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Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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Curia, -ae, t., Coire<br />

Curimensis, ~, of Gurina<br />

currens, -entis, current<br />

currere, cucurri, cursus, to run, hasten<br />

currilis, -e, pertai ning to a chariot<br />

currus, -us, m., chariot<br />

cursitare, to run up and down or<br />

hither and thither<br />

cursus, -us, m., course; voyage<br />

curvare, to bend; humble<br />

curvescere, to bend over<br />

cuspis, -idis, '., point (of a spear)<br />

cUHodia, -ae, f., watch; prison, ward,<br />

cell<br />

custodiens, ~ntis, m., keeper<br />

custodire, to protect, preserve, keep;<br />

watch over<br />

custos, -odis, m. and I., guard, watchman<br />

Cuthbertus, -i, m., Cuthbert<br />

cutis, -is, f.. skin<br />

cyc1as, -adis, f., robe<br />

cymbalum, -i, n., cymbal<br />

cynicus, -i, In., cynic<br />

Cydonia, -ae, f.. Canea (in Crete)<br />

cypressinus. -a, -urn, of cypress<br />

cypressus, -i, f., cypress tree<br />

Cyprianus, -i, m., Cyprian<br />

Cyprius, -a, -urn, Cyprian<br />

cyprus, -i, f., cypress<br />

Cyrenaeus, -a, -urn, of Cyrene, Cyrenlan<br />

Cyrenensis, -e, of Cyrene, Cyrenian<br />

Cyrillus, -i, m., Cyril<br />

D<br />

Dachinus, -i, m., Dacian<br />

daemon, -onis, m., devil<br />

daemoniacus, -i, m., possessed person<br />

daemonium, -ii, n., devil<br />

daleth, fourth letter of the Hebrew<br />

alphabet corresponding to English<br />

~<br />

Dalmatae, -arum, m. pl., Dalmatians<br />

dalmatica, -ae, f., dalmatic<br />

Damasceni, -orum, m. pl., Danlascenes<br />

Damascenus, -a, -urn, Damascene<br />

Damianus, -i, m., Dalnian<br />

damnare, to condemn<br />

damnatio, -onis, t., damnation, condemnation<br />

damnosus, -a, -urn, mistaken, harmful<br />

damnum, -i, n., damage, loss, evil, injury,<br />

punishment<br />

Dani, -orum, m. pl., Danes<br />

Danubius, -ii, m., the Danuhe<br />

Daphniticus, -a, -urn, of Daphne<br />

daps, dapis, f.. meal, banquet, food<br />

dare, dedi, datus, to gi ve, grant, yield<br />

dator, -oris, m., giver<br />

datum, -i, n., gift<br />

Davidicus, -a, -urn, Daviclical<br />

de, from, down fronl, OUl of; concern..<br />

lng<br />

dea, -ae, f., goddess<br />

dealbare, to make white<br />

dearnbulare, Lo walk about<br />

deargentare, to plate WiLh silver<br />

deauratus, -a, -urn, gilJed<br />

debellare, to wage wa r<br />

debere, to owe~ ought<br />

debilis, -e, feeble; 1l1aimed<br />

debllitas, -atis, f., wea kness<br />

debitor, -oris, m., debtor<br />

debitrix, -icis, t., debtor<br />

debitum, -i, n., debt<br />

debitus, -a, -urn, due<br />

decachordus, -a, -urn, ten stri nged<br />

decalogus, -i, m., decalogue, the Ten<br />

Commandments<br />

decantare, to si ng<br />

decantatio, -onis, f., singing<br />

decas, -adis, /., decade, set of ten<br />

decem, ten<br />

decem et octo, eighteen<br />

decenni, -ae, -a, ten years; decennis, at<br />

the age of ten

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