Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


LATIN GRAMMAR pinguescere, to grow fat; grow fertile pinguis, -c, fat; strong; pmguia, n. pI.1 fat meats pinruiculurn, -i, n., pinnacle Pipmus, -i, m., Pepin pinita, -ae, m., pirate Pisae, -arum, f. pl., Pisa piscari, dep., to fish piscator, -oris, nl., fisherman pisciculus, -i, m., little fish piscina, -ae, I., tank for bathing; pool, pond; fish market piscis, -is, nl., fish Pisis, -C, of Pisa pisticus, -a, -urn, pure, genuine (of nard) pius, -a, -urn, pious, holy; just; pitying; merciful, tender, loving pix, picis, I., pitch placabilis, -c, appeased placare, to appease placatio, -onis, I., a soothin~, appeasing, propitiating, propitiation; ransom Placentia, -ae, f., Piacenza placere, -ui or placatus sum, to please; placet, inlpers., it is pleasing placide, adv., peacefu tJy phicidus, -a, -urn, favorable Placidus, -i, m., Placid placitus, -a, -urn, acceptable plaga, -ae, I., blow, stripe, scourge, stroke; wound; plague plaga, -ae, I., flat surface, tract of land, district, zone, plain, desert plagare, to wou nd plagatus, -a, -urn, sore, wounded planare, to make plain planctus, -us, n'l.,' mourning plane, adv., surely plangere, planxi, planctus, to bewail planities, -ei, f., plain planta, -ae, I., sole of the foot plancire, to plant; set in place; create plantariurn, -ii, n., sale of the footl foot plantatio, -onis, f., plant; - rosae, rose plant planum, -i, n., plain planus, -a, -urn, plain, flat plasma, -atis, n., anything formed; creation plasrnare, to form, fashion plastes, -is, m., maker platanus, -i, /., plane tree platea, -ae, I., street plaudere, plausi, plausus, to strike, clap plaustrurn, -i, n., cart plausus, -us, m., applause plebejus, -a, -urn, of the people, plebeian plebs, -is, f., people plectere, to punish; capite plecti, to be beheaded plectere, plexi and plexui, plexus, to braid, plait pleniter, adv., fully, completely plenitudo, -inis, /., fullness; fulfilling; full assembly plenius, adv., rnore fully plenus, -a, -urn, full; plentiful plorare, to bewail, lanlent, weep plonitus, -us, n2., larnentation pluere, plui or pluvi, to rain pluITlbatum, -i, n., whip weighted with lead, plummet plumbum, -i, n., leao pluralis, -e, plural pluraliter, adv., in the plural pluries, adv., frequently plurimus, -a, -urn, very many; very great plus, adj. and adv., more; - quam, more than plusculus, -a, -urn, many pluvia, -ae, f., rain p6culurn, -i, n., goblet; drink

LATIN GRAMMAR Podium, -ii, n., Le Puy poena, -ae, f., pain poenitens, -entis, penitent poenitentia, -ae, f., repentance; penance poenitentiarius, -ii, m., penitentiary poenitere (paenitere), to repent; poenitet, inlpers., one repents or is displeased poesis, -is or -eos, f., poetry poeta, -ae, m., poet politus, -a, -urn, polite, polished pollere, to be strong polliceri, dep. 2, to promise pollicitatio, -onis, f., promise polhlere, -ui, -utus, to pollute, defile, profane polltitio, -onis, f., defilement Polocensis, -e, of Polotsk Polonia, -ae, I., Poland Polonus, -a, -urn, Pol ish polus, -i, TrI., sky, heaven Polycarpus, -i, m., Pol ycarp Polychronis, -is, nl., Polychron polymitus, -a, -urn, of divers colors pomarium, -ii, n., orchard pOmifer, -a, -urn, fruit, fruit-bearing pompa, -ae, I., pomp Pompejus, -i, m., Pompey Pomposianus, -a, -urn, of Pomposia pomum, -i, n., apple pornus, -i, f., fruit Lree ponderare, to weigh pondenitor, -oris, m., weigher pondus, -eris, n., load, weight, burden ponere, posui, positus, to put, set; lay down or aside; make Pontia, -ae, I., Ponza, Isola di Panza Pontianis (de), de' Pontiani Pontianus, -i, m., Pontian Ponticus, -a, -urn, Pontic; mare Ponticum, Black Sea pOntifex, -icis, m., pantiff; bishop; high priest; - maximus, pope pontificiJis, -c, pontifical pontificatus, -us, m., pontificate, reign pontificium, -ii, n., pontifical power pontificus, -a, -urn, pontifical, papal Pontiniaeensis, -c, of Pantigni Pontiniacum, -i, n., Pontigni Pontius Pilatus, -ii. -i, m., Pontius Pilate pontus, -i, m., the deep, the sea popina, -ae, f., food, fare populares, -ium, m. pl., the people populus, -i, m., people; in populis, among the nations poreinus, -a, -urn, of swine poreus, -i, m., pig porosus, -a, -urn, porous Porphyrius, -ii, m., Porphyry porreetus, -a, -urn, stretched out porrigere, -rexi, -rectus, to stretch forth porrigo, -inis, f., dandruff; itch; lice porro, adv., but porta, -ae, f., gate; - aquarum, water gate portire, to carry; uphold Portellus, -i, nl., Portello portendere t -tendi, -tentus, to portend, presage portentum, -i, n., wonder, portent porticus, -i, n1., porch portio, -onis, f., portion portitor.. -oris, m., bearer, carrier Portuensis, -c, of Porto portus, -us, m., port, harbor pOscere, poposci, to ask, beseech posse, potui, to be able, can possessio, -onis, f., possession possessor, -ris, m., possessor poss:ibilis, -e, possible possibilitas, -atis, f., possibility; power post, prep., after posteommtinio, -onis, f., postcommun­ Ion postea, adv., afterward, hereafter


pinguescere, to grow fat; grow fertile<br />

pinguis, -c, fat; strong; pmguia, n. pI.1<br />

fat meats<br />

pinruiculurn, -i, n., pinnacle<br />

Pipmus, -i, m., Pepin<br />

pinita, -ae, m., pirate<br />

Pisae, -arum, f. pl., Pisa<br />

piscari, dep., to fish<br />

piscator, -oris, nl., fisherman<br />

pisciculus, -i, m., little fish<br />

piscina, -ae, I., tank for bathing; pool,<br />

pond; fish market<br />

piscis, -is, nl., fish<br />

Pisis, -C, of Pisa<br />

pisticus, -a, -urn, pure, genuine (of<br />

nard)<br />

pius, -a, -urn, pious, holy; just; pitying;<br />

merciful, tender, loving<br />

pix, picis, I., pitch<br />

placabilis, -c, appeased<br />

placare, to appease<br />

placatio, -onis, I., a soothin~, appeasing,<br />

propitiating, propitiation; ransom<br />

Placentia, -ae, f., Piacenza<br />

placere, -ui or placatus sum, to please;<br />

placet, inlpers., it is pleasing<br />

placide, adv., peacefu tJy<br />

phicidus, -a, -urn, favorable<br />

Placidus, -i, m., Placid<br />

placitus, -a, -urn, acceptable<br />

plaga, -ae, I., blow, stripe, scourge,<br />

stroke; wound; plague<br />

plaga, -ae, I., flat surface, tract of land,<br />

district, zone, plain, desert<br />

plagare, to wou nd<br />

plagatus, -a, -urn, sore, wounded<br />

planare, to make plain<br />

planctus, -us, n'l.,' mourning<br />

plane, adv., surely<br />

plangere, planxi, planctus, to bewail<br />

planities, -ei, f., plain<br />

planta, -ae, I., sole of the foot<br />

plancire, to plant; set in place; create<br />

plantariurn, -ii, n., sale of the footl<br />

foot<br />

plantatio, -onis, f., plant; - rosae, rose<br />

plant<br />

planum, -i, n., plain<br />

planus, -a, -urn, plain, flat<br />

plasma, -atis, n., anything formed;<br />

creation<br />

plasrnare, to form, fashion<br />

plastes, -is, m., maker<br />

platanus, -i, /., plane tree<br />

platea, -ae, I., street<br />

plaudere, plausi, plausus, to strike,<br />

clap<br />

plaustrurn, -i, n., cart<br />

plausus, -us, m., applause<br />

plebejus, -a, -urn, of the people, plebeian<br />

plebs, -is, f., people<br />

plectere, to punish; capite plecti, to be<br />

beheaded<br />

plectere, plexi and plexui, plexus, to<br />

braid, plait<br />

pleniter, adv., fully, completely<br />

plenitudo, -inis, /., fullness; fulfilling;<br />

full assembly<br />

plenius, adv., rnore fully<br />

plenus, -a, -urn, full; plentiful<br />

plorare, to bewail, lanlent, weep<br />

plonitus, -us, n2., larnentation<br />

pluere, plui or pluvi, to rain<br />

pluITlbatum, -i, n., whip weighted<br />

with lead, plummet<br />

plumbum, -i, n., leao<br />

pluralis, -e, plural<br />

pluraliter, adv., in the plural<br />

pluries, adv., frequently<br />

plurimus, -a, -urn, very many; very<br />

great<br />

plus, adj. and adv., more; - quam,<br />

more than<br />

plusculus, -a, -urn, many<br />

pluvia, -ae, f., rain<br />

p6culurn, -i, n., goblet; drink

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