Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


206 LATIN GRAMMAR an, conj., or anachoreticus, -a, -urn, eremitical anachorita, -ae, m., hermit, anchorite anathema, anathema anathematizare, to curse anceps, -cipitis, two-edged anchora, -ae, t., anchor ancHIa, -ae, t., handmaid, maidservant, bondwoman anfractus, -us, m 0' bending, winding Andreas, -ae, m 0' Andrew Angela Mericia, -ae, to, Angela Merici Angelicae, -arum, t., Angelicals angelicus, -a, -urn, angelic angelus, -i, mo, angel angere, to trouble Angli, -orum, mo, English AngIia, -ae, to, England anglice (advo), into English Anglicus, -i, tn., Englishman angor, -oris, m., distress angoriare, to force anguis, -is, C., snake angularis, ~, angular, corner angulus, -i, m., corner; bastion, stay angustia, -ae, f., straitness; want angustiae, -arunl, to, distresses, necessities, tribulations angustiatus, -a, -urn, distressed angustus, -a, -urn, narrow Anianus, -i, mo, Annianus Anicium, -ii, no, Le Puy anima, -ae, t., soul, life anirnadversio, -onis, to, punishment animadvertere, verti, -versus, to mark, take notice of animal, -is, n., animal, living creature, beast animans, -antis, living; aJ a noun, living creature animatus, -a, -urn, living animositas, -atis, t., high spirits animus, -i, mo, heart, mind, spirit; ex animo, from the heart Annesiurn, -ii, no, Annecy anniculus, -a, -urn, of one year, one year old anniversarius, -a, -urn, anniversary annona, -ae, to, crop, grain; means of subsistence, rations annuere, -nui, to nod, beckon, wink; assent, grant annulus, -i, mo, ring annurnerare, to number annunture, to announce, declare, show forth, relate annuntiatio, -onis, to, declaration, annunciation annunthitor, -oris, mo, announcer, herald annus, -i, mo, year annuus, -3, -urn, annual, yearly, by the year ansa, -ae, to, handle; opportunity Anselmus, -i, mo, Anseln1 ante, before; (before an expression of time), ago antea, before, formerly anteactus, -3, -urn, past antecedere, -cessi, -cessus, to go before, to surpass antecellere, to excel antecessor, -oris, m., predecessor anteire, -ivi and -ii, -itus, (eo), to go before antelucanum, -i, no, dawn antelucanus, -a, -urn, before daybreak antemurale, -is, n., bulwark antequarn, before anterior, -oris, previous, before antevertere, -verti, -versus, to come before, precede anticipare, to prevent, to anticipate Antiocheni, -0rum, mo, Antiochians Antiochensis, -e, of Antioch Antiochenus, -a, -urn, of Antioch Antiochia, -ae, to, Antioch antiphona, -ae, to, antiphon

LATIN GRAMMAR antiquarius, -ii, m., antiquary, old scribe antiquus, -a, -urn, former, of old Antissiodorensis, -e, of Auxerre antlstes, -stitis, m., bishop Antonius, -ii, m., Anthony antrum, -i, n., cave, den Antverpia, -ae, t., Antwerp anus, -us, t.} old woman anxiari, dep., to be in anguish anxletas, -atis, t., anxiety aper, apri, 112., boar aperire, -perui, -pertus, to open aperttio, -onis, f., opening apernari, dep., to scorn aperte, openly, clearly, plainly apex, -icis, m., top or sUInnlit, point apis, apis, /., bee Apocalypsis, -is, f., revelation, Apocalypse apocrypha, -orum, n., apocryphal gospels ap6c~r"phus, -a, -urn, apocryphal apologia, -ae, t., defense, justiflcation apoplecticus, -a, -urn, apoplectic apoplexia, -ae, t., apoplexy aporiari, dep., to be in need, be straitened, be perplexed apostasia, -ae, I., apostasy apostata, -ae, 171 " aposrate apostatare, to fall off or away from apostaticus, -a, -urn, rebel, apostate apostatrix, -icis, rebellious, apostate apostolatus, -us, m" apostleship ~postolicus, -3, -urn, apostolic aposto]us, -i, m., apostle apotheca, -ae, t., storeroom apparere, to appear, show oneself, shine forth apparhio, -onis, t., rnanifestation, apparition apparitor, -oris, m., servant appellare, to call appellatio~ -oni!), t., appellation appellere, -puli, -pulsus, to bring or drive to appendere, -pendi, -pensus, to weigh, weigh out, balance appetere, -ivi and -ii, -itus, to hunger after, reach to, pursue, seize on appetitor, -oris, m., coveter appetttus, -us, m., hunger, appetite, passion Appius, -a, -urn, Appian applicare, -avi, -atus and -ui, -itus, to bring, add to; to set to shore apponere, -posui, -pOsitus, to add to, pu t to,


an, conj., or<br />

anachoreticus, -a, -urn, eremitical<br />

anachorita, -ae, m., hermit, anchorite<br />

anathema, anathema<br />

anathematizare, to curse<br />

anceps, -cipitis, two-edged<br />

anchora, -ae, t., anchor<br />

ancHIa, -ae, t., handmaid, maidservant,<br />

bondwoman<br />

anfractus, -us, m 0' bending, winding<br />

Andreas, -ae, m 0' Andrew<br />

Angela Mericia, -ae, to, Angela Merici<br />

Angelicae, -arum, t., Angelicals<br />

angelicus, -a, -urn, angelic<br />

angelus, -i, mo, angel<br />

angere, to trouble<br />

Angli, -orum, mo, English<br />

AngIia, -ae, to, England<br />

anglice (advo), into English<br />

Anglicus, -i, tn., Englishman<br />

angor, -oris, m., distress<br />

angoriare, to force<br />

anguis, -is, C., snake<br />

angularis, ~, angular, corner<br />

angulus, -i, m., corner; bastion, stay<br />

angustia, -ae, f., straitness; want<br />

angustiae, -arunl, to, distresses, necessities,<br />

tribulations<br />

angustiatus, -a, -urn, distressed<br />

angustus, -a, -urn, narrow<br />

Anianus, -i, mo, Annianus<br />

Anicium, -ii, no, Le Puy<br />

anima, -ae, t., soul, life<br />

anirnadversio, -onis, to, punishment<br />

animadvertere, verti, -versus, to mark,<br />

take notice of<br />

animal, -is, n., animal, living creature,<br />

beast<br />

animans, -antis, living; aJ a noun, living<br />

creature<br />

animatus, -a, -urn, living<br />

animositas, -atis, t., high spirits<br />

animus, -i, mo, heart, mind, spirit; ex<br />

animo, from the heart<br />

Annesiurn, -ii, no, Annecy<br />

anniculus, -a, -urn, of one year, one<br />

year old<br />

anniversarius, -a, -urn, anniversary<br />

annona, -ae, to, crop, grain; means of<br />

subsistence, rations<br />

annuere, -nui, to nod, beckon, wink;<br />

assent, grant<br />

annulus, -i, mo, ring<br />

annurnerare, to number<br />

annunture, to announce, declare,<br />

show forth, relate<br />

annuntiatio, -onis, to, declaration, annunciation<br />

annunthitor, -oris, mo, announcer,<br />

herald<br />

annus, -i, mo, year<br />

annuus, -3, -urn, annual, yearly, by the<br />

year<br />

ansa, -ae, to, handle; opportunity<br />

Anselmus, -i, mo, Anseln1<br />

ante, before; (before an expression of<br />

time), ago<br />

antea, before, formerly<br />

anteactus, -3, -urn, past<br />

antecedere, -cessi, -cessus, to go before,<br />

to surpass<br />

antecellere, to excel<br />

antecessor, -oris, m., predecessor<br />

anteire, -ivi and -ii, -itus, (eo), to go<br />

before<br />

antelucanum, -i, no, dawn<br />

antelucanus, -a, -urn, before daybreak<br />

antemurale, -is, n., bulwark<br />

antequarn, before<br />

anterior, -oris, previous, before<br />

antevertere, -verti, -versus, to come before,<br />

precede<br />

anticipare, to prevent, to anticipate<br />

Antiocheni, -0rum, mo, Antiochians<br />

Antiochensis, -e, of Antioch<br />

Antiochenus, -a, -urn, of Antioch<br />

Antiochia, -ae, to, Antioch<br />

antiphona, -ae, to, antiphon

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