Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


280 LATIN GRAMMAR occlsio, -onis, t., slaughter occisor, -oris, m., killer, murderer occubitus, -us, m., setting occulere, -cului, -cuhus, to conceal occultare, to hide occulte, adv., privately occwtum, -i, n., hidden thing; secret or hidden sin occultus, -a, -urn, hidden occumberc, -cubui, -cubitus, to fall, fall down occupare, to occupy; reach unto; cumber occupatio, -onis, f., occupation occu.rrens, -cntis, of the day, current occu.rrere, -curri, -cursus, to Ineet, go to nleet, come to; occur occUrsus, -us, m., meeting; course; occurrence; vadere in occUrsurn, to go to n1.eet ocius, adv., quickly ocrea, -ae, f., greave octava, -ae, f., octa ve octavus, -a, -urn, eighth octennis, at the age of eight octingentesimus, -a, -urn, eight hundredth octo, eight octodecim, eigh teen octogenarius, -ii, m., octogenarian octogesirnus quintus, -a, -a, -urn, -urn, eigh ty-fifth octoginta, eighty; four score ocularis, -e, ocu lar, eye oculatus, -a, -urn, sharp-eyed; manyeyed oculus, -i, m., eye; ex oculis eorum, fronl their sight odibilis, -e, hateful odisse, defect. verb, to hate odium, -ii, n., hatred odor, -oris, m., smell, odor; savor odoramenturn, -i, n., odor odonire, to smell odorari, dep., to smell odoratus, -us, m., smell; smelling oecurnenicus, -3, -urn, ecumenical offendere, -fendi, -fensus, to dash against; stumble; offend offendiculum, -i, n., stumbling block offensio, -onis, f., offense offerre, obtuli, oblatus, to offer offertorium, -ii, n., offertory officium, -ii, n., favor, kindness; office; duty; fulfillment offusus, -a, -urn, spread around, concealing o'ea, -ae, t., olive tree oleaster, -tri, m., wild olive tree oIera, -orum, n. pl., herbs oleum, -i, n., oil olfacere, -feci, -factus, (io), to smell olim, adv., formerly, once oliva, -ae, f., olive tree Olivetus, -i, n1., Olivet olla, -ae, f., pot; caldron; ollas carnium, flesh pots olus, -eds, n., herb, pot herb omega, omega, the last letter of the Greek alphabet omnimodus, -a, -urn, entire, complete omnino, adv., at all omnipotens, -entis, almighty, omnipotent omnipotentia, -ae, f., might omnis, -e, all, every omophorion (Greek), bishop's pallium onager (onagrus), -i, m., wild ass oneratus, -a, -urn, burdened onerus, -a, -urn, bu rdensorne onus, -eris, n., burden onustatus, -a, -urn, burdened, laden onustus, -a, -urn, burdened, laden operari, dep., to work; comInit; trade operarius, -ii, m., laborer operatio, -onis, f., operation; work; working; virtue

LATIN GRAMMAR operator, -oris, m., worker operatorius, -a, -urn, conducive to action, nlightily working operimenturn, -i, n., covering operire, -perui, -pertus, to cover; overwhelm operosus, -a, -urn, hard, laborious opertorium, -ii, n., cover, vesture opifex, -£leis, C., worker opiflciurn, -ii, n., aid opinio, -onis, f., rumor opitulare (-ari), to help opitulatio, -onis, t., help, assistance oportere, imperson. verb, 2, to be proper, behoove; ought; must oppetere, -ivi and -ii, -itus, to meet, meet with, encounter oppidanus, -i, m., townsman, citizen oppidulum, -i, n., little town, village oppidum, -i, n., to\vn oppignorare, to pa wn; pledge; give oppilare, to close up opportune, adv.} conveniently; in season opportunitas, -atis, f., due time; want, need opportunus, -a, -urn, due opprimere, -pressi, -pressus, to oppress; lie upon; overlie; overwhelm opprobrium, -ii, n., reproach ops, opis, f., help optabilis, -e, desirable, desired optare, to desire optimas, -atis, m., chief, best or most important man, aristocrat optime, adv., very well optimus, -a, -urn, best, perfect optio, -onis, f., choice opus, -eris, n., deed; work; wages; image; - esse, to need, be necessary; - habere, to have need opusculum, -i, n., little work ora, -ae, f ... coast; border oraculum, -i, n., oracle, revelation orare, to pray, beseech oratio, -onis, f., prayer; discourse oratorium, -ii, n., oratory oratus, -us, m., entreaty orbatus, -a, -urn, bereaved orbis, -is, m., world, earth orcus, -i, m., infernal regions ordinare, to ordain; set in array or in order; set up ordinariurn, -ii, n., ordinary ordinatio, -onis, f., ordination; ordinance ordinatus, -a, -urn, orderly ordiri, orsus sum, dep. 4, to begin ordo, -inis, m., order, rank organum, -i, n., organ oriens, -entis, m.} the orient; east; da\vn oriencilis, -e, oriental, east originalis, -e, original origo, -inis, f., beginning, origin Orionas, -ae, m., Orion Oriones, -unl, m. pl., Orion oriri, ortus sum, dep. 4, to spring up, come forth, appear, rise ornamentum, -i, n., ornament ornare, to adorn, garnish ornatus, -us, m., adornment; furniture orphanus, -i, m., orphan orphanotrophium, -ii, n., orphanage orthodoxus, -a, -urn, onhodox ortus, -us, m.} rising (of the sun); the east os, oris, n., mouth; edge os, ossis, n., bone Osca, -ae, f., I-I uesca oscicire, to gape osculari, dep., to kiss osculum, -i, n., kiss Osea, -ae, f., Osee ostendere, -tendi, -tensus or tentus, to show, display, expose ostensio, -onis, f., show, showing, dis.­ play; evidence


occlsio, -onis, t., slaughter<br />

occisor, -oris, m., killer, murderer<br />

occubitus, -us, m., setting<br />

occulere, -cului, -cuhus, to conceal<br />

occultare, to hide<br />

occulte, adv., privately<br />

occwtum, -i, n., hidden thing; secret<br />

or hidden sin<br />

occultus, -a, -urn, hidden<br />

occumberc, -cubui, -cubitus, to fall,<br />

fall down<br />

occupare, to occupy; reach unto; cumber<br />

occupatio, -onis, f., occupation<br />

occu.rrens, -cntis, of the day, current<br />

occu.rrere, -curri, -cursus, to Ineet, go<br />

to nleet, come to; occur<br />

occUrsus, -us, m., meeting; course;<br />

occurrence; vadere in occUrsurn, to<br />

go to n1.eet<br />

ocius, adv., quickly<br />

ocrea, -ae, f., greave<br />

octava, -ae, f., octa ve<br />

octavus, -a, -urn, eighth<br />

octennis, at the age of eight<br />

octingentesimus, -a, -urn, eight hundredth<br />

octo, eight<br />

octodecim, eigh teen<br />

octogenarius, -ii, m., octogenarian<br />

octogesirnus quintus, -a, -a, -urn, -urn,<br />

eigh ty-fifth<br />

octoginta, eighty; four score<br />

ocularis, -e, ocu lar, eye<br />

oculatus, -a, -urn, sharp-eyed; manyeyed<br />

oculus, -i, m., eye; ex oculis eorum,<br />

fronl their sight<br />

odibilis, -e, hateful<br />

odisse, defect. verb, to hate<br />

odium, -ii, n., hatred<br />

odor, -oris, m., smell, odor; savor<br />

odoramenturn, -i, n., odor<br />

odonire, to smell<br />

odorari, dep., to smell<br />

odoratus, -us, m., smell; smelling<br />

oecurnenicus, -3, -urn, ecumenical<br />

offendere, -fendi, -fensus, to dash<br />

against; stumble; offend<br />

offendiculum, -i, n., stumbling block<br />

offensio, -onis, f., offense<br />

offerre, obtuli, oblatus, to offer<br />

offertorium, -ii, n., offertory<br />

officium, -ii, n., favor, kindness; office;<br />

duty; fulfillment<br />

offusus, -a, -urn, spread around, concealing<br />

o'ea, -ae, t., olive tree<br />

oleaster, -tri, m., wild olive tree<br />

oIera, -orum, n. pl., herbs<br />

oleum, -i, n., oil<br />

olfacere, -feci, -factus, (io), to smell<br />

olim, adv., formerly, once<br />

oliva, -ae, f., olive tree<br />

Olivetus, -i, n1., Olivet<br />

olla, -ae, f., pot; caldron; ollas carnium,<br />

flesh pots<br />

olus, -eds, n., herb, pot herb<br />

omega, omega, the last letter of the<br />

Greek alphabet<br />

omnimodus, -a, -urn, entire, complete<br />

omnino, adv., at all<br />

omnipotens, -entis, almighty, omnipotent<br />

omnipotentia, -ae, f., might<br />

omnis, -e, all, every<br />

omophorion (Greek), bishop's pallium<br />

onager (onagrus), -i, m., wild ass<br />

oneratus, -a, -urn, burdened<br />

onerus, -a, -urn, bu rdensorne<br />

onus, -eris, n., burden<br />

onustatus, -a, -urn, burdened, laden<br />

onustus, -a, -urn, burdened, laden<br />

operari, dep., to work; comInit; trade<br />

operarius, -ii, m., laborer<br />

operatio, -onis, f., operation; work;<br />

working; virtue

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