Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


LATIN GRAMMAR incarnatus, -a, -urn, incarnate incedere, -cessi, -cessus, to go, walk incendere, -cendi, -census, to heat, burn; kindle, set fire to incendium, -ii, n., fire, flame incensum, -i, n., incense incensus, -a, -urn, incensed incentivum, -i, n., incentive incentor, -oris, m., promoter inctErtum, -i, n., uncertainty; uncertain thing incertus, -a, -urn, hidden, uncertain incessabilis, -e, unceasing incessanter, continually inchoare, to begin inchoatio, -onis, I., beginning incidere, -cidi, to fa II in to incipere, -cepi, -ceptus, (io), to begin incircurncisus, -a, -urn, uncircumcised incircurnscriptus, -a, -urn, incon1prehensible incisus, -a, -urn, not cu t incitare, to provoke, blaspheme incitator, -oris, nl., instigator inclarnare, to cry out loud Iy inclinare, to bow, bend, incline includere, -clusi, -clusus, to include inclusive, adv., inclusive mclytus, -a, -urn, renowned, glorious incoenatus, -a, -urn, without supper mcola, -ae, m. and /., stranger, sojourner, exile; dweller incolatus, -us, n1., sojourn, residence incolumitas, -atis, /., safety incornbustus, -a, -urn, not burnt incomrnutabilis, -e, unchanging, unchangeable, immutable incornparabilis, -e, incomparable incornprehensibilis, -e, incomprehensible inconcubius, -a, -urn, relating to the dead of night incongruus, -a, -urn, unfitting, incongruous inconstantia, -ae, t., wandering inconsutilis, -e, not sewed together, made in one piece; without a seam incontaminatus, -a, -urn, undefiled incorporari, dep., to enter into a body, be incorporated incorporeus, -a, -urn, without a body, incorporeal incorruptibilis, -e, incorruptible incorruptio, -onis, t., incorruption incorruptus, -a, -urn, incorruptible incrassare, to grow fat increatus, -a, -urn, uncreated incredibilis, -e, incredulous incredulitas, -atis, I., unbelief, incredulity incredulus, -a, -urn, faithless, incredulous incrernenturn, -i, n., increase increpare, to reprove, rebuke increpatio, -onis, t., rebuke increpatorius, -a, -urn, rebuking incubare, -cubui, -cubitus, to lie upon incurnbere, -cubui, -cubitus, to lie upon incunabula, -orurn, n. pl., swaddling clothes; beginning incunctanter, not slowly, readily incurabilis, -e, incurable incuria, -ae, t., indifference incw-rere, -curri (cucurri), -cursus.. to come into incursio, -onis, t., attack incursus, -us, nl., assault incurvare, to bend incurvari, dep., to bow down incutere, -cussi, -cussus, (io), to strike indagare, to investigate, inquire into inde, adv., hence; thereafter indeclinabilis, -e, unwavering indefessus, -a, -urn, unwearied indeficiens, -entis, unfailing, never failing mdere, -didi, -

indesinenter, unceasingly index, -icis, c., sign, token Indi, -orum, m. pl., natives of India Indiae, -arum, /. pl., Indies indicare, to tell; bespeak, indicate, show indicibilis, -e, unable to he told in \\lords indicium, -ii, n., sign, evidence Indicus, -a, -urn, Indian indifferenter, not differently indigens, -entis, needy indigere, -ui, to need, stand in need of indignans, -antis, indignant, angry indignari, dep., to be indignant, be angry indignatio, -onis, /., indignation indlgne, indignantly; - ferre, to have indignation indignus, -a, -urn, unworthy indisciplinatus, -a, -urn, unskillful indisso!ubilis, -e, imperishable inditus, -a, -urn, given or imposed (as a nao1e) individullS, -a, -urn, undivided indivisus, -a, -urn, undivided indoles, -is, /., talent, genius indubitanter, indubitably indubitatus, -a, -urn, unwavering inducere, -duxi, -ductus, to lead; bring into induciae, -arunl, /. pl.} extension of tin1e, truce induere, -ui, -utus, to put on; clothe indulgentia, -ae, /.} pardon, forgiveness, indulgence indulgcre, -dulsi, -dultus, to grant; forgive indun1cntum, -i, n.} apparel indurare, to harden; dry up indusium, -ii, n., shirt industria: de -, on purpose industrius, -a, -urn, industrious inebrhlre, to \vater, soak; make drunk LATIN GRAMMAR 257 inedia, -ae, /., fasting, abstinence, hunger ineffabilis, -e, ineffable ineffabiliter, in an unspeakable manner inenarrabilis, -e, unspeakable ineptus, -a, -urn, stupid inermis, -e, unarmed, defenseless inenlditio, -onis, /., ignorance inesse, -fui, to be on or in inexcusabilis, -e, inexcusable inexhaustus, -a, -urn, inexhaustible inexpectatus, -a, -urn, unexpected inexplebilis, -e, insatiable; extraordinary inexplebiliter, insatiably inexpugnabilis, -e, invincible inextinguibilis, -e, inextinguishable inextricabilis, -e, inextricable infallibilis, -e, infallible infamia, -ae, /., evil report infans, -antis, m. and /., infant, child, babe; infantes expositi, foundlings infantia, -ae, /., childhood, infancy infantula, -ae, /., babe infantulus, -i, m., infant infatigabiliter, indefatigably infatuatus, -a, -urn, tasteless infecundus, -a, -urn, sterile infelicitas, -atis, /.} unhappiness, wretchedness infelix, -icis, unhappy infensus, -a, -urn, hostile, dangerous inferior, -ius, lower, below infernus, -a, -urn, of hell, infernal infernus, -i, m., grave, the underworld inferre, -tuli, illatus, to bring, bear, carry in Werus, -a, -urn, below; of hell inferus, -i, m.} nether world, grave infestatio, -onis, /., assault infestus, -a, -urn, hostile inficere, -feci, -feetus, (io), to infect, stain; pollute

indesinenter, unceasingly<br />

index, -icis, c., sign, token<br />

Indi, -orum, m. pl., natives of India<br />

Indiae, -arum, /. pl., Indies<br />

indicare, to tell; bespeak, indicate,<br />

show<br />

indicibilis, -e, unable to he told in<br />

\\lords<br />

indicium, -ii, n., sign, evidence<br />

Indicus, -a, -urn, Indian<br />

indifferenter, not differently<br />

indigens, -entis, needy<br />

indigere, -ui, to need, stand in need of<br />

indignans, -antis, indignant, angry<br />

indignari, dep., to be indignant, be<br />

angry<br />

indignatio, -onis, /., indignation<br />

indlgne, indignantly; - ferre, to have<br />

indignation<br />

indignus, -a, -urn, unworthy<br />

indisciplinatus, -a, -urn, unskillful<br />

indisso!ubilis, -e, imperishable<br />

inditus, -a, -urn, given or imposed (as<br />

a nao1e)<br />

individullS, -a, -urn, undivided<br />

indivisus, -a, -urn, undivided<br />

indoles, -is, /., talent, genius<br />

indubitanter, indubitably<br />

indubitatus, -a, -urn, unwavering<br />

inducere, -duxi, -ductus, to lead; bring<br />

into<br />

induciae, -arunl, /. pl.} extension of<br />

tin1e, truce<br />

induere, -ui, -utus, to put on; clothe<br />

indulgentia, -ae, /.} pardon, f<strong>org</strong>iveness,<br />

indulgence<br />

indulgcre, -dulsi, -dultus, to grant;<br />

f<strong>org</strong>ive<br />

indun1cntum, -i, n.} apparel<br />

indurare, to harden; dry up<br />

indusium, -ii, n., shirt<br />

industria: de -, on purpose<br />

industrius, -a, -urn, industrious<br />

inebrhlre, to \vater, soak; make drunk<br />


257<br />

inedia, -ae, /., fasting, abstinence, hunger<br />

ineffabilis, -e, ineffable<br />

ineffabiliter, in an unspeakable manner<br />

inenarrabilis, -e, unspeakable<br />

ineptus, -a, -urn, stupid<br />

inermis, -e, unarmed, defenseless<br />

inenlditio, -onis, /., ignorance<br />

inesse, -fui, to be on or in<br />

inexcusabilis, -e, inexcusable<br />

inexhaustus, -a, -urn, inexhaustible<br />

inexpectatus, -a, -urn, unexpected<br />

inexplebilis, -e, insatiable; extraordinary<br />

inexplebiliter, insatiably<br />

inexpugnabilis, -e, invincible<br />

inextinguibilis, -e, inextinguishable<br />

inextricabilis, -e, inextricable<br />

infallibilis, -e, infallible<br />

infamia, -ae, /., evil report<br />

infans, -antis, m. and /., infant, child,<br />

babe; infantes expositi, foundlings<br />

infantia, -ae, /., childhood, infancy<br />

infantula, -ae, /., babe<br />

infantulus, -i, m., infant<br />

infatigabiliter, indefatigably<br />

infatuatus, -a, -urn, tasteless<br />

infecundus, -a, -urn, sterile<br />

infelicitas, -atis, /.} unhappiness,<br />

wretchedness<br />

infelix, -icis, unhappy<br />

infensus, -a, -urn, hostile, dangerous<br />

inferior, -ius, lower, below<br />

infernus, -a, -urn, of hell, infernal<br />

infernus, -i, m., grave, the underworld<br />

inferre, -tuli, illatus, to bring, bear,<br />

carry in<br />

Werus, -a, -urn, below; of hell<br />

inferus, -i, m.} nether world, grave<br />

infestatio, -onis, /., assault<br />

infestus, -a, -urn, hostile<br />

inficere, -feci, -feetus, (io), to infect,<br />

stain; pollute

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