Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


210 LATIN GRAMJ\1AR asslimere, -sumpsi, -sumptus, to take, rffeive, take up, take unto oneself assunlptio, -onis, j.. Assurnption; protection Assur, Assyria assus, -a, -urn, roasted, broiled Assyrii, -orum, m., Assyrians ast (at), but astare (adstare), astiti, to stand by or near asteriscus, -i, m., asterisk astringere, -strinxi, -strictus, to bind, fetter; draw closer; se -, to be guilty of astrl1(:re, -struxi, -strl1ctus, to est~blish, ado, fornl, build; teach asfrum, -i, 1'1., star astus, ·,us, 11'1., cunning, cleverness astutia, -ae, f., craftiness, subtlety at, but ater, atra, atrum, dark, black Athanasianus, -a, -urn, of Athanasius Athenae, -arum, f., Athens A.theniensis, -e, of A thens, Athen ian athleta, -ae, n1., wrestler, athlete, chanipion AtLinticus. -a, -urn, Atlantic atque, and atramentum, -i, n., ink Atrebas, -!Jatis, m., Arras atriUJTl~ -ii. n., court, hall atrox, -cis, terrible, fierce, horrible attamen. nevertheless attendere, -tendi, -tentus, attend, take heed, hearken, to be\\'are attente, attentively attentius, nlore attentively attenuare, to \veaken atterere, -trivi, -tritus, to bruise; destroy attestatio, -onis, f., act of attesting; proof, evidence attexere, -texui, -tectus, to add attinere, -tinui, -tentus, to pertain to attingere, -tigi, -tactus, to manage attollere, to support, lift up attonitus, -a, -urn, astonished attrahere, -traxi, -tractus, to draw to attrectare, to feel, touch, lay hands on attributio, -onis, f., giving attrhus, -a, -urn, hard auctor, -oris, m., author, creator, founder auctoritas, -atis, f., authority auctrix, -icis, f., authoress, mother, forebear audacter, boldly audere, ausus sum, semidep, 2, to dare audirc, to hear auditio, -onis~ f., bearing, report auditor, -oris, m' J he:lrcr, listener auditus, -us, m., hearing auferre, abstuli, abhitus, to take away aufugere, -fugi (io), to flee augere, auxi, auctns, to increase augescere, auxi, to increase augmentum~ -i, n., increase, advancement augur, -uris, c., soothsayer Augusta Praetoria, -at", -ae, l., Aosta Augustinus, -i, nl., Augustine Augustodunensis, -e, of Autun Augustodunum, -i, 11., Autun Augustus, -i, m.] Augustus; August aula, -ae, f., dwelling, tenlple; court; - transversa, transept aura, -ae, f., ctir, breath. breeze Aurea, -ae, f., Aurea, Aure Aurelianus, -i, m., Aurelian Aurelius, -a, -urn, Aurelian aureus, -a, -urn, of gold, golden aureus, -i, rn., piece of gold aurichalcum, -i, n., fine brass auricula, -ae, f., ear auriga, -ae, c., charioteer auris, -is, f'J ear aurora, -ae, t., nlorning aurum, -i, n., gold

LATIN GRAMMAR 211 auscultare, to listen to auspicari, dep., to begin auspicatus, -a, --urn, h~ppy, auspIcIOUS auspiciurn~ -ii~ n., divination, omen auster, -tri, n1., sou t h; south ,vinci austeritas~ -atis, t., rigor austexus, -.1, -urn, austere australis. -e, SOLI th Austri;J;,u~~, °a, -urn, of Austria aut .. ~)r autem, but, however; and, and also; whereupon autumnalis, -e, autumn, autumnal; withered autumnus, -i, m., autumn auxiliari, dep., to help auxiliator, -oris~ 1]2., helper auxili:hrix, icis, f., hel per auxilium, -ii, n., help, aid Auximanus, -i, 12., of Ossimo Auximum, -i, n., Ossimo avaritia, -ae, f., covetousness avarus, -a, -urn, covetous avarus, -i, 111., n1ise~ ave, hail Avellanensis, -e, of A vellano Avellanitae, -anlm, m., inhabitants or inmates of Font-Avellano avellere, -veIli and -vulsi, -vulsus, to \vithdraw, tear away, separate Avenio, -onis, f., Avignon avernus, -i, In., the infernal regions aversare, to turn away from aversio, -onis, f., apostasy avertere, -verti, -versus, to turn away; pervert avia, -ae, f., grandmother avide, eagerly avidius, n10re eagerly avis, avis, f., bird avitus, -a, -urn, ancestral avoclre, to withdraw oneself aVllnculus, -i, m., uncle avus, -i, nl., grandfather Azarias, -ae, mo, Azarias Azotii, -orum, mo, Azotians azynla, -orum, no, unleavened bread; azyme azymus, -a, -urn, unleavened B Babyl6nii, -orum, mo, Babylonians bacca, -ae, t. (berry), fruit of the olive bacillum, -i, n., staff Bactri, -orum, 1n 0' Bactrians baculus, -i, nz., staff bajulare, to bear, carry balare, ta bleat balbutire, to bJbble Baleares, -ium, f., Balearic Islands Balearis Major, -is, f" Majorca Balneoregium, -ii, n., Bagnarea balneum, -i, 11., bath balsamum, -i, n., balm balteus, -i, n1., belt Baltitnorensis, -e, of Baltimore Bamberga,-ae~ f., Barnberg Bambergensis, -e, af Banlberg baptisma, -atis, no, baptisln baptismus, -i, m., baptism Baptista, -ae~ n1o, Baptist baptisterium, -ii, n " baptistery baptizare, ta baptize barathrum, -i, n., bottan1less pit, the lower world barba, -ae, I., beard Barbari, -orum, m., natives of Barbary barbarus, -a, -urn, of Barbary; foreign, strJnge Barbatianus, -i, m., Barbatian Bardno, -onis, f., Barcelona Barcinonensis, -e, of Barcelona Barensis, -e, of Bari Barium, -ii, n. J Bari Bartholomaeus, -i, m., Bartholomew basilica, -ae, to, church basiliscus, -i, m.} basilisk

210 LATIN GRAMJ\1AR<br />

asslimere, -sumpsi, -sumptus, to take,<br />

rffeive, take up, take unto oneself<br />

assunlptio, -onis, j.. Assurnption; protection<br />

Assur, Assyria<br />

assus, -a, -urn, roasted, broiled<br />

Assyrii, -orum, m., Assyrians<br />

ast (at), but<br />

astare (adstare), astiti, to stand by or<br />

near<br />

asteriscus, -i, m., asterisk<br />

astringere, -strinxi, -strictus, to bind,<br />

fetter; draw closer; se -, to be<br />

guilty of<br />

astrl1(:re, -struxi, -strl1ctus, to est~blish,<br />

ado, fornl, build; teach<br />

asfrum, -i, 1'1., star<br />

astus, ·,us, 11'1., cunning, cleverness<br />

astutia, -ae, f., craftiness, subtlety<br />

at, but<br />

ater, atra, atrum, dark, black<br />

Athanasianus, -a, -urn, of Athanasius<br />

Athenae, -arum, f., Athens<br />

A.theniensis, -e, of A thens, Athen ian<br />

athleta, -ae, n1., wrestler, athlete,<br />

chanipion<br />

AtLinticus. -a, -urn, Atlantic<br />

atque, and<br />

atramentum, -i, n., ink<br />

Atrebas, -!Jatis, m., Arras<br />

atriUJTl~ -ii. n., court, hall<br />

atrox, -cis, terrible, fierce, horrible<br />

attamen. nevertheless<br />

attendere, -tendi, -tentus, attend, take<br />

heed, hearken, to be\\'are<br />

attente, attentively<br />

attentius, nlore attentively<br />

attenuare, to \veaken<br />

atterere, -trivi, -tritus, to bruise; destroy<br />

attestatio, -onis, f., act of attesting;<br />

proof, evidence<br />

attexere, -texui, -tectus, to add<br />

attinere, -tinui, -tentus, to pertain to<br />

attingere, -tigi, -tactus, to manage<br />

attollere, to support, lift up<br />

attonitus, -a, -urn, astonished<br />

attrahere, -traxi, -tractus, to draw to<br />

attrectare, to feel, touch, lay hands on<br />

attributio, -onis, f., giving<br />

attrhus, -a, -urn, hard<br />

auctor, -oris, m., author, creator,<br />

founder<br />

auctoritas, -atis, f., authority<br />

auctrix, -icis, f., authoress, mother,<br />

forebear<br />

audacter, boldly<br />

audere, ausus sum, semidep, 2, to dare<br />

audirc, to hear<br />

auditio, -onis~ f., bearing, report<br />

auditor, -oris, m' J he:lrcr, listener<br />

auditus, -us, m., hearing<br />

auferre, abstuli, abhitus, to take away<br />

aufugere, -fugi (io), to flee<br />

augere, auxi, auctns, to increase<br />

augescere, auxi, to increase<br />

augmentum~ -i, n., increase, advancement<br />

augur, -uris, c., soothsayer<br />

Augusta Praetoria, -at", -ae, l., Aosta<br />

Augustinus, -i, nl., Augustine<br />

Augustodunensis, -e, of Autun<br />

Augustodunum, -i, 11., Autun<br />

Augustus, -i, m.] Augustus; August<br />

aula, -ae, f., dwelling, tenlple; court;<br />

- transversa, transept<br />

aura, -ae, f., ctir, breath. breeze<br />

Aurea, -ae, f., Aurea, Aure<br />

Aurelianus, -i, m., Aurelian<br />

Aurelius, -a, -urn, Aurelian<br />

aureus, -a, -urn, of gold, golden<br />

aureus, -i, rn., piece of gold<br />

aurichalcum, -i, n., fine brass<br />

auricula, -ae, f., ear<br />

auriga, -ae, c., charioteer<br />

auris, -is, f'J ear<br />

aurora, -ae, t., nlorning<br />

aurum, -i, n., gold

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