Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


316 LATIN GRAMMAR superpOnere, -posui, -positus, to lay over superscriptio, -onis, t., superscription superseminare, to oversow supersperare, to hope or trust in greatly superstitiosus, -a, -urn, superstitious superus, -a, -urn, higher, upper; su~ preme; divine superus, -i, m., divine being, angel supervacaneus, -a, -urn, superfluous supervacue, adv., without cause supervenire, to come in or upon, overtake superventurus, -a, -urn, coming, approaching supervestire, to put clothes upon, clothe supinus, -a, -urn, lying upon the back suppeditare, to give abundantly suppetere, -ivi and -ii, -itus, to be present, be in store supplantare, to supplant; overthrow supplantatio, -onis, /., treachery supplementum, -i, n., supply, reinforcement supplere, -plevi, -pletus, to supply; use supplex, -icis, suppliant, low supplicare, to beseech humbly supplicatio, -onis, t., supplication, prayer suppliciter, adv., suppliantly, humbly supplicium, -ii, n., punishment supponere, -possui, -positus, to hold or put under supportare, to bear, bear with supra, prep., over, above, upon supradictus, -a, -urn, aforesaid supremus, -a, -urn, last supputare, to count, compute SID-culus, -i, m., branch surdus, -a, -urn, deaf; surdi, pl., the deaf surgere, surrexi, surrectus, to rise up, anse surripere, -ripui, -reptus, (io), to steal away; happen to; take by stealth surrogare, to grant sursum, adv., up\vard, above; ­ corda, lift up the hearts susceptio, -onis, t., receiving; protection susceptor, -oris, receptive susceptor, -oris, m., taker up, receiver; protector suscipere, -cepi, -ceptus, (io), to receive; undertake; uphold suscitare, to raise up, raise to life, awake suspendere, -pendi, -pensus, to hang up suspensio, -onis, f., suspension suspicari, dep., to suspect; dread suspicere, -spexi, -spectus, (io), to look up suspicio, -onis, f., suspicion suspirare, to sigh, long for suspirium, -ii, n., sigh; desire sustentaculum, -i, n., prop, support sustentare, to maintain, support sustentatio, -onis, f., deferring, delay; forbearance sustentator, -oris, nl., supporter sustinentia, -ae, /., enduring sustinere, -tinui, -tentus, to sustain, endure, undergo; stand, wait for, wait upon; abide; rely sustollere, to Iift up susurrare, to murnlur, whisper susurrus, -i, n1., whisperer Sutrinus, -a, -urn, of Sutri suus, -a, -urn, his, her, hers, it, its, their, theirs Sweynus, -i, n1., Sweyn Sybillinus, -a, -urn, Sibylline sycomorus, -i, /., sycamore tree sycophanta, -ae, m., sycophant, flatterer Sylla (Sulla), -ae, m., Sulla

LATIN GRAMMAR sfllaba, -ae, f., syllable symbolum, -i, n., sylnbol; creed symphonia, -ae, f., music, symphony Symphorhlnus, -i, m., Symphorian synagoga, -ae, f., synagogue, congregation, assembly Synicensis, -e, of Synica synodicus, -a, -urn, synodal synodus, -i, t., synod, council Syracusae, -arum, f. pl., Syracuse Syracusanus, -a, -um, of Syracuse Syri, -orum, m. pl., Syrians Syrophoenissus, -a, -urn, Syrophoeni- Clan syrtis, -is, f., sandbank Syrus, -a, -urn, Syrian systema, -atis, n., system T tabernaculum, -i, n., tabernacle; dwelling; tent tabCscere, -ui, to melt; languish, pine away tabidus, -a, -urn, decaying, melting cibula, -ae, f., writing-tablet tabuhhum, -i, n., board tacere, to be silent, hold one's peace taciturnitas, -atis, f., silence tacitus, -a, -urn, silent tactus, -us, m., touch; blemish taeda, -ae, f., torch taedere, taeduit, rnzpers, 2, to be heavy; be disgusted taedium, -ii, n., weariness, heaviness, care tahiris, -e, reaching to the ankles; tunica-, outside coat talentum, -i, n., talent (a sum of money, about $r,ooo) cilio, -onis, t., retaliation talis, -e, such illiter, adtl., thus, so talus, -i, m., ankle tam, adv., so, to such a degree cimdiu, (/dv., so long tamen, adv., yet, nevertheless tametsi, conj., although tamquam (tanquam), adv., like, as, just as, as it were Tanchelmus, -i, m., Tanchelm tangere, tetigi, tactus, to touch tantisper, adv., meanwhile tantillnmodo, adv., only tantus, -a, -urn, such, so much, so great, of such size; only; tanto. quanto, so much ... as Tarascum, -i, n., Tarascon Tarbiensis, -e, of Tarbes tardare, to delay, tarry tarditas, -atis, t., slowness tardus, -a, -urn, slow Tarpejus, -a, -um, Tarpeian Tarracina, -ae, t., Terracina Tarraconensis, -e, of Tarragona Tarsensis, -e, of Tarsus tartarus, -i, m., hell Tarvisinus, -a, -urn, of Treviso Tarvisium, -ii, n., Treviso Taurinas: Aquae Taurinae, -arum, -arum, f. pl., Acquapendente Taurunensis, -e, of Belgrade taurus, -i, m., bull, bullock, ox; bed tectum, -i, n., roof, house top tegere, texi, tectus, to cover tegmen, -inis, n., shelter tegula, -ae, t., tile tegumentum, -i, n., covering; shadow teipsum, thyself tela, -ae, t., web; warp (of cloth) telonearius, -ii, m., tax collector telum, -i, n., dart tellus, -uris, f., earth temeritas, -atis, f., rashness temetipsum, thyself; propter-, foe thy own sake temperamentum, -i, n., tempered mortar


sfllaba, -ae, f., syllable<br />

symbolum, -i, n., sylnbol; creed<br />

symphonia, -ae, f., music, symphony<br />

Symphorhlnus, -i, m., Symphorian<br />

synagoga, -ae, f., synagogue, congregation,<br />

assembly<br />

Synicensis, -e, of Synica<br />

synodicus, -a, -urn, synodal<br />

synodus, -i, t., synod, council<br />

Syracusae, -arum, f. pl., Syracuse<br />

Syracusanus, -a, -um, of Syracuse<br />

Syri, -orum, m. pl., Syrians<br />

Syrophoenissus, -a, -urn, Syrophoeni-<br />

Clan<br />

syrtis, -is, f., sandbank<br />

Syrus, -a, -urn, Syrian<br />

systema, -atis, n., system<br />

T<br />

tabernaculum, -i, n., tabernacle; dwelling;<br />

tent<br />

tabCscere, -ui, to melt; languish, pine<br />

away<br />

tabidus, -a, -urn, decaying, melting<br />

cibula, -ae, f., writing-tablet<br />

tabuhhum, -i, n., board<br />

tacere, to be silent, hold one's peace<br />

taciturnitas, -atis, f., silence<br />

tacitus, -a, -urn, silent<br />

tactus, -us, m., touch; blemish<br />

taeda, -ae, f., torch<br />

taedere, taeduit, rnzpers, 2, to be heavy;<br />

be disgusted<br />

taedium, -ii, n., weariness, heaviness,<br />

care<br />

tahiris, -e, reaching to the ankles;<br />

tunica-, outside coat<br />

talentum, -i, n., talent (a sum of<br />

money, about $r,ooo)<br />

cilio, -onis, t., retaliation<br />

talis, -e, such<br />

illiter, adtl., thus, so<br />

talus, -i, m., ankle<br />

tam, adv., so, to such a degree<br />

cimdiu, (/dv., so long<br />

tamen, adv., yet, nevertheless<br />

tametsi, conj., although<br />

tamquam (tanquam), adv., like, as,<br />

just as, as it were<br />

Tanchelmus, -i, m., Tanchelm<br />

tangere, tetigi, tactus, to touch<br />

tantisper, adv., meanwhile<br />

tantillnmodo, adv., only<br />

tantus, -a, -urn, such, so much, so<br />

great, of such size; only; tanto.<br />

quanto, so much ... as<br />

Tarascum, -i, n., Tarascon<br />

Tarbiensis, -e, of Tarbes<br />

tardare, to delay, tarry<br />

tarditas, -atis, t., slowness<br />

tardus, -a, -urn, slow<br />

Tarpejus, -a, -um, Tarpeian<br />

Tarracina, -ae, t., Terracina<br />

Tarraconensis, -e, of Tarragona<br />

Tarsensis, -e, of Tarsus<br />

tartarus, -i, m., hell<br />

Tarvisinus, -a, -urn, of Treviso<br />

Tarvisium, -ii, n., Treviso<br />

Taurinas: Aquae Taurinae, -arum,<br />

-arum, f. pl., Acquapendente<br />

Taurunensis, -e, of Belgrade<br />

taurus, -i, m., bull, bullock, ox; bed<br />

tectum, -i, n., roof, house top<br />

tegere, texi, tectus, to cover<br />

tegmen, -inis, n., shelter<br />

tegula, -ae, t., tile<br />

tegumentum, -i, n., covering; shadow<br />

teipsum, thyself<br />

tela, -ae, t., web; warp (of cloth)<br />

telonearius, -ii, m., tax collector<br />

telum, -i, n., dart<br />

tellus, -uris, f., earth<br />

temeritas, -atis, f., rashness<br />

temetipsum, thyself; propter-, foe<br />

thy own sake<br />

temperamentum, -i, n., tempered mortar

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