Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


200 LATIN GRAMMAR abortivus, -2, -urn, born prematurely abra, -ae, f., maid Abraharnus, -i, m., Abraham abrenunticire, to renounce abripere, -ripui, -reptus, to drag away abs, prep., from, by Absalomus, -i, m., Absalom abscedere, -cessi, -cessus, to depart abscindere, -scidi, -scissus, to cut off, take away abscondere, -condi, -conditus, to hide, shield abscondite, secretly absconditurn, -i, n., hidden thing; in abscondito, in secret, in the secret part absconsio, -onis, f., shelter absconsus, -a, -urn, hidden, secret absis, -idis, t., apse absistere, -stiti, -stitus, to be banished, cease absolute, absolutely, completely, alone absolutio, -onis, t., absolution absolvere, -solvi, -solutus, to absolve, conlplete absorbere, to swallow up absque, without, except, besides abstemius, -a, -urn, tern perate abstergere, -tersi, -tersus, to wipe away, blot out abstinentia, -ae, f., abstinence abstinere, -tinui, -tentus, to refrain, abstain abstrahere, -traxi, -tractus, to draw away, bring forth absUmere, -sumpsi, -surnptus, to CODsun1e, take away absurde, absurdly absynthiurn, -ii, n., wormwood AbuJa, -ae, f., Avila abundanter, abundantly, fully abundantia, -ae, f., abundance, prosperity abundantius, more frequently abundare, to abound abunde, abundantly abusio, -oms, t., scorn, contempt abuti, -usus sum, d~p. 3, to destroy abyssus, -i, f., the deep, depths, abyss ac, and academia, -ae, f., academy Accaronitae, -arum, Tn., Accaronites; people of Accaron or Ekron accedere, -cessi, -cessus, to come, approach accelerare, to hasten acceleratio, -onis, t., hastening accendere, -cendi, -census, to kindle acceptabilis, -e, acceptable acceptare, to accept, receive with pleasure acceptio, -onis, '., respect acceptus, -a, -urn, agreeable, welcom~ worthy accersere, -ivi, -itus, to send for, summon accessus, -us, m., 2ccess accidentia, -orum, n., accidents, a~ pearances accidere, -cidi, to happen accingere, -cinxi, -cinctus, to gird about accipere, -cepi, -ceptus, to take, receive, accept acclinis, -e, leaning, bowing accola, -ae, c., sojourner accomodare, to adjust, incline accrescere, -crevi, -cretus, to grow accubare, to lie down accubitus, -us, m., repose; seat accumbere, -cubui, -cubitus, to sit at table accurate, accurately accuratus, -a, -urn, careful, accurate accw-rere, -curri and -cucw-ri, -cursus, to run to accusare, to accuse accusatio, -onis, f., accusation accusator, -oris, m., accuser

LATIN GRAMMAR 201 acer, acris, acre, sharp, bitter, ardent acerbitas, -atis, '., bitterness, evil, wickedness acerbus, -a, -urn, sour acerra, -ae, ,., casket for incense acervus, -i, m., heap acetum, -i, n., vinegar Achillas, -ae, nl., Achilles acies, ~i, ,., edge, keenness; line of battle; pupil of the eye or the eye itself acinus, -i, m., berry, grape acolythus, -i, mo, acolyte acquiescere, -quievi, -quietus, to follow, agree acquirere, -quisivi, -quisitus, to acquire, procure acquisitio, -onis, ,., purchase, acquisition actio, -onis, 10' action, deed; gratiarum actio, thanksgiving actor, -oris, n2 o , governor actuosus, -a, -urn, active actus, -us, n1., act, office, work, celebration, deed acuere, -ui, -utus, to sharpen aculeus, -i, m., sting, sharp point, prick acus, -us, I., pin acutus, -a, -urn, sharp; his acutus, twoedged ad, to, toward, unto, at, against, near adamantinus, -a, -urn, adamantine, unconquered adamare, to love adamas, -antis, m., adamant Adamiti, -orum, nl., Auamites Adarnus, -i, nl., Adarn adCiperire, -pcrui, -pertus, to open adaquare, to water, to give to drink adaugere, -auxi, -auctus, to increase addere, -didi, -ditus, to give, to add addicere, -dixi, -dictus, to doom, adjudge, condernn adducere, -duxi, -ductus, to bring, provoke adeo, even, so much, to that point adeps, -ipis, m. and '., fat, marrow, the best, finest adesse, affui (adfui), to attend, be present, relieve, be mindful of adhaerere, -haesi, -haesus, to adhere to, cleave to adhihere, to add to, apply, take adhuc, yet, still, now, as adimplere, -p!evi, -pletus, to fill adinvenire, -veni, -ventus, to find adinventio, -onis, I., plan, device, deed, work adipisd, adeptus sum, d~p. 3, to gain, obtain adire, -ivi and -ii, -itus, (eo), to approach aditus, -us, mo, approach, gate adjicere, -jed, -jectus, (io), to add, grant, to direct one's thoughts toward adjudicare, to give sentence adjumentum, -i, n., hel p adjungere, -junxi, -junctus, to join adjurare, to adjure adjutor, -oris, n1., helper, coadjutor adjutorium, -ii, no, help adjutrix, -ids, /., helper adjuvare, -juvi, jutus, to help adlaborare, to toil adlectus, -i, lno, nlember elected into a collegium adminiculum, -i, n., support, prop administer, -tri, mo, assistant administrare, to minister, auminster administratorius, -a, -urn, ministering admirabilis, -e, vvonderful, adrnirable admirari, depo, to wonder, be in admiration adrnittere, -misi, -missus, to join, adrnit admixtio, -onis, I.~ mixture


201<br />

acer, acris, acre, sharp, bitter, ardent<br />

acerbitas, -atis, '., bitterness, evil, wickedness<br />

acerbus, -a, -urn, sour<br />

acerra, -ae, ,., casket for incense<br />

acervus, -i, m., heap<br />

acetum, -i, n., vinegar<br />

Achillas, -ae, nl., Achilles<br />

acies, ~i, ,., edge, keenness; line of<br />

battle; pupil of the eye or the eye<br />

itself<br />

acinus, -i, m., berry, grape<br />

acolythus, -i, mo, acolyte<br />

acquiescere, -quievi, -quietus, to follow,<br />

agree<br />

acquirere, -quisivi, -quisitus, to acquire,<br />

procure<br />

acquisitio, -onis, ,., purchase, acquisition<br />

actio, -onis, 10' action, deed; gratiarum<br />

actio, thanksgiving<br />

actor, -oris, n2 o , governor<br />

actuosus, -a, -urn, active<br />

actus, -us, n1., act, office, work, celebration,<br />

deed<br />

acuere, -ui, -utus, to sharpen<br />

aculeus, -i, m., sting, sharp point,<br />

prick<br />

acus, -us, I., pin<br />

acutus, -a, -urn, sharp; his acutus, twoedged<br />

ad, to, toward, unto, at, against, near<br />

adamantinus, -a, -urn, adamantine, unconquered<br />

adamare, to love<br />

adamas, -antis, m., adamant<br />

Adamiti, -orum, nl., Auamites<br />

Adarnus, -i, nl., Adarn<br />

adCiperire, -pcrui, -pertus, to open<br />

adaquare, to water, to give to drink<br />

adaugere, -auxi, -auctus, to increase<br />

addere, -didi, -ditus, to give, to add<br />

addicere, -dixi, -dictus, to doom, adjudge,<br />

condernn<br />

adducere, -duxi, -ductus, to bring,<br />

provoke<br />

adeo, even, so much, to that point<br />

adeps, -ipis, m. and '., fat, marrow, the<br />

best, finest<br />

adesse, affui (adfui), to attend, be<br />

present, relieve, be mindful of<br />

adhaerere, -haesi, -haesus, to adhere<br />

to, cleave to<br />

adhihere, to add to, apply, take<br />

adhuc, yet, still, now, as<br />

adimplere, -p!evi, -pletus, to fill<br />

adinvenire, -veni, -ventus, to find<br />

adinventio, -onis, I., plan, device, deed,<br />

work<br />

adipisd, adeptus sum, d~p. 3, to gain,<br />

obtain<br />

adire, -ivi and -ii, -itus, (eo), to approach<br />

aditus, -us, mo, approach, gate<br />

adjicere, -jed, -jectus, (io), to add,<br />

grant, to direct one's thoughts<br />

toward<br />

adjudicare, to give sentence<br />

adjumentum, -i, n., hel p<br />

adjungere, -junxi, -junctus, to join<br />

adjurare, to adjure<br />

adjutor, -oris, n1., helper, coadjutor<br />

adjutorium, -ii, no, help<br />

adjutrix, -ids, /., helper<br />

adjuvare, -juvi, jutus, to help<br />

adlaborare, to toil<br />

adlectus, -i, lno, nlember elected into a<br />

collegium<br />

adminiculum, -i, n., support, prop<br />

administer, -tri, mo, assistant<br />

administrare, to minister, auminster<br />

administratorius, -a, -urn, ministering<br />

admirabilis, -e, vvonderful, adrnirable<br />

admirari, depo, to wonder, be in admiration<br />

adrnittere, -misi, -missus, to join, adrnit<br />

admixtio, -onis, I.~ mixture

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