br />

tergurn, -i, n., back<br />

terminus, -i, m., end; border, boundary;<br />

quarter<br />

terni, -ae, -a, three, three apiece<br />

terra, -ae, f., earth, ground, land; dust<br />

terraemotus, -us, m., earthquake<br />

tern~nus, -a, -urn, earthly; terrena, n.<br />

pl., earthly things<br />

terrere, to frighten, affright, terrify<br />

terrester, -tris, -tre, eJ rthly; on earth<br />

terreus, -a, -urn, earthly<br />

terribilis, -c, terrible, fearful<br />

terriblliter, adv.} fearfully<br />

terrigena, -at, c. .. earthborn<br />

terror, -oris, m., terror<br />

tertia, -ae, /., terce<br />

tertio, adv., a third time<br />

tertius, -a, -urn, third<br />

tertiusdecimus, -a, -a, -urn, -urn, thirteenth.<br />

tessera, -ae, f., token, distinguishing<br />

mark<br />

testa, -ae, f., clay; potsherd<br />

testaceus, -a, -urn, of brick or tile<br />

testamentum, -i, n., testament, cov~<br />

nant<br />

testari, dep., to testify, bear witness<br />

testator, -oris, tn., one that makes a<br />

will, testator<br />

testificare, to witness<br />

testificari, dep., to testify; charge<br />

testificatio, -onis, f., \vi tness, testimony<br />

testimonium, -ii, n., witness, evidence<br />

testis, -is, m., a witness<br />

testula, .ae, t., potsherd<br />

teter, -tra, -trum, foul, filthy, hideoui<br />

teth, the ninth letter of the Hebrew<br />

alphabet, corresponding to English t<br />

tetrarcha, -ae, In., tetrarch<br />

texens, -entis, nJ., weaver

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