Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


232 LATIN GRAMMAR deprimere, -pressi, -pressus, to press down, weigh down; oppress, affiict depromere, -prompsi, -promptus, to bring forth, fetch out, pour out, produce depurgare, to wash deputare, to appoint, depute; condemn; reckon, count; prune, cut off derelinquere, -liqui, -lictus, to leave, forsake derepente, suddenly deridere, -risi, -risus, to laugh at, deride derisus, -us, m., derision derivare, to divert; convey abroad desaevire, to rage violently descendere, -scendi, -scensus, to come down, run down, descend describere, -scripsi, -scriptus, to enroll; describe descriptio, -onis, t., enrolling; description deserere, -semi, -sertus, to forsake, neglect; fail to appear desertio, -onis, t., desertion, treason desertor, -oris, m., rebel desertum, -i, n., desert, wilderness desertus, -a, -urn, deserted, desolate, arid deservire, to serve deses, -idis, idle, lazy, slothful desiderabilis, -e, desirable desiderare, to desire desiderium, -ii, n., desire; lust desidia, -ae, t., sloth designare, to appoint; signify desilire, -sllui, -sultus, to leap desinere, -sivi or -sii, -situs, to cease desolare, to bring to desolation, lay waste desolatio, -onis, t., desolation desolatorius, -a, -urn, destroying; carbonibus desolatoriis, with hot burning coals desolatorius, -ii, m., destroyer desolatus, -a, -um, desolate despectio, -onis, t., contempt, a looking down upon desperare, to despair despicabilis, -e, unworthy despicere, -spexi, -spectus, (io), to slight, despise, abhor despoliare, to strip despondere, -spondi, -sponsus, to promise in marriage, espouse, betroth desponsatus, -a, -urn, espoused destituere, -stitui, -stitutus, to abandon; to be lacking (in the passive) destructor, -oris, m., destroyer destruere, struxi, -structus, to pull or tear down, ruin, destroy; overcome desuCscere, -suevi, -suetus, to lay aside a custom desllinere, -surnpsi, -sumptus, to choose, select desuper, from above, from the top; thereon desursurn, from above detegere, -texi, -tectus, to uncover, lay bare, disclose detentio, -onis, t., abode detergere, -tersi, -tersus, to cancel, wipe away deterior, -ius, worse determinare, to determine deterrere, -terrui, -territus, to deter by fear detestari, dep., to curse detinere, -tinui, -tentus, to hold back, withhold, detain detrahere, -traxi, -tractus, to take away; bring down; slander detreccire, to speak against, disparage; refuse detrimentum, -i, n., loss detnidere, -trusi, -trusus, to thrust down

Deus, -i, m., God deuteronomium, -ii, n., Deuteronomy devenire, -veni, -ventus, to come to deviare, to wander away from devincere, -vici, -victus, to conquer, overcome devitare, to shun, avoid devius, -a, -urn, wandering from the \vay devorare, to devour devoratio, -onis, t., devouring; prey devote, devoutly devotio, -onis, t., devotion devotus, -a, -urn, devout, devoted devovere, -vovi, -votus, to devote, consecrate dexter, -a, -urn, or -tra, -trum, right; ad dexteram, at the right hand dextera (dextra), -ac, I., the right hand dexteritas, -atis, I., skill dextral1olum, -i, n., bracelet diab61icus, -a, -wu, diabolic, of the devil di£bolus, -i, m., devil diaconia, -ae, I., hospice, chapel diacon~hus, -us, m., diaconate diaconus, -i, nl., deacon diadema, -atis, n., diadem dialogus, -i, n1.., dialogue, conversation dicare, to dedicate, devote dicatus, -a, -urn, hallowed dicere, dixi, dictus, to say, tell, call; dicitur, is called dlcio (ditio), -onis, f., dominion dictio, -onis, I., language dictum, -i, n., word dictus, -us, m., word, saying, command dies, -ei, m. and I., day; de die in diem, from day to day dietim, day by day, daily diffamare, to spread abroad; accuse dlfferens, -cntis, different LATIN GRAMMAR 233 differentia, -ae, t., difference differentior, -ius, more different, more excellent differre, distuli, dihitus, to cast off; defer; differ difficultas, -atis, t., difficulty; obstinacy diffidentia, -ae, t., suspicion, unbelief diffidere, -fisus swu, s~midep. 3, to mistrust diffiteri, d~p. 2, to deny, disavow diffhlere, -£luxi, -£luxus, to fall or flow out; flow freely diffugere, -fugi, -fugitus, (io), to flee diffundere, -fudi, -fusus, to pour abroad, pour forth, spread throughout digerere, -gessi, -gestus, to digest digestus, -a, -urn, set in order digitus, -i, m., finger; toe dignanter, worthily dignari, dep., to grant, vouchsafe dignatio, -onis, I., condescension, gra- CIousness digne, \vorthily, rightly dignitas, -atis, I., worth, merit, dignity dignoscere, -novi, to discern, distinguish dignus, -a, -urn, worthy, becoming, deserved digredi, -gressus surn, dep. 3, (io), to depart; digress dijudicare, to discern, examine, judge dilacerare, to tear to pieces dilaniare, to tear in pieces, rend dilargire, to give liberally dilatare, to make broad, extend, enlarge, spread; increase, multiply dilatio, -onis, f., delay dilectio, -onis, f., love dilt~ctus, -a, -urn, beloved; lovely diligenter, diligently diligentius, more diligently, more carefully diligere, -lexi, -lectus, to love

Deus, -i, m., God<br />

deuteronomium, -ii, n., Deuteronomy<br />

devenire, -veni, -ventus, to come to<br />

deviare, to wander away from<br />

devincere, -vici, -victus, to conquer,<br />

overcome<br />

devitare, to shun, avoid<br />

devius, -a, -urn, wandering from the<br />

\vay<br />

devorare, to devour<br />

devoratio, -onis, t., devouring; prey<br />

devote, devoutly<br />

devotio, -onis, t., devotion<br />

devotus, -a, -urn, devout, devoted<br />

devovere, -vovi, -votus, to devote,<br />

consecrate<br />

dexter, -a, -urn, or -tra, -trum, right;<br />

ad dexteram, at the right hand<br />

dextera (dextra), -ac, I., the right hand<br />

dexteritas, -atis, I., skill<br />

dextral1olum, -i, n., bracelet<br />

diab61icus, -a, -wu, diabolic, of the<br />

devil<br />

di£bolus, -i, m., devil<br />

diaconia, -ae, I., hospice, chapel<br />

diacon~hus, -us, m., diaconate<br />

diaconus, -i, nl., deacon<br />

diadema, -atis, n., diadem<br />

dialogus, -i, n1.., dialogue, conversation<br />

dicare, to dedicate, devote<br />

dicatus, -a, -urn, hallowed<br />

dicere, dixi, dictus, to say, tell, call;<br />

dicitur, is called<br />

dlcio (ditio), -onis, f., dominion<br />

dictio, -onis, I., language<br />

dictum, -i, n., word<br />

dictus, -us, m., word, saying, command<br />

dies, -ei, m. and I., day; de die in<br />

diem, from day to day<br />

dietim, day by day, daily<br />

diffamare, to spread abroad; accuse<br />

dlfferens, -cntis, different<br />


233<br />

differentia, -ae, t., difference<br />

differentior, -ius, more different, more<br />

excellent<br />

differre, distuli, dihitus, to cast off; defer;<br />

differ<br />

difficultas, -atis, t., difficulty; obstinacy<br />

diffidentia, -ae, t., suspicion, unbelief<br />

diffidere, -fisus swu, s~midep. 3, to<br />

mistrust<br />

diffiteri, d~p. 2, to deny, disavow<br />

diffhlere, -£luxi, -£luxus, to fall or flow<br />

out; flow freely<br />

diffugere, -fugi, -fugitus, (io), to flee<br />

diffundere, -fudi, -fusus, to pour<br />

abroad, pour forth, spread throughout<br />

digerere, -gessi, -gestus, to digest<br />

digestus, -a, -urn, set in order<br />

digitus, -i, m., finger; toe<br />

dignanter, worthily<br />

dignari, dep., to grant, vouchsafe<br />

dignatio, -onis, I., condescension, gra-<br />

CIousness<br />

digne, \vorthily, rightly<br />

dignitas, -atis, I., worth, merit, dignity<br />

dignoscere, -novi, to discern, distinguish<br />

dignus, -a, -urn, worthy, becoming,<br />

deserved<br />

digredi, -gressus surn, dep. 3, (io), to<br />

depart; digress<br />

dijudicare, to discern, examine, judge<br />

dilacerare, to tear to pieces<br />

dilaniare, to tear in pieces, rend<br />

dilargire, to give liberally<br />

dilatare, to make broad, extend, enlarge,<br />

spread; increase, multiply<br />

dilatio, -onis, f., delay<br />

dilectio, -onis, f., love<br />

dilt~ctus, -a, -urn, beloved; lovely<br />

diligenter, diligently<br />

diligentius, more diligently, more carefully<br />

diligere, -lexi, -lectus, to love

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