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Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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junior, -oris, young; younger<br />

juniperus, -i, f., juniper tree<br />

Junius, -ii, m., June; Junius<br />

juramentum, -i, n., oath<br />

jurare, to swear<br />

jurgare, to contend in words, quarrel<br />

jurgari, dep., to quarrel<br />

jurgum, -ii, n., quarrel<br />

jurisprudentia, -ae, f., law<br />

jus, juris, n., law<br />

jusjurandurn, jurisjurandi, n., oath<br />

jussio, -onis, f., command<br />

jussus, m., used only in ablative, jussu,<br />

by comlnand<br />

juste, righteously, justly<br />

justificare, to justify; do justice to<br />

justificatio, -onis, t., statute, ordinance;<br />

justification<br />

Justiniani, -orum, nl. pl., Giustiniani<br />

Justinianus, -i, n1., Justinian<br />

Justinus, -i, nl., Justin; Justinian<br />

justitia, -ae, f., justice<br />

justus, -a, -urn, right, righteous, just<br />

juvamen, -inis, n., help<br />

Juvenalis, -is, nl., JuvenaI<br />

juvencula, -ae, f., maiden<br />

juvenculus, -i, m., bullock<br />

juvenescere, -ui, to be young, to<br />

reach the age of youth<br />

juvenis, -e, young; (as a noun) young<br />

man<br />

juventa, -ae, f., youth<br />

juventus, -utis, f., youth<br />

juxta, prep. and adv., near, close to,<br />

by, at hand; according to<br />

K<br />

-Kalendae, -arum, f. pl., calends, the<br />

first day of the Roman month<br />

Kalendarius, -ii, m., calendar<br />

Kerriensis, -e, of Kerry<br />

Killeedy, Killadysert<br />

Kiowensis, -c, of Kieft<br />

Kyrie (Greek), Lord<br />

L<br />

labare, to totter, waver<br />

labascere, to begin to fall, totter<br />

labes, -is, f., stain, blemish<br />

labi, Iapsus sum, dep. 3, to fall<br />

labium, -ii, 11., Ii p<br />

labor, -oris, nl., labor; mischief<br />

laborare, to labor<br />

laboriosus, -a, -urn, toilsome, laborious<br />

labrusca, -ae, f., wild grape<br />

labrum, -i, n., lip<br />

lac, Iactis, n., milk<br />

lacer, -a, -urn, torn, ragged<br />

lacerare, to rend<br />

lacrima, -ae, t., tear<br />

lacrim£bilis, ~, woeful, worthy of<br />

tears<br />

lacrimari, dep., to weep<br />

lacrimosus, -a, -urn, tearful<br />

lactare, to gi ve suck<br />

lactens, -cntis, f., suckling<br />

lactuca, -ae, lettuce<br />

lacus, -us, m., lake; pit; den<br />

laedere, Iaesi, laesus, to do harm, injure<br />

laetabundus, -a, -urn, full of joy<br />

Iaetari, dep., to rejoice<br />

laetificare, to give joy<br />

laetitia, -ae, f., gladness<br />

laetus, -a, -urn, joyful<br />

laeva, -ae, f., the left; left hand; ad<br />

laevan1, on the left hand or arm<br />

laevigatus, -a, -urn, smooth, polished<br />

lagena, -ae, t., pitcher<br />

Lagenia, -ae, f., Leinster<br />

laicalis, -e, lay<br />

hiicus, -a, -urn, lay, common<br />

laicus, -i, m., layman<br />

Lalovescum, -i, n., La Louvesc

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