Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


LATIN GRAMMAR nullus, -a, -urn, not any num, interr. adv., used when a negative answer is expected nurnelIa, -ae, f., a kind of torture rack nurnen, -inis, n., divine power numerare, to number numerositas, -atis, f., number, numbers numerus, -i, m., number nUnllsma, -atis, n., coin, medal nummularius, -ii, m., money changer nlimmulus, -i, tn., small coin; paltry sum nummus, -i, m., coin numquid, interrog. adv., used when a negative answer is expected nun, the fourteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, corresponding to English n nunc, adv., now nuncupare, to name, call Duncupatio, -onis, f., public offering or pronouncing of a vow nuncupative, adv., in nan1e, nominally Dundinae, -arum, f. pl., market day or place nunquam (numquam), adv., never Dtintia, -ae, f., herald nuntiare, to proclaim, announce, declare Du.ntium, -ii, n., message, news Duntius, -ii, m., messenger, herald; nunelO Duper, adv., recently, newly Duptiae, -arum, f. pl., marriage, marriage feast nuptialis, -e, wedding, nuptial nuptus, -us, m., marriage, wedlock Duptus, -i, m., married person, husband nurus, -us, f., daughter-in-law Dusquam, adv., nowhere; in nothing; on no occasion nutans, -antis, feeble, inconstant nutare, to waver, fail; wander nutrire, to nourish, sustain nutrttius (nutrieius), -ii, m., foster father; guardian nutrix, -icis, f., nurse nutus, -us, m., nod; command; will nux, nucis, /., nut nyctieorax, -acis, m., a night raven Nymphe, -es, f., Santa Ninfa Nyssenus, -a, -urn, of Nyssa o ob, pr~p., for, on account of, In consideration of obarrnatus, -a, -urn, armed obaudire, to make or cause to be heard obcaecitio, -onis, f., blindness obcaecatus, -a, -urn, blinded obdormire, to sleep, fall asleep obducere, -duxi, -ductus, to produce obductio, -onis, f., covering; cloudiness; doubt obdurare, to harden obduratio, -onis, f., stubbornness obedientia, -ae, f., obedience obedire, to obey obeditio, "'Onis, f., obedience oberrare, to wander about obesse, -lui, to inlpede; be prejudicial to; injure obferre, -tuli, -latus, to put to obire, -ivi and -ii, -itus, (eo), to die 6bitus, -us, m., death objectus, -us, m., obstacle objieere, -jeci, -jectus, (io), to drive away; charge against, lay to the charge of objurgatio, -onis, f., injury Oblatae, -arum, m. pl., Oblates oblatio, -onis, f., oblation, offering oblectamentum, -i, n., pleasure, arnusement, allurement oblectatio, -onis, f., pleasure

LATIN GRAMMAR obligare, to entangle obligatio, -onis, f., binding, entangling oblittenire, to blot out oblivio, -onis, f., forgetfulness; oblivion obliviosus, -a, -urn, forgetful oblivisci, -litus sum, dep. 3, to forget oblongus, -a, -UIn, long obloqui, -locutus sum, dep. 3, to revile obmutescere, -mutui, to be dumb obnixe, adv., earnestly obnoxius, -a, -urn, subject to obnubilare, to darken 6bolus, -i, m., a coin worth about four cents obrepere, -repsi, -reptus, to crawl to; take by surprise obrigescere, -rigui, to become stiff obrizus, -a, -urn, finest (referring to gold) obruere, -rui, -rutus, to bury; drown; overwhelm obscoenus, -a, -urn, foul obscunire, to darken, obscure obscure, adv., obscurely obscUrus, -a, -urn, dark; in obscUrum, in to darkness obsecrare, to inlplore, beseech obsecratio, -onis, f., entreaty, supplication, prayer obsecundare, to comply with 6bsequens, ~ntis, dutiful obsequi, -secutus sum, dep. 3, to obey obsequinm, -ii, n., homage, warship, servIce obserere, -sevi, -situs, to sow Observans, -antis, m., Observant observantia, -ae, f., observance; abstinence observare, to observe; mark; watch observatio, -onis, f., observance obses, -idis, c., hostage obsidere, -sedi, -sessus, to beset, inclose obsidio, -onis, f., siege obsignare, to seal obsistere, -stiti, to resist obsoletus, -a, -urn, worn out, cast off obsonium, -ii, n., that which is eaten with bread; relish, sweetrrleats obstringere, -strinxi, -strictus, to be indebted ta obstruere, -struxi, -stnlctes, to close, stop up obstrusus, -a, -urn, covered, concealed obstupefacere, -feci, -factus, (io), to astonish obstupescere, -stupui and -stipui, to be astonished; to be set on edge (of teeth) obtemperare, to obey obtenebrari, dep., to be obscured obtentus, -us, nL, pleading, prayer obtestari, dep., to entreat, irnplore, supplicate; call to witness obtinere, -tinui, -tentus, to obtain; prevail obtingere, -tigi, to fall to the lot of obtrectatio, -onis, f., detraction obtundere, -tudi, -tusus, ta make blunt, dull; weaken obturare, to stop up, close obumbrare, to overshadow obumbratio, -onis, f., shadow; overshadowing obviam, adv., on the way obviare, to meet, go forth to meet obvius, -a, -urn, in the way, meeting; obvia venire, to come to meet obvolvere, -volvi, -volutus, to wrap occasio, -onis, f., occasion occisus, -us, m., setting (of the sun) occidens, -entis, deathly accidens, -entis, m., the west; evening occidentalis, -e, western ocddere, -cidi, -casus, to set, go down (of the sun) occidere, -cidi, -Osus, to put to death


nullus, -a, -urn, not any<br />

num, interr. adv., used when a negative<br />

answer is expected<br />

nurnelIa, -ae, f., a kind of torture rack<br />

nurnen, -inis, n., divine power<br />

numerare, to number<br />

numerositas, -atis, f., number, numbers<br />

numerus, -i, m., number<br />

nUnllsma, -atis, n., coin, medal<br />

nummularius, -ii, m., money changer<br />

nlimmulus, -i, tn., small coin; paltry<br />

sum<br />

nummus, -i, m., coin<br />

numquid, interrog. adv., used when<br />

a negative answer is expected<br />

nun, the fourteenth letter of the Hebrew<br />

alphabet, corresponding to<br />

English n<br />

nunc, adv., now<br />

nuncupare, to name, call<br />

Duncupatio, -onis, f., public offering<br />

or pronouncing of a vow<br />

nuncupative, adv., in nan1e, nominally<br />

Dundinae, -arum, f. pl., market day<br />

or place<br />

nunquam (numquam), adv., never<br />

Dtintia, -ae, f., herald<br />

nuntiare, to proclaim, announce, declare<br />

Du.ntium, -ii, n., message, news<br />

Duntius, -ii, m., messenger, herald;<br />

nunelO<br />

Duper, adv., recently, newly<br />

Duptiae, -arum, f. pl., marriage, marriage<br />

feast<br />

nuptialis, -e, wedding, nuptial<br />

nuptus, -us, m., marriage, wedlock<br />

Duptus, -i, m., married person, husband<br />

nurus, -us, f., daughter-in-law<br />

Dusquam, adv., nowhere; in nothing;<br />

on no occasion<br />

nutans, -antis, feeble, inconstant<br />

nutare, to waver, fail; wander<br />

nutrire, to nourish, sustain<br />

nutrttius (nutrieius), -ii, m., foster father;<br />

guardian<br />

nutrix, -icis, f., nurse<br />

nutus, -us, m., nod; command; will<br />

nux, nucis, /., nut<br />

nyctieorax, -acis, m., a night raven<br />

Nymphe, -es, f., Santa Ninfa<br />

Nyssenus, -a, -urn, of Nyssa<br />

o<br />

ob, pr~p., for, on account of, In consideration<br />

of<br />

obarrnatus, -a, -urn, armed<br />

obaudire, to make or cause to be heard<br />

obcaecitio, -onis, f., blindness<br />

obcaecatus, -a, -urn, blinded<br />

obdormire, to sleep, fall asleep<br />

obducere, -duxi, -ductus, to produce<br />

obductio, -onis, f., covering; cloudiness;<br />

doubt<br />

obdurare, to harden<br />

obduratio, -onis, f., stubbornness<br />

obedientia, -ae, f., obedience<br />

obedire, to obey<br />

obeditio, "'Onis, f., obedience<br />

oberrare, to wander about<br />

obesse, -lui, to inlpede; be prejudicial<br />

to; injure<br />

obferre, -tuli, -latus, to put to<br />

obire, -ivi and -ii, -itus, (eo), to die<br />

6bitus, -us, m., death<br />

objectus, -us, m., obstacle<br />

objieere, -jeci, -jectus, (io), to drive<br />

away; charge against, lay to the<br />

charge of<br />

objurgatio, -onis, f., injury<br />

Oblatae, -arum, m. pl., Oblates<br />

oblatio, -onis, f., oblation, offering<br />

oblectamentum, -i, n., pleasure, arnusement,<br />

allurement<br />

oblectatio, -onis, f., pleasure

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