Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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antiquarius, -ii, m., antiquary, old<br />

scribe<br />

antiquus, -a, -urn, former, of old<br />

Antissiodorensis, -e, of Auxerre<br />

antlstes, -stitis, m., bishop<br />

Antonius, -ii, m., Anthony<br />

antrum, -i, n., cave, den<br />

Antverpia, -ae, t., Antwerp<br />

anus, -us, t.} old woman<br />

anxiari, dep., to be in anguish<br />

anxletas, -atis, t., anxiety<br />

aper, apri, 112., boar<br />

aperire, -perui, -pertus, to open<br />

aperttio, -onis, f., opening<br />

apernari, dep., to scorn<br />

aperte, openly, clearly, plainly<br />

apex, -icis, m., top or sUInnlit, point<br />

apis, apis, /., bee<br />

Apocalypsis, -is, f., revelation, Apocalypse<br />

apocrypha, -orum, n., apocryphal gospels<br />

ap6c~r"phus, -a, -urn, apocryphal<br />

apologia, -ae, t., defense, justiflcation<br />

apoplecticus, -a, -urn, apoplectic<br />

apoplexia, -ae, t., apoplexy<br />

aporiari, dep., to be in need, be straitened,<br />

be perplexed<br />

apostasia, -ae, I., apostasy<br />

apostata, -ae, 171 " aposrate<br />

apostatare, to fall off or away from<br />

apostaticus, -a, -urn, rebel, apostate<br />

apostatrix, -icis, rebellious, apostate<br />

apostolatus, -us, m" apostleship<br />

~postolicus, -3, -urn, apostolic<br />

aposto]us, -i, m., apostle<br />

apotheca, -ae, t., storeroom<br />

apparere, to appear, show oneself,<br />

shine forth<br />

apparhio, -onis, t., rnanifestation, apparition<br />

apparitor, -oris, m., servant<br />

appellare, to call<br />

appellatio~ -oni!), t., appellation<br />

appellere, -puli, -pulsus, to bring or<br />

drive to<br />

appendere, -pendi, -pensus, to weigh,<br />

weigh out, balance<br />

appetere, -ivi and -ii, -itus, to hunger<br />

after, reach to, pursue, seize on<br />

appetitor, -oris, m., coveter<br />

appetttus, -us, m., hunger, appetite,<br />

passion<br />

Appius, -a, -urn, Appian<br />

applicare, -avi, -atus and -ui, -itus, to<br />

bring, add to; to set to shore<br />

apponere, -posui, -pOsitus, to add to,<br />

pu t to,

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