Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Essan.org


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2°4<br />

Agnonus, -i, t., Agnone<br />

agnoscere, -novi, -notus, to know, un­<br />

derstand, acknowledge, recognize<br />

agnus, -i, m., lamb<br />

agon, -onis, m., a contest in the public<br />

games; agony; in agone, for the<br />

tnastery<br />

~gonia, -ae, f., agony<br />

agonizare, to die<br />

agrestis, -e, wi ld<br />

agricola, -ae, m., farmer, husbandman<br />

agricultura, -ae, /., farnling<br />

ait.. de/. verb, he says<br />

aiunt, they say<br />

ajebat = aiebat, he said<br />

ajunt =aiunt<br />

ala, -ae, /., wing<br />

alabastrum, -i, n., alabaster box<br />

alacer (alacris), -cris, -ere, quick, active,<br />

cheerful<br />

alacritas, -atis, t., eagerness<br />

alacriter, eagerIy<br />

alapa, -ae, t., blow, box on the ear, slap<br />

alatus, -a, -urn, winged<br />

Alba, -ae, t., Alva<br />

Albanensis, -e, of Albano<br />

Albertus, -i, m., Albert<br />

albescere, to grow white or bright<br />

Albigenses, -ium, nl., Albigensians<br />

album, -i, n., tablet; list<br />

albus, -a, -urn, white<br />

aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew<br />

alphahet<br />

~llere, alui, altus and aIitus, to feed,<br />

nourish<br />

Ales, Hales<br />

ales, -itis, winged<br />

Alexandria, -ae, t., Alexandria; Alessandria<br />

Alexandrini, -orurn, m., Alexandrians<br />

Alexandrinus, -a, -urn, of Alexandria<br />

Alexius.. -ii, m., Alexius, Alexis<br />

alga, -ae, f., sea weed<br />

algidus, -a, -urn, cold<br />


alias, e1sewhere<br />

alibi, elsewhere<br />

alienare, to estrange<br />

alienatus, -a, -urn, stra nge<br />

alienigena, -ae, m., foreigner, stranger<br />

alienus, -a, -urn, stra nge<br />

alimentum, -i, n., food, refreshment<br />

alimonium, -ii, n., nourishment<br />

alioquin, otherv'ise<br />

aliquamdiu, [or a while<br />

aliquando, at any tinle, heretofore, at<br />

last<br />

aliquantlsper, for a while<br />

aliquantulum, a liule. somewhat<br />

aliquatenus, to a certain degree<br />

aliqui, -quae, -quod, some<br />

aliquis, -qua, -quid, someone, something,<br />

anyone, anything<br />

aliquot, some, several<br />

aliqu6ties, several tirnes<br />

~iliter, otherwise<br />

aliunde, another way<br />

alius, -a, -ud, other, another; alius<br />

... alius, one another; alii •••<br />

alii, sonle . . . others<br />

allaborare, to labor<br />

allegoria, -ae, /., allegory, figure<br />

alleluia, alleluia (Hebrew, praIse ye<br />

the Lord)<br />

allevare, to lift up<br />

alleviare, to ra ise up<br />

allicere, -lexi, -lectus, (io), to allure,<br />

charm, attract<br />

allidere, -lisi, -lisus, to strike against,<br />

cast down<br />

alligare, to bind<br />

allocutio, -onis, t., address, speech; encouragement,<br />

comfort<br />

alloqui, -locutus sum, 3, dep., to converse<br />

with<br />

alloquiurn, -ii, n., conversation, exhortation<br />

almus, -a, -urn, gracious, kind;<br />

Spiritus, Holy Ghost

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