Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


I..ATIN GRi\~1!'v1AR exitium. -ii~ fl., cl\.struction exitus, -liS, Tn.} departure end, result; exitus vianun, bigll\v~ys exoptare~ to bope or desire eagerly exorarc, to plead l beseech, pray exorcista, -ae, nl., exorcist exoreistus, -i, rn .. exorcist exorcismus, -i~ fn .. exorcism exorciz~lre, to exorcize ex()rdium, -ii, n., beginning, institution exoriri~ -ortus SUIT~, dcp. 3 and 4J to fIse or spri ng up exorn~lre, to pro\ ide \vit h, adorn exorn:ltus, -a, -urn, clllbcllished exoscuIare, to k iSi; ex()sus~ -a, -urn, h '1 ted expandere, -p;lIlSi, -pansus and -passus, to spread, stretc h out expavescere, -p:.lvi, to be terrified, be afTrightecl, trelnble expedire, to deliver; detach; be expedient expeditus, -a, -urn, \vell appointed, Iight ~rrned expellere, -puli, -pulsus, to drive 3\Vay, expel expendere, -pendi, -pensus, to \veigh expcrgIsci, -perrectus sum, dep. 3J to ~\vake experiri, -pertus sum, dep. 4, to expenence expers, -ertis, destitute of, lacking expertus, -a, -urn, tested, experienced expetere, -ivi, -itus, to desire expiare, to cleanse, purify; atone, expiate expiatio, -onis, ,., atonement, expiation explanare, to expound, explain explanatio, -onis, t., explanation explantare, to cast out explere, -plevi, -pletus, to fill, fulfill exph~tio, ~onis, t.! expiration explicare, to unfold, extend; explain explorare, to in1rlore~ investigate expol1re, to pol ish ~ redecnrate exponere, -posui, -pOsitus, to set before, nlake tnanifest exporrigere, .rexi, -rectus, to expand, stretch out exposcere, -poposci, to plead exprlnlere, -pressi, -pressus, to represent, express exprobr~ire, to reproach, upbraiJ expugn3re, to fIght ag;linst: overthrow expurg~itus, -a, -unl, expurgated Exquiliae, -arunl, f. pl., tbe Esquiline fli 11 Exquillnus, -a, -urn, Esquiline exquirere, -sivi, -situs, to seek after, inquire diligently exqusltor, -oris, nl., searcher exquisitus, -3, -urn, exquisite; p~inful exsanguis, -e, bloodless exsaturare, to satisfy, satiate exsaturatus, -a, -urn, filled, having enouL';h exsecLibilis, -e, abhorrent exsecrari, dep.} to curse exsecratio. -onis, I., abornination; curse exsequi, -secutus sunl, dep. 3, to perforrn; foll()\v; secure exserere, -serui, -sertus, to thrust forth, exert exsiccire, to dry up exsiIlre, -silui, -sultus, 4, to leap, leap out exsilium, -ii, n., exile exsistere, -stiti, -stitus, to come forth, appear exsolvere, -solvi, -solutus, to present; pay back exsors, -sortis, deprived of expectare, to look for, wait for, long for, expect exspectatio, -onis, I., hope, expectation exspirare, to die, expire exspoliare, to despoil, rob

LATIN GRAl'vlMAR exspuere, .-spui, -sputus, to spit exstare, -stiti, to s;~and forth, come forth, appear exstinctio, -onis, t.. annihilation, dissolution; slaughter exstinguere, -stinxi, -stin.ctus, to extinguish exstn:c e, -struix, -structus, to build exsufflire, to blo\v away exsul, -sulis, banished; (as a noun), an exile exsularc, to be banished exsuItabilis, -e, joyful exsuItare, to rejoice, exult exsultatio, -onis, t., joy, gladness, exultation exsuperare, to excel, surpass exsurgere, -surrexi, -surrectus, to arise, awaken extasis, -is, t., amaZeIllent extendere, -tendi, -tensus or -tentus, to stretch out, spread, extend extenuare, to weaken, reduce; chasten, punish extergere. -tersi, -tersus, to wipe exterior, -ius, outwaru, exterior exterminare, to eu t off; disfigure; lay \vaste exterminator, -oris, n1., destroyer exterminiunl, -ii, n., uttcr destruction externus, -a, -urn, belonging to another exterrerc, -termi, -territus, to frighten exterus, -a, -urn, foreign extcrus, -i, m., foreigner extirnescere, -timui, to fear extollt~ntia, -3e, f., insolence, haughtiness extollere, -tuli, to lift up, raise up, exalt; he insolent (in the passive) extorquere, -torsi, -tortus, to wring forth extorris, -e, exiled extra, prep., beside, beyond, except, outside of, \vithout, out of extrahere, -traxi, -tractus, to draw out extraneus, -i, nl., stranger, foreigner extremum, -i, n., end, tip; farthest part extremus, -a, -urn, last; latter extricare, to ex tricate extrinsecus, adv., without, on the outside, outwardly extrudere, -trusi, -trusus, to thrust out exturbare, to drive away exuberare, to abound exuere, -ui, -utus, to take off, strip; free from, deliver exundare, to abound, overflow exurere, -ussi, -ustus, to burn up, consunle exuviae, -arum, t. pl., remains Ezeclas, -ae, m., Ezechias F faber, -bri, m., worker, artificer; carpenter Fabianus, -i, m., Fabian fabrcLicere, -feci, -factus, (io), to make, 111anufacture Fabrianum, -i, n., Fabriano fabrica, -ae, t.} building fabricire, to rnake, build; work fabricator, -oris, In .• crea tor; forger fabrilis, -e, of a carpenter; fabrllia, n. pl.. carpenter \vork fabula, -ae, f., by\vord fabulare, to talk fabulatio, -onis, f., fable; lie fabuLitor, -oris, n2., a teller of fables facere, feci, factus, (io), to make, cause; grant; yield or bring forth (fruit); commit facessere, -cessi, to depart facies, -ei, f., face, appearance; presence; a facie, because of; from before; facie ad facicln, face to face facilius, rnore easily facinus, -oris, n., sin, crime

LATIN GRAl'vlMAR<br />

exspuere, .-spui, -sputus, to spit<br />

exstare, -stiti, to s;~and forth, come<br />

forth, appear<br />

exstinctio, -onis, t.. annihilation, dissolution;<br />

slaughter<br />

exstinguere, -stinxi, -stin.ctus, to extinguish<br />

exstn:c e, -struix, -structus, to build<br />

exsufflire, to blo\v away<br />

exsul, -sulis, banished; (as a noun),<br />

an exile<br />

exsularc, to be banished<br />

exsuItabilis, -e, joyful<br />

exsuItare, to rejoice, exult<br />

exsultatio, -onis, t., joy, gladness, exultation<br />

exsuperare, to excel, surpass<br />

exsurgere, -surrexi, -surrectus, to arise,<br />

awaken<br />

extasis, -is, t., amaZeIllent<br />

extendere, -tendi, -tensus or -tentus, to<br />

stretch out, spread, extend<br />

extenuare, to weaken, reduce; chasten,<br />

punish<br />

extergere. -tersi, -tersus, to wipe<br />

exterior, -ius, outwaru, exterior<br />

exterminare, to eu t off; disfigure; lay<br />

\vaste<br />

exterminator, -oris, n1., destroyer<br />

exterminiunl, -ii, n., uttcr destruction<br />

externus, -a, -urn, belonging to another<br />

exterrerc, -termi, -territus, to frighten<br />

exterus, -a, -urn, foreign<br />

extcrus, -i, m., foreigner<br />

extirnescere, -timui, to fear<br />

extollt~ntia, -3e, f., insolence, haughtiness<br />

extollere, -tuli, to lift up, raise up, exalt;<br />

he insolent (in the passive)<br />

extorquere, -torsi, -tortus, to wring<br />

forth<br />

extorris, -e, exiled<br />

extra, prep., beside, beyond, except,<br />

outside of, \vithout, out of<br />

extrahere, -traxi, -tractus, to draw out<br />

extraneus, -i, nl., stranger, foreigner<br />

extremum, -i, n., end, tip; farthest part<br />

extremus, -a, -urn, last; latter<br />

extricare, to ex tricate<br />

extrinsecus, adv., without, on the outside,<br />

outwardly<br />

extrudere, -trusi, -trusus, to thrust out<br />

exturbare, to drive away<br />

exuberare, to abound<br />

exuere, -ui, -utus, to take off, strip;<br />

free from, deliver<br />

exundare, to abound, overflow<br />

exurere, -ussi, -ustus, to burn up, consunle<br />

exuviae, -arum, t. pl., remains<br />

Ezeclas, -ae, m., Ezechias<br />

F<br />

faber, -bri, m., worker, artificer; carpenter<br />

Fabianus, -i, m., Fabian<br />

fabrcLicere, -feci, -factus, (io), to make,<br />

111anufacture<br />

Fabrianum, -i, n., Fabriano<br />

fabrica, -ae, t.} building<br />

fabricire, to rnake, build; work<br />

fabricator, -oris, In .• crea tor; f<strong>org</strong>er<br />

fabrilis, -e, of a carpenter; fabrllia, n.<br />

pl.. carpenter \vork<br />

fabula, -ae, f., by\vord<br />

fabulare, to talk<br />

fabulatio, -onis, f., fable; lie<br />

fabuLitor, -oris, n2., a teller of fables<br />

facere, feci, factus, (io), to make,<br />

cause; grant; yield or bring forth<br />

(fruit); commit<br />

facessere, -cessi, to depart<br />

facies, -ei, f., face, appearance; presence;<br />

a facie, because of; from before;<br />

facie ad facicln, face to face<br />

facilius, rnore easily<br />

facinus, -oris, n., sin, crime

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