Scanlon's Latin Grammar -

Scanlon's Latin Grammar - Scanlon's Latin Grammar -


migrare, to depart expedire, to delIver from LATIN GRAMMAR jam (adv.), now, already invicem, one another, each other ad invicen1, an20ng t/zemJelves, reciprocally quomodo (interr. adv.), how olim (adv.), formerly, once foras (adv.), out of doors, outsid~ pariter (adv.), at the same time illic (adv.), there quondam (adv.), formerly, onc~ nisi, ni (conj.), if not, unless, except 139 42. Impersonal verbs. An impersonal verb is one that is used in the third person singular only, its subject being the impersonal pronoun it. licere, to be permitted, to b~ tatttful I am permitted to do this. T hey [{Jere pern2itted to enter the building. decen\ /fJ .fit, SUit, to be becoming It is stutable to offer gifts to tile king. I-Ioc mihi facere licet (It is permitted to me). Intrare in aedificium eis licebat (It was permitted to them). Munera regi offerre decet. Verbs not ordinarily impersonal are frequently used impersonally in the passive voice. He (tIley, etc.) came. They ate. It happened, it came to pass. Ventum est (It \vas come). Coenatum est (It was eaten). Factum est (It was made). 43. Adjectives of special declension. The follo\ving adjectives have -ius in the genitive singular and -i in the dative singular of all genders. Other\vise they are declined like bonus.

LATIN GRAMMAR alius (fl. aIiud), other alter, the other (of two) ullus, any nullus, no, not any uter (utrius), which (0£ two) of th~ oth~r man to any mot/let" to which boy of n~ither book of th~ whol~ u10rld neuter (neutrlus) neither (of two) solus, alone totus, whole unus, one altUS h6minis ulli matri utri puero neutnus libri totius mundi 44. Uses of the dative. a) As indirect object. H~ gatl~ m~ th~ trump~t. Tubam mihi dedit. b) With verbs compounded with ab, ad, ante, circum, COD, in, inter, post, prae, pro, sub, super. H~ was in command of th~ army. Exerettui praeerat. Sh~ laid the bread before us. Panem nobis anteposuit. We promised him a reward. Munus ei proffiisimus. They will help the boy. Puero subvenient. e) With intransitive verbs meaning benefit or injure} pleas~ or dis... pleas~} c01111nand or obey} serve or resist} believe or distrust} persuad~, pardon, spar~, envy, threaten, be angry, and the like. She has served )IOU. This book will pleas~ them. Th~y do not believ~ m~. H~ p~suaded th~ servants. Ea tibi servlvit. Hie liber eis plaeebit. Mihi non eredunt. Servis persuasit. d) To express the agent with the passive periphrastic. You must op~n the gat~. Porta tibi aperienda est. (The gate must be opened by you.)

migrare, to depart<br />

expedire, to delIver from<br />


jam (adv.), now, already<br />

invicem, one another, each other<br />

ad invicen1, an20ng t/zemJelves, reciprocally<br />

quomodo (interr. adv.), how<br />

olim (adv.), formerly, once<br />

foras (adv.), out of doors, outsid~<br />

pariter (adv.), at the same time<br />

illic (adv.), there<br />

quondam (adv.), formerly, onc~<br />

nisi, ni (conj.), if not, unless, except<br />

139<br />

42. Impersonal verbs. An impersonal verb is one that is used in the<br />

third person singular only, its subject being the impersonal pronoun<br />

it.<br />

licere, to be permitted, to b~ tatttful<br />

I am permitted to do this.<br />

T hey [{Jere pern2itted to enter the<br />

building.<br />

decen\ /fJ .fit, SUit, to be becoming<br />

It is stutable to offer gifts to tile<br />

king.<br />

I-Ioc mihi facere licet (It is permitted<br />

to me).<br />

Intrare in aedificium eis licebat<br />

(It was permitted to them).<br />

Munera regi offerre decet.<br />

Verbs not ordinarily impersonal are frequently used impersonally<br />

in the passive voice.<br />

He (tIley, etc.) came.<br />

They ate.<br />

It happened, it came to pass.<br />

Ventum est (It \vas come).<br />

Coenatum est (It was eaten).<br />

Factum est (It was made).<br />

43. Adjectives of special declension. The follo\ving adjectives have<br />

-ius in the genitive singular and -i in the dative singular of all genders.<br />

Other\vise they are declined like bonus.

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