Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


LATIN GRAMMAR profari, dep., to speak in behalf of profectio, -onis, t., journey; departure profccto, adv., truly, really, certainly, doubtless profcctus, -us, m., source proferre, -tuli, -latus, to bring out or forth; lay before, display profcssio, -onis, /., profession professor, -oris, nL. professor proficcre, -feci, -fectus, (io), to avail; advance, increase, contribute to; go forth; prevail proficuus, -a, -urn, profitable profisclci, -fcctus SUlll, dep. 3, to go, set out or forth profiteri, -fessus sum, dep. 2, to profess; be enrolled proHigare, to scatter; overthro\v; abolish prof]uere, -fluxi, -£luxus, to flow forth profluvium, -ii, n., f1o\ving, flowing forth profugns, -a, -urn, fugitive profundum, -i, n., depth profundus, -a, -urn, deep profusio, -onis, t., pouring out, profu­ SIon profutu.rus, -a, -urn, profitable progencrator, -oris, m., progenitor, ancestor progenies, -ei, f., progeny, offspring, generation; a generatione et progenie, fronl generation to generation progredi, -gressus sum, dep. 3 (io), to go further proh!, interj., oh! ahl prohibCre, to restrain, forbid proinde, adv., hence projicere, -jeci, -jectus, (io), to cast a\vay, do\vn or upon proLitio, -onis, /., pronouncement proles, -is, t., offspring prolixe, adv., freely, abundantly prolixitas, -atis, /., fullness prolixius, adv., the longer prolongare, to lengthen, prolong prolongatus, -a, -urn, long proloqui, -locutus sum, dep. 3, to speak out, declare proludere, -lusi, -lusus, to practice beforehand proluere, -ui, -utus, to wash out. promanare, to emanate or derive from promere, prompsi, promptus, to bring forth, utter promerere (..cri), to merit, deserve; obtain promicare, to shine forth pronussio, -onis, t., promise promissum, -i, n., promise promittere, -misi, -missus, to promise promotor, -oris, m., encourager, promoter, champion promotus, -a, -urn, promoted, raised promptuarium, -ii, n., storehouse; pantry promptus, -a, -urn, willing, ready promptus, -us, nl., visibility, in pronlptu, manifest promulgare, to make known, publish pronuntiare, to speak, declare, pronounce; show; threaten pronus, -a, -urn, flat, prone; inclined, bent forward; on his siJe Propaganda, -ae, t., abbr. for the phrase de propaganda fide propagare, to spread propagatio, -onis, t., spreading, propagation propagator, -oris, m., propagator propago, -inis, /., shoot, branch; generation propalare, to make manifest prope, adv., near, at hand propemodum, adv., almost propensius, adv., mercifully; speedily propensus, -a, -urn, disposed to properare, to hasten

propheta, -ae, nl., prophet prophecilis, -e, of a prophet, prophetical prophetare, to prophesy prophetes, -is, nl., prophet prophetia, -ae, f., prophecy propheticus, -a, -urn, prophetic prophetlssa, -ae, f., prophetess propinare, to after a drink to propinquare, to approach; attain propinquitas, -atis, f., nearness; relationship propinquus, -a, -urn, near of kin; near, approaching propior, -ius, nearer propitiabilis, -e, propitious propitiare, (-ari), to be merciful or fa vorahle propitiatio, -onis, t., forgiveness, clemency, fa vor; propitia tion propitiatorium, -ii, n., propitiatory, I11ercy seat propitius, -a, -urn, merciful, gracious, propitious proponere, -posui, -positus, to lay or set before propositio, -onis, t., setting forth, proposition; text; riddle propositum, -i, n., plan, design, purpose proprletas, -atis, f., peculiarity, distinction propriurn, -ii, n., proper proprius, -a, -urn, one's own propter, prep., for, because of, by reason of propterea, adv., therefore propugnaculum, -i, n., rampart, bulwark propugnator, -oris, m., defender propulsare, to repel proripere, -ripui, -reptus, (io), to rush forth, escape prorogare, to defer, put off LATIN GRAMMAR 295 prorsus, adv' J turned toward; wholly; at all prosa, -ae, f., prose proselytus, -i, n., proselyte prosequi, -secutus sum, dep. 3, to further; honor, regard, hear; look dO'wn upon prosillre, -ui, to spring, leap forth prospector, -oris, m., provider, t,ruard- Ian ~rosperari, dep., to prosper prosp ::re, adv., prosperously prosperitas, -atis, t., prosperity prosper, -a, -urn, prosperous, well; prospera, n. pl., prosperous things, prosperity; good tidings prospicere, -spexi, -spectus, (io), to look; foresee prosternere, -stravi, -stratus, to strew or spread before; present; overthrow, prostrate, hUlnble; (reflexive), to fall down, prostrate oneself prostibulum, -i, stews, brot hel prostituere, -ui, -utus, to prostitute prostitutio, -onis, f., fornication prostratus, -a, -urn, Iyi I1g on the ground, hurnble, prostrate Protasius, -ii, m.} Protase protectio, -onis, t., protection protector, -oris, nl., protector protegere, -texti, -tectus, to cover; pru teet, help, defend protendere, -tendi, -tentus and -tensus, to hold up proterere, -trivi, -tritus, to trample under foot protervus, -a, -urn, stubborn protinus, adv.} constantly, immediately protomartyr, -is, m., protomartyr protoplastus, -i, m.} the first nlan, ALlarn protrahere, -traxi, -tractus, to draw out, extend; renlain

propheta, -ae, nl., prophet<br />

prophecilis, -e, of a prophet, prophetical<br />

prophetare, to prophesy<br />

prophetes, -is, nl., prophet<br />

prophetia, -ae, f., prophecy<br />

propheticus, -a, -urn, prophetic<br />

prophetlssa, -ae, f., prophetess<br />

propinare, to after a drink to<br />

propinquare, to approach; attain<br />

propinquitas, -atis, f., nearness; relationship<br />

propinquus, -a, -urn, near of kin; near,<br />

approaching<br />

propior, -ius, nearer<br />

propitiabilis, -e, propitious<br />

propitiare, (-ari), to be merciful or<br />

fa vorahle<br />

propitiatio, -onis, t., f<strong>org</strong>iveness, clemency,<br />

fa vor; propitia tion<br />

propitiatorium, -ii, n., propitiatory,<br />

I11ercy seat<br />

propitius, -a, -urn, merciful, gracious,<br />

propitious<br />

proponere, -posui, -positus, to lay or<br />

set before<br />

propositio, -onis, t., setting forth, proposition;<br />

text; riddle<br />

propositum, -i, n., plan, design, purpose<br />

proprletas, -atis, f., peculiarity, distinction<br />

propriurn, -ii, n., proper<br />

proprius, -a, -urn, one's own<br />

propter, prep., for, because of, by reason<br />

of<br />

propterea, adv., therefore<br />

propugnaculum, -i, n., rampart, bulwark<br />

propugnator, -oris, m., defender<br />

propulsare, to repel<br />

proripere, -ripui, -reptus, (io), to rush<br />

forth, escape<br />

prorogare, to defer, put off<br />


295<br />

prorsus, adv' J turned toward; wholly;<br />

at all<br />

prosa, -ae, f., prose<br />

proselytus, -i, n., proselyte<br />

prosequi, -secutus sum, dep. 3, to further;<br />

honor, regard, hear; look dO'wn<br />

upon<br />

prosillre, -ui, to spring, leap forth<br />

prospector, -oris, m., provider, t,ruard-<br />

Ian<br />

~rosperari, dep., to prosper<br />

prosp ::re, adv., prosperously<br />

prosperitas, -atis, t., prosperity<br />

prosper, -a, -urn, prosperous, well;<br />

prospera, n. pl., prosperous things,<br />

prosperity; good tidings<br />

prospicere, -spexi, -spectus, (io), to<br />

look; foresee<br />

prosternere, -stravi, -stratus, to strew<br />

or spread before; present; overthrow,<br />

prostrate, hUlnble; (reflexive),<br />

to fall down, prostrate oneself<br />

prostibulum, -i, stews, brot hel<br />

prostituere, -ui, -utus, to prostitute<br />

prostitutio, -onis, f., fornication<br />

prostratus, -a, -urn, Iyi I1g on the<br />

ground, hurnble, prostrate<br />

Protasius, -ii, m.} Protase<br />

protectio, -onis, t., protection<br />

protector, -oris, nl., protector<br />

protegere, -texti, -tectus, to cover; pru<br />

teet, help, defend<br />

protendere, -tendi, -tentus and -tensus,<br />

to hold up<br />

proterere, -trivi, -tritus, to trample under<br />

foot<br />

protervus, -a, -urn, stubborn<br />

protinus, adv.} constantly, immediately<br />

protomartyr, -is, m., protomartyr<br />

protoplastus, -i, m.} the first nlan,<br />

ALlarn<br />

protrahere, -traxi, -tractus, to draw<br />

out, extend; renlain

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